Royal Pelinese Uniformed Medical Service (Pacifica)

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Royal Pelinese Uniformed Medical Service
ActiveAugust 23, 2009 – present (2009-08-23 – present)
CountryKingdom of Pelinai
BranchUniformed medical service
Size~5,000 active duty personnel, ~3,000 reservists (2023)
Part ofMinistry of Health
Pelinese Armed Forces (wartime)
HeadquartersMain Building of the Ministry of Health, Pelograd
ColorsWhite, blue
  • 2019-2021 Samara dengue fever outbreak
Commander in ChiefIzumi Perinaiko
Minister of HealthViktor Gruzikov
Commandant of the Uniformed Medical ServiceAriel Dayama
Aircraft flown

The Royal Pelinese Uniformed Medical Service is a uniformed service under the Pelinese Ministry of Health: it is the smallest of the Pelinese uniformed services by number of active duty personnel as of 2023, as well as one of two (along with the Civil Defense Force) to not be a branch of the Pelinese Armed Forces. Its organized units are responsible for a variety of tasks related to public health operations, including activities such as epidemic control, disease vector suppression, execution of medical-related humanitarian operations abroad; additionally, many officers perform normal civilian functions within various directorates of the Ministry of Health.
In wartime situations, the RPUMS may be placed under control of the armed forces at the discretion of the Prime Minister of Pelinai. In such cases, its personnel adopt the role of augmenting the other branches’ own medical services as well as defending the military and the civilian population from both natural disease outbreaks and biological weapons attacks.





Officers in the Royal Pelinese Uniformed Public Health Service are divided into organized and unorganized sections. Unorganized service personnel perform normal duties in medical and medical-adjacent positions across the Ministry of Health and broader Pelinese government and simply act as a mobilization-ready component of the government in exchange for greater pay and other benefits. The organized brigade of the RPUMS, by contrast, represents the ready response arm of the service and consists of structured medical units pre-prepared for deployment to emerging public health emergencies within 24 hours.

Unorganized component

Officers of the Royal Pelinese Uniformed Medical Service’s unorganized component work in most ministries of the Pelinese federal government as well as some regional and municipal governments, though most officers naturally retain postings in the Ministry of Health. Common functions for RPUMS personnel in normal positions include performing public sanitation evaluations and other data reviews, overseeing the evaluation of new medications and other consumables, and setting regulations for the safety and reliability of medical equipment.

Organized component

The organized component of the RPUMS consists of approximately 2,000 personnel prearranged into five Crisis Response Battalions; organized personnel may be deployed in a whole battalion, a subset team, or an individual capacity, depending on situation conditions. Deployments may be in response to any situation affecting public health at the request of a regional governor, but are most often in response to occurring or expected natural disasters, disease outbreaks, and hazardous material release incidents.


The vast majority of officers in the Royal Pelinese Uniformed Medical Service are doctors, nurses, laboratory personnel, epidemiologists, and other medical professionals. In addition to these professions, the RPUMS also commissions sanitary and environmental engineers, zoologists, microbiologists, and other personnel to provide specialized knowledge and enhance unit adaptability.


Commissioned officers

Warrant officers

See also