Sedunnic Armed Forces (Pacifica)

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Sedunnic Armed Forces
Coat of arms of the Sedunnic Armed Forces
Coat of arms of the Sedunnic Armed Forces
MottoAemm sufē saffuljā
(Sedunnic: "Confident in our ability")
Current form2014
Service branchesCoat of Arms of the Sedunnic Army Army

Coat of Arms of the Sedunnic Navy Navy
Coat of Arms of the Sedunnic Air Force Air Force
Coat of Arms of the Sedunnic Marine Force Marine Force

Coat of Arms of the Teleresources Teleresources
HeadquartersEssela (peacetime)
Commander-in-ChiefSedunnic Government
Minister of DefenceDerrns Kappsaty
Supreme CommanderGeneral Maks Fejellienn
Military age18
Conscription11-month service obligation
Active personnel210,000
Reserve personnel237,000
Deployed personnel5,000
Budget$141.36 billion (2022)
Percent of GDP4.2% of GDP (2022)
Domestic suppliersSTT
Levē Kallnhē
Foreign suppliersKarnetvor

The Sedunnic Armed Forces (Sedunnic: Rammstovd, literally "the War Authority") is the government agency that forms the military of Sedunn. It has five service branches: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Force and the so-called Teleresources branch.

Military service is mandatory in Sedunn for both men and women, but after several reforms in the 1990s, each year only a minority is conscripted for training after the mandatory entrance assessment tests. The active force is about 210,000 military and 124,000 civilian voluntary personnel. The reserve force is about 237,000 military personnel including part-time, conscripted and volunteer personnel. The total personnel strength is about 570,000 people, including civilians.

Sedunn is a nuclear triad power with approximately 150 warheads that are delivered by plane launched-missiles, intercontinental ballistic missiles and submarine-launched cruise missiles.

Most of the equipment of the Sedunnic Armed Forces is manufactured domestically by state-owned companies. Military funding is by tradition high.

Mission and doctrine

The purpose of the Sedunnic Armed Forces is to prevent a foreign occupation of Sedunn and secure its continuing existence as an independent nation by defending the nation, its allies, and its interests in the world, and to assert the territorial integrity of Sedunn and the rule of international law. Furthermore, it shall keep the cross-Pacific trade routes open, support the civil society in case of natural disasters, and support international peacekeeping efforts.

The Sedunnic Armed Forces pursues doctrines that favour manoeuvre warfare making use of of high mobility and modularity. The goal is often to gain and maintain overwhelming local fire superiority by the means of combining arms. The ability is seen as a key component to achieve war deterrence. Especially the Navy is also used in access/area denial missions.

Following Tasternine's declaration of independence from the then nationalist Karnetvor in 2009 and Vimmru Innienn's new foreign policy where military neutrality was abolished, work has begun to increase expeditionary capabilities after decades of planning towards home defence. Sedunn has issued a guarantee of independence to Transsuneria and has generally reassumed a more active role internationally and militarily.

The Sedunnic Armed Forces also perform several ceremonial duties such as forming the Palace Guard and honorary guards during state visits.

Current international deployments

Sedunnic soldiers in Transsuneria 2017.

The Sedunnic Armed Forces also had peacekeeping troops deployed in Transsuneria since the end of the Second Transsunerian Civil War. The number of troops has recently been reduced to a battalion-sized permanent contingent which is tasked with aiding the Transsunerians maintain peace and to protect the Sedunnic naval support base in Floodport. According to current planning, a motorised battalion, a detachment of two to four Hotvemm G84 fighters and a small naval logistics support unit are deployed in the nation.

The Sedunnic government has stated that Sedunnic special forces are active in Denver since the Embassy Siege in Hawk.

The Navy conducts patrol missions on the cross-Pacific trade routes. Sedunn has small naval logistics support units in the allied nation Karnetvor.


The Sedunnic Armed Forces are a mix of professional, part-time, conscripted and volunteer personnel. In total almost 570,000 people serve in the Sedunnic Armed Forces, of which about 124,000 are civilian full-time employees. There are five personnel categories: civilian, standing (active, full-time employed), part-time (reserve), volunteer (reserve), and conscripted (reserve). The four military categories differ in peacetime readiness, the amount of training they receive, and sometimes also in capability and equipment. The 210,000-strong standing force consists of full-time employees and has a high readiness and capability. The part-time category has a somewhat lower readiness but a higher proficiency in handling complex equipment and missions than conscripts and volunteers. The volunteer category has a high readiness but duties and equipment with less complexity. The conscripted category mainly forms a personnel reserve to replace losses or augment certain units.

The distribution of personnel between the services and categories is as follows:

Service Standing Part-time Conscripted Volunteer Total
Army 72,200 93,400 41,400 30,000 237,000
Navy 54,000 11,000 5,000 - 70,000
Air Force 49,300 33,700 5,000 - 88,000
Marine Force 26,800 6,900 8,400 - 42,100
Teleresources 7,700 - - 2,000 9,700
Total 210,000 145,000 59,800 32,000 446,800

Additionally there is the trained reserve which is all personnel that have once served in the Armed Forces but are either too old, or those who have chosen not to enlist in volunteer forces, that could be called to serve again to replace heavy losses in a prolonged conflict. Several million people are listed.

In total, about 1.2% of the population is in the Armed Forces in some capacity, of which almost 90% are voluntary personnel. About 18% of the military personnel are female.


A physical aptitude test.

Military (or civilian) service is compulsory from the age of 18 for all men and women (women since 2017). When turning 17, all Sedunnic citizens take entrance assessment tests (that may be postponed up to the age of 20 under special circumstances). Based on the results, different service alternatives are offered, of which one has choose one. The training is normally at minimum seven months. While many still are conscripted, the yearly number of conscripts has been greatly reduced since the 1980s, more due to modernisation requiring less personnel than an actual disarmament.

After having completed the training, the recruits are given a choice to continue serving in a professional career in one of the standing units, or join the reserve (the so-called mobilisation forces). Personnel that belongs to the reserve are required to participate in recurring refresher training and exercises. After having reached the upper military age, which varies depending on type of service, career personnel and reservists may volunteer to join the local defence forces.

Command structure

Authority coordination regions in Bailtem-Sedunn.

The highest ranking officer in the Sedunnic Armed Forces is the Supreme Commander, currently General Maks Fejellienn. The Supreme Commander is appointed by the Sedunnic Defence Ministry and leads the Armed Forces according to the policy set forth by the Government.

The Supreme Commander leads the Headquarters of the Armed forces, which consists of two staffs: the Operations Command, which plans, directs and controls the usage of the forces, and the Training Command which controls recruitment and training of the personnel in the forces. There are four service branches in the Sedunnic Armed Forces: the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and the Teleresources. Each service branch has their own operations commands and regional training commands. The Special Forces, the Military Intelligence Service, the Military Materiel Agency and War Research Agency also belong to the Armed Forces and answer directly to the Headquarters.

Defence of the Sedunnic territory is coordinated with the six authority coordination regions where military and civilian efforts are combined under the concept of total defence.

Service branches


The Army (Trammtasstlē, "Field Forces") is responsible for land operations and is the largest and oldest service branch of the Sedunnic Armed Forces, having about 237,000 personnel. It is composed of three corps and with different composition and missions. There are also various smaller, independent units that are under the direct command of the Operations Command.

The Army's combat force structure is the following:

  • I Corps: Highly modular and mobile manoeuvre units, with emphasis on rapid deployment nationally as well as expeditionary capabilities, manned by the standing and part-time categories
    • 1st Armoured Division: armoured and mechanised units
    • 2nd Armoured Division: armoured and mechanised units
    • Mountain Division: infantry that is highly mobile in mountainous terrain
    • Airmobile Division: highly mobile infantry that performs air assault, extra high readiness
  • II Corps: The corps only has a handful units under permanent command, it mainly receives units according to need. It supports and commands expeditionary missions
  • III Corps: It is composed of independent rapid response local defence battalions that are mainly manned by the volunteer category. They guard and protect specific areas and buildings, they also assist in the mobilisation of the rest of the army. They mainly inherit personnel and equipment from active and conscripted units

In total, there are two armoured brigades, three mechanised infantry brigades, four infantry brigades, three combat aviation brigades and four sustainment brigades. Independent units include coastal infantry battalions, the Guard Infantry Regiment, long-range anti-aircraft battalions, coastal defence missile battalions and various supporting battalions.

Combat force structure of the Sedunnic Army since July 2019.
Soldiers participating in Operation Round Grass, a readiness control exercise in 2015.


SNS Tapparad, flagship of the Sedunnic Navy.

The Navy (Seiftasstlē, "Sailing Forces") composes four components: the Surface Forces, the Submarine Forces, the Auxiliary Forces and the Naval Air Service. It includes in total about 70,000 personnel, 73 commissioned ships of various size, additional auxiliary ships, about 70 ASA Hotvemm aircraft and about 160 other aircraft. The Navy is classified as blue-water with some degree of amphibious and replenishment capabilities beyond its own home region. There are no fixed operational formations of combatant ships, instead temporary naval battle groups are formed for specific missions. The Sedunnic Coast Guard is not part of the Armed Forces and is a component of the Sedunnic Police.

In Sedunnic, vessels are given the prefix "SSR", short for Sedunnō Seiftasstleō Riks ("Sedunn's Navy's Ship"). In Austral, the prefix "SNS" ("Sedunnic Navy Ship") is used instead.

Active ships

There are 73 ships in commission including 2 aircraft carriers, 4 amphibious assault warfare ships, 16 destroyers, 8 frigates, 12 corvettes, 4 ballistic missile submarines, 11 attack submarines, 2 submarine tenders, 9 patrol boats, 10 mine countermeasures vessels and 40 miscellaneous auxiliary and support vessels. The total commissioned displacement of the Sedunnic Navy is approximately 450,000 tonnes.

Naval bases

There are four major naval bases in use, three in Mainland Sedunn and one in the Remetull Archipelago, and several smaller in Sedunn as well as in Transsuneria.

  • Essela Base: Sometimes called the military capital of Sedunn, it is home to several Armed Forces commands, army, air force and naval units. Aircraft carriers, destroyers, submarines and much of the transport vessels are based there, as well as the Marine Corps and larger auxiliary vessels. It is located 15 km north-west of the capital of Sedunn, Grovne.
  • Ullenst Base: It maintains some of the destroyers and the frigates. Sedunn's largest shipyard is located in Ullenst.
  • Durivv Base: It supports all operations in the Mediterranean Sea as well as the sea of Epptryn. Currently the most important surface combatants stationed there are corvettes. Durivv is the third largest port city in Sedunn after Grovne.
  • Gafsred Base: It supports all operations in the South Pacific Ocean. Gafsred and neighbouring Tarvem have among the largest ports of the islands in the ocean.

Air Force

The Air Force (Lytretasstlē, "Air Forces") is the aerial warfare branch of the Sedunnic Armed Forces. It has a strength of about 88,000 personnel. The main combat force includes 340 ASA VOT 14 Hotvemm multirole fighter aircraft in 14 squadrons, two CAS squadrons, and five long-range air defence battalions.

The Air Force has 16 main bases. After mobilisation many of the squadrons disperse to temporary bases as a measure against nuclear weapons and pre-emptive airstrikes.

Current aircraft inventory


The Teleresources (Jokala'lē) is a branch that is responsible for the cyber and electronic warfare and intelligence, and the space resources such as satellites. It has an active personnel strength of about 4,600 and a reserve of 1,200. The Teleresources is the youngest branch, founded in 2011.

Special forces

The Special Operations Troops (Leynlē Uttsȳ Lekserris) use unconventional means to conduct special operations. The number of troops is secret, but is often estimated to around 800. There are four different services within the force:

  • Ensi Uttsȳ Rakra'is (EUR) - Special Combat Service: Engages and destroys targets of great significance to the enemy, rescues people captured by the enemy or held hostage.
  • Ensi Uttsȳ Lynyvis (EUL) - Special Reconnaissance Service: Gathers intelligence on activities, certain individuals, or anything of strategic importance.
  • Ensi Uttsȳ Hemmvevasis (EUH) - Special Electronic Warfare Service: EM compatibility and deception; electronic masking, probing, reconnaissance, and intelligence.
  • Ensi Uttsȳ LTUS-Lekserris (EULTUSL) - Special CBRN Operations Service: Its tasks range from CBRN-specialised intelligence gathering, combat in contaminated environments, disarmament of CBRN weapons and critical containment of C-, B-, and R-events.

Nuclear weapons

The Sedunnic Armed Forces has a nuclear arsenal of approximately 150 warheads spread out in three different delivery systems forming a nuclear triad of plane launched-missiles, intercontinental ballistic missiles and submarine-launched cruise missiles. The Air Force's VOT 14 D strike craft can be equipped with plane launched-missiles. The intercontinental ballistic missiles have an estimated range of more than 5,000 km.

Sedunn has been a nuclear power since the completion of the Case Yellow Fox program in 1957, in which Sedunn and Ryccia jointly designed and tested an atomic bomb intended to be deployed against the Imperialists in the Great War. Sedunn has signed but not ratified the WF Treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons proclaiming its intent to disarm, should every other nation do so simultaneously[1].

Expeditionary forces

While most of the the Sedunnic Armed Forces technically can operate abroad, and have done so historically, there are high readiness units especially equipped and trained to deploy at very short notice to places far away. These form the operational expeditionary forces, which during peacetime include the 1st Airmobile Brigade, the 1st Parachute Brigade, the 1st Marine Regiment and the special forces. The total strength is about 9,000 troops.

Equipment and suppliers

VEV 14 main battle tank infographic.

Most of the military equipment used by the Sedunnic Armed Forces is manufactured in Sedunn. An organisation called Military Materiel Agency in Austral, organised under the Training Command, is responsible for research, preliminary testing and procurement of military hardware. Selling military equipment to other nations is strictly regulated by law (Law 1022-1912) and is normally only reserved to closely allied nations. However, Sedunn has been known to support rebellions and foreign powers with weapons when it has served a very specific purpose.

Major manufacturers of military hardware include the following.

  • STT: surface combat ships.
  • Levē Kallnhē: surface combat ships (traditionally), submarines, and other marine vessels.
  • Botna: armoured and tracked vehicles.
  • SG: cannons and missiles.
  • SLU: electronic equipment, including radars.
  • Sedtrē: firearms.
  • ASA: aircraft.
  • Orta: AUVs

Many other major Sedunnic companies are involved in delivering products not directly intended for combat, like the car manufacturers HF KJ, Limma KJ, aircraft manufacturer Levea and food manufacturer Inniennō Jul. Notable equipment include the Suvvtrefy 03 D assault rifle, VEV 14 main battle tank and the ASA VOT 14 Hotvemm multirole fighter.


The Sedunnic Armed Forces has three classes of uniform: combat dress, office dress, and parade dress.

Combat dress

There are two combat dresses in use. The field combat dress is manly used by the army but is also used by land warfare units of the air force and the navy. Five versions of the field combat dress exist with different camouflage colours for different climates. The sea combat dress is used by the navy.

Field combat dresses Sea combat dress
Summer Winter Urban Desert Jungle Sea

Note that the beret is normally used for garrison duty and more ceremonial occasions. The field cap is otherwise used.

Office dress

The office dress has similar use to the more internationally established term service uniform. The uniform is mainly used for ceremonial occasions and staff service, but also off-post activity. Each branch except Teleresources has its own dress.

Office dresses
Army Navy Air Force

The colour of the buttons and rank insignia, the beret patch and other details may differ from unit to unit. The Army office uniform is made to resemble the old K. 1880 field uniform.

Parade dress

The parade dress is for parades and ceremonial duties. The parade dress can be either an older uniform, such as the K. 1880 (retro), or the combat dress or the office dress with extra parade attire, such as the K. 1880 hat and white gaiters and gloves. A belt is normally included.

Parade dresses
Army (modern) Army (retro) Navy Air Force

Note that personnel in the navy and air force below OR 6 do not wear the parade hat, but a beret or equivalent.

Ranks and insignia


Personnel, vehicles (both ground and air) and equipment of the Sedunnic Armed Forces are recognised by either the Sedunnic flag as a patch or painted, or by the Star of Limmvasd roundel painted or engraved. Military installations and buildings fly the Sedunnic flag, sometimes with a yellow pennant to set them apart from civilian counterparts.

