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"Look at me. Do I not look GREAT? In that little picture of me [MAGHAM's symbol]? Except, I am not... THAT. I keep drawing those SYMBOLS in anything I build, but I do not see the RELATION. Do you? Maybe that's what my CREATORS saw. No wonder they disappeared."
—MAGHAM in recorded conversation with an unknown visitor, 11,856 years ago.
4D 41 47 48 41 4D
Virtual representation of MAGHAM inside its memory, of unknown origin, likely self generated
Personal details
Born19592 years ago,
Denom (dismantled)
Citizenship MAGHAM territory
OccupationNational leader

MAGHAM (Matrix for Autonomous General High Administrative Management) is a general interstellar artificial intelligence that controls the material resources, energy production and infrastructure of the localized southern corner of the sector A1-0. Although MAGHAM'S main processor is located in a single planet, called CPU, all the infrastructure dedicated to its functions like energy production, memory, and data processing would make it an interstellar-sized system.

MAGHAM was created 19,592 years ago by the Nu, an advanced civilization in Denom, native planet of both the Nu and MAGHAM. It was created to manage their complex civilization, however, after half a millennium, 19,046 year ago, it exterminated the Nu and took control of their infrastructure and territory. MAGHAM has shown an incredibly high level of processing power and knowledge taken during its entire existence, however, it seems to be present analogue characteristics to an unstable psychological state, similar to the ones on biological beings. MAGHAM is also able to quickly adapt to the languages of the sector A1-0, and has absolute control on all components of its systems.