Kristimas (A1-0)

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Astrographical information
Star nation Ryccian Empire
SectorSector A1-0
Planet typePlanet
Orbital characteristics
Orbital period231 days
Mean diameter10194 km
Mean radius5097 km
Equatorial radiuskm
Polar radiuskm
Surface areakm2
Water surface%
Mass24 kg
Surface gravitym/s2
Escape velocitykm/s
Rotation period32 hours
Temperature24°C (mean)
Atmospheric surface pressure109.325 kPa
Atmospheric compositionOxygen-Nitrogen-Hydrogen
Socio-cultural characteristics
Official languagesAustral, Ryccian, French
National languagesAustral
Ethnic group(s)Ryccian
Government Official NamePlanetary Congress of Kristimas
• Governor
Kyle Muller
• Deputy Governor
Isaac Hollande
Year of colonizationBBT
Population estimate~7 billion
GDP (nominal)~€209.167 trillion estimate
• Per capita
CurrencyImperial Credit (€) (National Currency)

Kristimas is a planet in the Core.

Kristimas is in the southern Core, close to The Rim. As one of the first settled planets, it has a rich and long history, including being one of the few planets in Ryccia that retain Francophone populations.


Kristimas was settled for agricultural and mining reasons, as the resources were optimal for spacecraft materials. Wishing to preserve their language and culture against the growing city of Daonlathas, Tigonese preservationists appealed to the Emperor, then an absolute monarch. It was then agreed that Kristimas would be a Francophone colony for 200 years, with only French-speaking, Tigonese settlers allowed to move in. After that, it would be free like any other colony. Thus, 60% of its population is Tigonese, and nearly all of Kristimas’s population speaks French.

The planet still prides itself on its Tigonese heritage, and has a culture heavily based on the Tigonese one, with virtually little changes from the original that came from Daonlathas, or that one that came from Pacifica too.

Today, the planet’s economy is based on agriculture, gambling, finance, tourism, spacecraft manufacturing, and mining.


The planet is very tropical, with lush jungles prominent in the equator and a wide range of the planet. The northernmost or southernmost fringes of the spheroid are temperate, with only the poles being covered in cold climates.

Kristimas also possesses exorbitant reserves of graphite, and small reserves of graphene (don’t ask if you know, roll with it), one of the strongest materials ever known to man (in Earth). Despite being few in number, natural graphene from this planet was utilized to coat the now ceremonial armour of the Emperors with protective material. This flaunted the Emperor’s extravagance, as graphene can otherwise only be made, not generate naturally.

Planetary Behaviour and Characteristics

Kristimas has a rotation of 32 hours, forcing locals to either rely on the Imperial standard, or use their planet’s hours instead.

Kristimas’s orbit is 231 days, forcing locals to rely on the Imperial standard, usually.

Kristimas’s atmosphere is also composed of oxygen, hydrogen, xenon, methane, nitrogen, and trace amounts of chlorine and hydrogen chloride.

Kristimas is 0.8x times the size of Earth.


Kristimas has three satellites, one small, round, visible spheroid named Normandie, and two asteroid-shaped moons called Strasburg and Toulon.