Grand Commissariat Of Enver (A1-0)

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Grand Commissariat Of Enver

Overview of the Grand Commissariat Of Enver
Founded3175 BBT
LocationSector A1-0
Key worlds
  • Enver
  • Comissaria
  • Ost
  • Volcan
  • Gunma
  • Quere
  • Tecton
  • Skoder
Population63 trillion

The Grand Commissariat Of Enver is a spacefaring nation located in the extreme north of Sector A1-0.



The Era of Exploration

First versions of the Quantum Drive, an engine capable of FTL travel, started appearing around 3300 BBT. This discovery sparked an era of exploration and colonization. The engine was much slower and less reliable than any modern versions, and the Envari lacked any sort of commmunications, which resulted in the colonies distancing themselves from the Homeworld. Over time they gradually gained independence, resulting in crearion of 56 single-system states (OOC: similar situation as with the greek poleis IRL).

Better versions of FTL travel soon followed, together with more advanced communications, allowing the different Envari states to engage in diplomacy, trade and even war, but their division was too great at this point to unite them again into a single nation.

A few of the Envari poleis have made contact with an alien civilization, the Valari Republic. These states managed to estabilish friendly relations, gaining an important trade partner and even an ally.

By the year 3200 BBT a complicated web of alliances and rivals was created betweem the Envari states and the Valari Republic. Some of the poleis expanded, by conquering other states or colonizing new systems. The most powerful amongst them were the Envari homeworld Enver, Quere and Skoder.

The Hyperwar and the rise of the Comissariat

But everything changed, when in 3190 BBT the state of Quere was invaded by an alien force, which was far superior in numbers and technology. The Queran fleet were quickly destroyed and their border systems conquered. The aliens attacked nearby Envari states, even taking some planets, brutally suppressing any resistance. In the year 3187 BBT, Quere fell to the invaders. By this point all of the Envari poleis knew that the aliens wouldn't stop until they conquered all of them. In the year 3186 BBT the United Envari Coalition was created, an organization meant to unite the Envari in a common struggle against the invaders. Ceron, the president of Enver, was elected as the First Comissar, the leader of the organization. The Valari Republic was also asked to join the war, because of the alliance with some of its members, but they refused.

All members of the Coalition amassed their navies in Skoder, which were all put under the Coalition control. That is when a small alien patrol fleet jumped into the system. The coalition forces were able to destroy a few of them before they managed to escape. The wreckeges were analyzed, leading to the discovery of several new technologies, as well as decoding the alien language. These aliens were from the Colonial Directory of the Galactic Union, a human nation. A transmission was later sent to them, asking why did they start this war. As an answer, Envari received one sentence long message. "You were the ones that started it". Any further attempts of communication failed. To this day, nobody knows the true meaning of this sentance or what is the Galactic Union.

The next six years were spent mostly on small skirmishes, but the Directory made some gains. It was the year 3180 and the Coalition managed to create two fully combat ready fleets, utilizing the latest technologies, which were captured from the directorate. During these six years, the Envari poleis were completely united militarily and almost economically under the Coalition, and political integration was well under way. In the same year Coalition forces started an offensive, recapturing many systems and after a week long battle over Quere, liberated this system, while destroing several enemy ships. In 3179 BBT the Directorate send an offer of prace, proposing a status quo, which was immediatly rejected. After that, the Envari fleets, of there were three now, started a first offensive into the enemy territory.

Most of the Envari public shifted towards xenophobic ideologies, wanting revenge for all the suffering that was caused by the invaders on all conquered planets. Their national identity also changed, as they started to view themselfs more as one species. In the year 3177 BBT the Coalition leader, Ceron, declared that leaders and military staff of all conquered planets should be executed and other citizens put to work as slaves, controlled by the Coalition.

In the year 3175 BBT, after a long and bloody battle, the Directorates capital, Nowa Warszawa, was conquered. By this point, the Coalition controlled all of the poleis, and after this great victory, it was declaref that all Envari peoples would be united under a new state, the Grand Comissariat of Enver. Nowa Warszawa was renamed Comissaria in memory of this occasion. The remaining Directorate forces officially surrendered and all of Directorate was annexed.

The Era of Domination

In the year 3173 BBT, the Envari forces conquered the Kingdom of Darkon, an ally to the Directorate. The campaign was swift and the conquered population suffered the same fate as the ones in the Directorate - enslaved, and the leaders and soldiers killed. After this, their eyes turned to the Valari. By this point, the Envari were extremely xenophobic, hating everything even remotely alien. But, they hated the Valari even more, as they abandoned them, betraying their alliance. That is why, the Comissariat invaded them. The campaign started in 3172 BBT and lasted for two years. The Valari Republic was conqured and suffered the same fate as all other conquered states.

The Comissariat continued exploring space, until in 3170 BBT they encountered two civilizations: Talari State, a nation of lithois closely related to the Valari and Oblex Empire, inhabited by goo-like species. Both of them were conqered and population enslaved as a result of first contact wars.

Era of Unity

In the year 3169 a single doctrine was created, combining all of Envari ideology. It comprised of slavery, militarism, xenophobia isolationism and totalitarianism. It became the basis for the new Envari state. Most of the exploratory endevours were halted, as the Comissariat focused on governing and integrating all of its conquered territories.


The Grand Comissariat of Enver occupies aproximately 8,200,000 cubic light years. Its planets are divided into living worlds, which are inhabited mostly by the Envari. The rest are labor worlds, inhabited by various slave species, producing most of Comissariats resources. It borders the Union of Emerald (A1-0), the Drakari Celestial Imperium (A1-0) and the Ryccian Empire (A1-0) to the south and the Common Republic of Coletisia (A1-0) to the west.

Administrative divisions

The Comissariat is divided into three Sectors, which are further divided into several Planetary Clusters, constituting of around 300 planets each.

Core Worlds - The western-most Sector, where all of living planets are located. It consists of old Envari poleis territory and the territories of the Valari Republic.

Central Directorate - A sector comprised of the largest amount of labour worlds. It consists of territories of the Colonial Directorate of the Galactic Union and the Kingdom of Darkon.

Eastern Directorate - The youngest and most eastern sector. It consists of territories of the Talari State and the Oblex Empire.

Major Worlds

Enver - The capital and the location of the entire government. An acumenopolis and the most populated planet

Skoder -

Quere -

Comissaria - The biggest and most developed labor world. A symbol of Envari triumph.

Tecton -

Volcan -

Gunma -

Ost -

Æriel - The location of a system - spanning supercomputer and a dyson sphere, used as the computer's power source.







See also UMK