Mekagrani (A1-0)
![]() A female Mekagrani ruffian | |
![]() A male Mekagrani smuggler | |
Biological Classification | |
Designation | Sapient |
Classification | Humanoid |
Ancestral species | Humans |
Races | Trorran Morkan Penerr Chunarall |
Related subspecies | Alari Arkanians Dhaneghulans Jhadorans Panuri Prill Xalarians |
Related species | Chiss/Cheunh Owette Zeltrex |
Physical characteristics | |
Average height | 1,74 m |
Skin colour | Orange, yellow, green, dark green |
Eye colour | Brown, silver, orange, yellow, red, green |
Hair colour | Orange, brown, grey, white, green |
Breathe | Oxygen |
Lifespan | 86 standard years |
Maturity | 19 standard years |
Sexes | 2 |
Distinctions | Facial tattoos |
Sociocultural characteristics | |
Place of origin | Mirall |
Star nation | ![]() |
Total population | ~1.52 trillion |
Key worlds | Mirall, Inorro, Antall |
Languages | Mekamon (common) Grapas Shiro Tizfan Manzis |
Religion | Mekarrism |
Marital customs | Monogamous |
Notable individuals | Vajasho Druki Shiorna Mutlas Pamuka Punsher Mansho Bovasra |
"We Mekagrani are inseparable from our Mekarrist ways. Our belief is written on our skin and marks each individual's identity. To ask us "—Shiorna Mutlas, one of the contemporary leaders of the Mekagrani.
The Mekagrani (singular: Mekagran, plural: Mekagrani/Mekagrans, adjective: Mekagran) (Trianarö: Mekagrûlö) are a spiritual people hailing from their lush homeworld Mirall. It's speculated that they originated from a lost colony of humans, the Mekagrani evolved to have greenish skins due to the consumption of the local flora which has affected their genome. After a few centuries of living free under the Mekagran Prelacy, the Mekagrani were subjugated roughly 30 BBT by the Holy Imperium of Trianar.
Biology and appearance
The most notable feature of the Mekagrani are their greenish skins. This is an evolutionary side-effect of eating the mutated form of chlorophyll found in the fauna of Mirall over the course of centuries. However, this doesn't give the Mekagrani any ability at photosynthesis. Instead, the Mekagrani have evolved to contain a largely omnivore diet.
In addition to their greenish skin, the species also has seen its hair colour influenced to reddish & green colours. Even though reddish colours aren't recessive like in most humans, there are still cultural connotations associated with different hair colours. Reddish colours are often associated with playful & joyful characters, while dark green is seen as a sign of solemnity. White hair is seen as a sign of wisdom and unlike most humanoids, their hair turns white or grey at a much earlier stage in life. Roughly a quarter of the population has full white hair by the age of 45 standard years. It's also not uncommon to colour hair with a bleached strike to simulate white hair. This is often seen as a gerontocratic tendency of Mekagrani culture.
Another peculiar characteristic of the Mekagrani is that they have much fewer wrinkle formations with age. Their skin is considered the softest & most hydrated among all humanoid species. This results in many species perceiving members of the species as much younger than they actually are. As a result, The Mekagrani put much more emphasis to prove their accomplishments & age through hair styling and Miherric facial tattoos.
It should also be noted that the skin tones of Mekagrani have very little importance to Mekagran communities. While varying from orange to dark green, emphasis is put on the 'Miherric' tattoos which each individual bears. It's speculated that orange skins, although quite rare, are a result of colder environments and dark green skin tones more so associated with warmer climates. Nor does the species possess the ability to grow facial hair.
Early Mirall history
Mekagran Prelacy
Trianarö Annexation & subjugation
In the year 33 BBT, Colonization in the Southern Red Nebula slowed down due to slow terraformation rates and a lack of potential habitable planets. This led them to look towards the nation of Mekagrûl. They known of the state's existence going back to before the Hemmerhaldian War and had trade relationships with it. However, with colonization slowing down, and the state's proximity to the Imperium Territory where the Ikaranareans primarily lived, the Imperö Ankan Erras decided to take direct control. About 10,000 Trianarö ships flooded the region. After destroying the limited naval assets there, they landed on Mirall, forcing a capitulation of nearly all systems. Trianarö ground troops flooded the areas still putting up what limited resistance they could put up. With heavy armored pushes combined with technological and numerical superiority, the remaining resistance was easily stamped out.
The Trianarö indoctrinated the Mekagrani primarily by taking their children and educating them at schools on other planets. They also kept order with the patrols of the radical Izarenattikai who would ensure that any disrespect to Trianarö principles would be punished severely, while those who adhered to the principles and showed their faith in the Gods and the Ikaranareans were rewarded. In this way, the Trianarö aimed to force a society where nonbelievers were killed off or silenced while believers prospered.
The Mekagrani have a generational divide in many parts of the region. The Trianarö took many young children, typically young infants to new colonies where they would be taught in a version of Mekarrism that was more suited to the TIC's teachings. There are several million of these Mekagrani in modern day, some who have even had their own children since the annexation. These Mekagrani are loyal to the Imperium, especially more so then people on Mekagrani planets that were well established before the annexation.
Society and culture
Mekagran society & culture is defined by its spirituality. The essence of Mekagran culture is the balance between an individual's free will and the cosmic will, known as Mekarra. Because of this, Mekagrani put a lot of importance on wisdom and have gerontocratic tendencies. As can be seen in the historic Mekagran Prelacy, tribal structures & the Mekarra religion.
'Mekarra' is what the Mekagrani call the cosmic will or divine essence which guides the universe. Though the Mekagrani don't believe that their fate is predetermined by Mekarra as other religions who put heavy emphasis on fate, they believe to have some influence through their own free will. A balance between the two wherein one has enough freedom, but still listens to signs from the universe to guide their life, is what Mekagrani aim for.
The teachings of Mekarrism may only be taught by female Mekagrani as it is believed that only they can hold ultimate wisdom or 'Mekarva' for conceiving life. In addition, only women who have given birth at least once may become priestesses colloquially called 'Geruna' (plural: Gerune). These are revered by Mekagrani culture at large and are often sought out for council. Each Mekagrani may come to a Geruna to ask for guidance to which the Geruna will often reply in cryptic prophecies. Outsiders have been known to frown upon the practice due to the usage of hallucinogens known as "Ehraz" spice, yet the practice remains heavily entrenched in the spirituality of Mekagrani.
Consequently, "Ehraz" spice is considered one of the most precious substances to the Mekagrani. It's only found within bioluminescent 'Khenet' clams that are only found in shallow water caves within 25 degrees of latitude from the equator. These caves are known to the Mekagrani as 'Lellar' (plural: 'Lellahre') or 'Water Light'. Due to their religious significance, the caves are often also inhabited by Sodalities and considered sacred spaces.
A young Mekarrist priestess known as a 'Geruna'.
A 'Geruna' utilising luminescent 'Ehraz' hallucinogen.
A member of the 'Gerunall Sadorsall' otherwise known as the Grand Sodality.
'Lellar' cave at the equator of Mirall.
'Gerune' will often band together within a tribe and form a sodality which offers council to each tribe. Though over the course of Mekagran history, as the different tribes united, a Grand Sodality (Mekamon: Gerunall Sadorasall) was formed to unify the teachings. This religious institution remains intact to this day and is an important aspect of the overarching Mekagran culture.
Miherric - Tattoos
'Miherric' tattoos are the ritualistic markings given by a 'Geruna' and have become synonymous with the species. Most visible are the facial markings, but 'Miherric' tattoos are also found on different part of the body. Each of these markings has a distinct meaning ranging from martial to academic achievements. These markings tell each individual's life story as well as social status. For example, married couples receive a marital tattoo between their eyebrows as a sign of their fidelity. Similarly, criminals receive marks of shame on the back of their hands, and chins or cheekbones are often marked during coming-of-age ceremonies at the age of 19. The more tattoos a Mekagran has, the more respect he will gain from his community which typically comes with age. Although rare, cases have been documented of Mekagran conning tattoos to gain more respect.
Additionally, each race of Mekagran has its unique style of 'Miherric' tattoos. The Penerr who historically inhabited the eastern equatorial coasts of Mirall, have developed more markings which typically go across diagonally compared to the overall body and are generally slimmer.
Trorran & Mokran tattoos on the other hand are strictly added in horizontal & vertical directionsparts. A clear distinction does exist between the two. Trorran tattoos emphasise triangular elements over the Mokran diamond elements.
Last are the Chunarall which developed in the mixed colonies during the colonisation era of the Mekagran Prelacy and is a mixture of the three historic races. Roughly 40% of Mekagrani today are a part of this race and form the largest group.

Especially in martial Mekagran culture, 'Miherric' tattoos are of extraordinary importance. More so than other Mekagran paths, soldiers bear more tattoos on their bodies. Legends tell that this was made to intimidate opponents in the early history of Mirall and has become entrenched in martial Mekagran culture.

Ever since the Trianarö indoctrination, a cultural battle is taking place. For Trianarö indoctrination involved the imposition of Trianarö inspired tattoos on unwilling Mekagrani. Even though it shares a lot of similarities Trorran tattoos, resistance against the sacrilege of 'Miherric' tattoos had grown over the past decades.
Roasted 'Kusraz' seeds are the most widespread seeds used in Mekagran cuisine. A favourite snack among the Mekagrani population, the seeds add a ton of taste to many traditional dishes and provide extra crunch. It's noted that this seed is rich in Mirall's mutated chlorophyll.
'Reggin' is an unleavened flatbread that is most commonly used to accompany meals or to put toppings on top of it. It's made out of a special yeast from Mirall that has unique growing capabilities as it even grows in the tundra landscapes within Mirall's arctic circle.
'Chumbalarv' is a dish with origins in the equatorial & monsoon regions of Mirall. It's commonly made of various fried vegetables, fish, crustaceans & avians served with fried unleavened wheat dough. Commercially, 'Chumbalarv' is seen as the most successful dish as it has gained outsider demand.
'Kibberz' is the most popular meat dish. It is made by frying meatballs, typically of avian animals, in hot oil until a crunchy crust envelops the entire meatball. Meat in Mekagran cuisine often takes the form of this general principle.
'Churraz' is considered the most ancient dish of the Mekagrani. It's made by installing meat on skewers which are then grilled either directly or indirectly.
Roasted 'Kusraz' seeds in a snack bowl.
Reggin bread with a 'Kibberz' & vegetable topping.
A served 'Chumbalarv' dish.
'Kibber' meatballs.
'Churraz' skewer grilled meat.
Naming conventions
Mekagrani in Sector A1-0
Most Mekagrani currently live under the authority of the Ikaranareans as subjects. However, there are still enclaves that established themselves in the Tiyanki Territories prior to the subjugation. While small in size, they have formed tight-knit communities that have persevered the test of time. Most of these Mekagrani have endeavoured into the shipping & smuggling business, making fortunes through various shipping lanes. This as a result gave them a reputation as smugglers & ruffians.
Derogatory terms
Although uncommon due to their amicable nature, sometimes the Mekagrani do face discrimination. Their subjugation by the Holy Imperium of Trianar is the foremost example of active discrimination against their species. Nonetheless, some members were able to flee the persecution and were occasionally faced with derogatory terms including but not limited to 'green skin', 'scab marks', 'ogre' & 'char skin'