Royal Pelinese Space Force (Pacifica)

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Royal Pelinese Space Force
Королевские Военно-Космические Силы Пелии
Emblem of the Royal Pelinese Space Force as it appears on satellites and spacecraft
ActiveFebruary 3, 2023 – present (2023-02-03 – present)
Country Kingdom of Pelinai
BranchSpace force
  • 7,300 active duty personnel (2023)
  • approx. 60 satellites (2023)
Part ofPelinese Armed Forces
HeadquartersSpace Staff Building, Dainēsa
ColorsWhite, dark blue
EquipmentList of equipment of the Royal Pelinese Space Force
CINCIzumi Perinaiko
Minister of DefenseGeneral Anton Radovoy
Chief of General StaffMkhail Yukisorskiy
Commander of Space OperationsGeneral Mari Yorukova

The Royal Pelinese Space Force (Pelinese: ペリナイ宇宙軍, Perinai Uchuu Kano; Stelossian: Королевские Военно-Космические Силы Пелии, Korolyevskiye Voyenno-Kosmicheskiye Sily Pelii) is the space warfare branch of the Pelinese Armed Forces, and the newest branch of the PAF to be established. It is responsible for the procurement, deployment, and operation of military satellites, space- and ground-based space surveillance systems, and strategic missile early warning systems, as well as the development and operation of Pelinese cyberwarfare units.



RPAF Cyberwarfare & Space Commands

Establishment as an independent branch


The Royal Pelinese Space Force is placed under the administrative command of the Pelinese Ministry of Defense through the Directorate of the Aerospace Forces, which it shares with the Royal Pelinese Air Force. The RPSF is divided into four major commands which constitute its primary administrative units: these include the Space Warfare Command, the Cyberwarfare Command, the Training and Space Doctrine Command, and the Systems Handling Command.


Command name Commanding officer Headquarters
Major commands
Space Warfare Command Lieutenant General Junko Tanaka Marukuto Space Base, Stelossia
The Space Warfare Command is the major command of the Royal Pelinese Space Force responsible for the administration of satellite and ground station systems used for tactical satellite navigation, communications, and targeting, space surveillance, ballistic missile early warning and tracking, and both tactical and strategic satellite reconnaissance. Formations under this command provide the majority of the RPSF’s satellite- and ground-radar-based surveillance, intelligence, and combat support capabilities.
Military assets operated by forces under the Space Warfare Command include its full satellite, ground-based radar, and ground control station inventories, as well as some miscellaneous support elements.
Cyberwarfare Command Lieutenant General
Training and Space Doctrine Command Lieutenant General
The Training and Space Doctrine Command is the Royal Pelinese Space Force major command responsible for developing and providing technical and other military training to RPSF personnel, developing military doctrine concerning the effective usage of orbital and other space forces in conflict, and the performance of wargames to evaluate the military effectiveness of current Pelinese space and other forces in conflict situations involving allied and hostile space warfare assets.
Systems Handling Command Lieutenant General

Major bases

Relationship with other space organizations of Pelinai


Commissioned officers

Warrant officers

Enlisted personnel


Contemporary topics

Strategic doctrine and priorities

Future of the Royal Pelinese Space Force


Spacecraft and satellites

See also