Pelinese Armed Forces (Pacifica)

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Pelinese Armed Forces
MottoEternally vigilant
FoundedJuly 9 1979 AD
Current formDecember 29 1983 AD
Service branchesno borderPelinese White Army
no borderRoyal Pelinese Air Force
Pelinai (Pacifica)Royal Pelinese Navy
no borderRoyal Pelinese Space Force
Pelinai (Pacifica)Royal Pelinese Homeland Guard
Commander-in-ChiefIzumi Yekaterina II Perinaiko
Minister of DefenseAnton Radovoy
Chief of General StaffField Marshal Mikhail Yukisorskiy
Military age18
Conscription2-year reserve obligation
Active personnel850,000
Reserve personnel800,000
Deployed personnel60,000
Budget$280.6 billion (2022)
Percent of GDP5% of GDP (2022)
Domestic suppliersFuyumako Heavy Engineering
Kazamatsuri Design Bureau
Torikov Design Bureau
Shiroimizu Naval Yard
Vostochnoye Design Bureau

The Pelinese Armed Forces (Pelinese: ペリナイ軍隊, Perinai Guntai; Stelossian: Пелинские Вооружение Силы, Pelinskiye Vooruzheniye Sily) is the national military force of the Kingdom of Pelinai. It is comprised of five branches of service, each of which is assigned a specific role and sphere of operation: the Pelinese White Army, which performs land combat operations; the Royal Pelinese Air Force, which performs air combat, homeland air defense, and airlift operations, and which governs the land-based strategic rocket forces; the Royal Pelinese Navy, which performs naval combat, amphibious warfare, and power projection missions; the Royal Pelinese Homeland Guard, which serves as an internal troops corps performing disaster relief, law enforcement, rear area security, and military reserve functions; and the Royal Pelinese Space Force, which operates space-based military assets and directs cyberwarfare operations. The commander-in-chief of the Pelinese Armed Forces is the Monarch of the Kingdom of Pelinai. Military policy is determined by the Pelinese State Parliament, Prime Minister, and Minister of Defense.

Military conscription into reserve forces is practiced for a portion of men ages 18-20. All Pelinese high school students in their junior and senior years learn basic military skills in national patriotism class, and then perform a mandatory conscription aptitude exam in their senior year of high school. The active force of the Pelinese Armed Forces is approximately 850,000 military personnel and 80,000 civilian employees. The active reserve force is approximately 800,000 military personnel. The total personnel of the Pelinese Armed Forces, including civilian contractors, is approximately 1,730,000 personnel. Many Pelinese military formations, especially in the Pelinese White Army, operate on partial manpower in peacetime and rely on reserve mobilization to reach wartime capability levels. The number of people available to be called for general mobilization is approximately 6 million.

The Kingdom of Pelinai is a nuclear-armed state, and the Pelinese Armed Forces operates a nuclear triad with second-strike capability. The nuclear arsenal of the Pelinese Armed Forces consists of approximately 12,000 tactical and strategic nuclear warheads as well as redundant delivery systems including air-launched cruise missiles, land-based ballistic missiles including intercontinental ballistic missiles, and submarine-launched ballistic missiles.

Almost all equipment and materiel used by the Pelinese Armed Forces is manufactured in Pelinai by state-owned companies under the Pelinese Ministry of State Industry, which is legally obligated to maintain a minimum stake of 25% +1 shares in all domestic firms producing materiel for the Pelinese Armed Forces and certain other government agencies. The armaments manufacturing base of the PAF is well developed and is supported by strong domestic mining, metallurgy, petrochemical, automotive, electronics, shipbuilding, and aerospace sectors.

The Pelinese Armed Forces is one of the largest militaries in Pacifica and possesses high degrees of capability in both defensive and offensive operations. The Pelinese White Army operates a combined twelve field armies and supporting corps, staffed by a mobilized manpower of approximately 2.4 million troops and equipped with a fleet of over 70,000 armored vehicles, 20,000 towed and self-propelled artillery pieces, and 4,000 helicopters. The Royal Pelinese Navy has a combined displacement of approximately 3.5 million tonnes and operates one of Pacifica’s largest fleets of aircraft carriers, with 12 carriers supported by 116 surface combatants of frigate size or larger and 96 submarines. The Royal Pelinese Air Force operates approximately 4,200 fixed-wing aircraft, the Royal Pelinese Navy 2,000 aircraft, and the Royal Pelinese Coast Guard 70 aircraft. Equipment used by the Pelinese Armed Forces, including weapon systems, armored vehicles, fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft, and naval vessels, is broadly up-to-date and current with modern technology. Select elements of the Pelinese Armed Forces, including the VDV, Peli-Spetsnaz, Morspetsy, Mediterranean Fleet, Royal Pelinese Marine Corps, and RPAF Strike Forces Command, retain the ability to effectively perform expeditionary and power projection operations abroad on short notice.

Mission and doctrine

The mission of the Pelinese Armed Forces is stated as the defense of the territories and peoples the Kingdom of Pelinai and its allied nations from foreign invasion and occupation, the defense of the legitimate governments of the Kingdom of Pelinai and its allied nations from internal or external attempts to overthrow them, and the defense of the security and interests of the Pelinese state and Pelinese citizens. Elements of the Pelinese Armed Forces also perform disaster relief and humanitarian aid in both domestic and foreign environments, execute law enforcement and limited border patrol duties, and perform anti-piracy actions in conjunction with other nations.

The military doctrine of the Pelinese Armed Forces emphasizes the concepts of deep battle, battlefield interdiction, and superior firepower. Pelinese military forces prioritize the combination of the capability to destroy hostile combat support and combat service support elements with the ability to quickly launch multiple large, parallel offensives or counterattacks at once in order to saturate hostile reserve forces. The ultimate goal of Pelinese doctrine is the achievement of strategic victory by stalling, confusing, disabling, and overwhelming hostile military formations through the establishment of insurmountable advantages in operational firepower and through the destruction of hostile formations’ and units’ abilities to advance, defend, and change their positions.

The Royal Pelinese Navy and Royal Pelinese Marine Corps under it perform most military power projection operations for the Pelinese Armed Forces. In contrast to the Pelinese White Army’s general focus on simplified and mass-deployable equipment, the RPN fleet relies on a combination of sophisticated naval aviation, surface combatant, subsurface, and amphibious warfare units to quickly establish naval supremacy before performing close air support, battlefield interdiction, and amphibious landing operations as is necessary to achieve operational and strategic objectives.

The Pelinese White Army, Royal Pelinese Air Force, and Royal Pelinese Navy share the deployment capability of the Pelinese Armed Forces’ nuclear and other WMD capability. The Kingdom of Pelinai is a nuclear triad power fielding land-based ballistic and cruise missile, aircraft-launched ballistic and cruise missile, and submarine-launched ballistic and cruise missile-based methods of deploying nuclear weapons against tactical and strategic targets. Pelinese doctrine and legislation designate nuclear and certain other weapons as “special defensive weapons” which can only be deployed in the case of a “war of aggression against the existence of the Pelinese nation.” Authority to declare a war as such is normally given to the Prime Minister and the Pelinese State Parliament, but is automatically delegated to the Chief of General Staff and then further down the PAF chain of command in the case of each previous authority-holder in the hierarchy being incapacitated. In the event that nuclear weapons are deployed, Pelinese military doctrine calls for their immediate and extensive usage as tactical weapons against conventional military targets, hostile nuclear delivery systems, and nuclear weapons storage facilities.


The history of the Pelinese Armed Forces in its present form began on July 9 1979, when revolting elements of the Belogoran People’s Army and various pro-White militias were organized by the newly established July 7 Government into the unified Army of Pelinese Restoration at the beginning of the Pelinese Civil War. This force would later merge with miscellaneous anticommunist splinters and the Green-aligned militias of the Belogoran Democratic Front on July 29, creating the combined Pelinese White Army that would serve the Pelinese Provisional Government for the rest of the conflict.

The Pelinese White Army of the Civil War era contained an air force, navy, and militia as de facto separate branches of the armed forces, which would be officially established as the Royal Pelinese Air Force, Royal Pelinese Navy, and Royal Pelinese Homeland Guard respectively on January 2 1984 as part of the broader reorganization of the armed forces and restoration of regular civilian government over postwar Pelinai.

The Royal Pelinese Space Force was fully established as the newest independent branch of the Pelinese Armed Forces on February 3 2023. Its chain of command and basic functions had previously existed under the Royal Pelinese Air Force as the RPAF Cyberwarfare Command and RPAF Space Command, which were established in 2003 and 2006 respectively.

Command Structure

The nominally ceremonial title of Commander In Chief of the Pelinese Armed Forces is assigned to the reigning monarch of the Kingdom of Pelinai. Reorganization of the armed forces in 1984 established the Prime Minister of Pelinai as the highest military authority, which retains decision-making power and the ability to direct the Ministry of Defense on military matters. The Defense Council is an advisory cabinet office that assists the Prime Minister in decisions concerning security and military affairs.

Routine organization, maintenance, and training of the Pelinese Armed Forces as a whole is performed by the Pelinese Ministry of Defense, the Minister of which is normally a commissioned officer in one of the branches. Directorates of the Army, Navy, Aerospace Forces, and Homeland Guard provide further civilian administration functions for each branch of the armed forces: the air force and space force are combined under a single directorate.

The Prime Minister of Pelinai and the Defense Council are advised on military affairs by the Joint Staff Board, which includes the Minister of Defense, the Director of the Joint Staff Board, the Deputy Director of the Joint Staff Board, the Chief of Staff of the White Army, the Chief of Naval Operations, the Chief of Air Operations, the Chief of Staff of the National Guard, the Chief of Space Operations, and the Enlisted Advisor to the Joint Staff Board. The Joint Staff Board does not exercise operational command authority, but functions as the highest directorate of military affairs in the areas of personnel training, inter-branch standardization and cooperation, joint branch activities outside of operations, and maintenance of force readiness.

Operational command of the Pelinese Armed Forces is exercised by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Pelinai, which is a segment of the Ministry of Defense. The General Staff is the highest level of purely military authority in the Pelinese state; it is responsible for directing military affairs and operations at the strategic level and using military power to implement long-term objectives given by the Prime Minister through the Minister of Defense. Members of the General Staff are appointed to their positions by the Prime Minister and must be confirmed by Parliament after review. The General Staff also directs the Main Directorate of Military Intelligence (GUVR), the principal military intelligence arm of the Pelinese military.

Below the General Staff are the Theaters of Military Operations (Театров Военных Действие), or TVDs. The only TVD currently active is the Mediterranean TVD, which is a cross-branch command of the Pelinese Armed Forces that manages the collective ground, air, naval, and space forces operating in the Pelinese homeland, the Mediterranean sea and nearby continents, and the Eastern Ocean. Few Pelinese troops are deployed abroad, leaving almost all of them as active or reserve components of the Mediterranean TVD and the military zones of Pelinai itself. The TVD is the lowest level of military organization at the strategic level; it is directly allocated ground, naval, aerial, space, and unconventional warfare assets of the operational level in order to accomplish the strategic tasks assigned to it by the General Staff.

Service Branches

Pelinese White Army

The Pelinese White Army (PWA) is the land combat branch of the Pelinese Armed Forces, as well as the largest of the branches. A fully mobilized PWA force structure is capable of fielding up to approximately 2.36 million personnel, but the force typically maintains an average staffing level of approximately 10% unless reserve personnel are mobilized. The highest command of the army is the Headquarters of the Army, below which are three army groups and three corps that hold the vast majority of the PWA’s combat forces. The Pelinese White Army fields approximately 84 divisions as well as other separate brigade and battalion-sized formations when fully mobilized.

Structure of a PWA motor rifle division with all possible support units attached.

For administrative purposes, the PWA is divided into the Combat Arms Branches, the White Army Special Forces, the Special Troops, and the Services. The Combat Arms Branches encompass the infantry, armored, artillery, and air defense components of the Pelinese White Army, which compose the majority of its field armies and form the core of its combat power. The White Army Special Forces includes the airborne, air assault, mountaineer, antarctic warfare, and special purpose forces of the Pelinese White Army. The Special Troops encompasses combat and noncombat engineer, CBRN defense, signal, and logistical transport units. Services includes medical, administrative, military police and justice, and miscellaneous units.


The PWA Infantry Branch includes the light infantry and motor rifle forces of the Pelinese White Army, which form the majority of its regular maneuver forces and function as the cornerstone of Pelinese land power. Riflemen in this branch typically carry the AVP-17 6.5x50mmSR assault rifle, LPU 6.5x50mmSR light machine gun, SVT 7.62x54mmR designated marksman rifle, and Y93 5.7x28mm pistol.

Most PWA infantry formations are motor riflemen (Stelossian: мотострелки), which operate as a mounted force equipped with the ZM97 Paladin AICV to increase firepower and mobility. Motor rifle formations are almost universally supported by organic armored forces or vice versa, and units larger than a battalion never contain only one or the other. A total of 42 motor rifle divisions are currently active, with additional brigade and battalion-sized units distributed as organic infantry support for armored and other forces.

All PWA riflemen and other combat personnel receive cold-weather warfare and limited mountainous terrain warfare training as standard due to prevailing weather conditions in Pelinai. Composing brigades of the 4th White Guards Motor Rifle Division specialize in urban combat. Divisions of the First Combined Arms Army and Second Combined Arms Army are composed purely of fully staffed formations.


The Armored Forces of the Pelinese White Army include its tank and armored reconnaissance units, which provide mobile firepower and armor to Pelinese formations and perform armored spearhead, encirclement, scouting, and other maneuvers in conjunction with motor rifle units.

Commonly deployed armored vehicles of this branch include the T-04 Crusader main battle tank, the LT-13 Kazak light tank, and the BRM-03 armored reconnaissance vehicle, as well as supporting ZM97 Paladins providing infantry support. 21 armored divisions are in active service, along with additional brigades and battalions assigned to other forces.


The PWA artillery corps covers the howitzer, gun-howitzer, mortar, rocket artillery, anti-tank guided missile carrier, and tactical ballistic missile forces of the Pelinese White Army, and is tasked with supporting maneuver forces by using indirect firepower to suppress and destroy enemy formations. Pelinese military doctrine regards artillery and other fires as critical tools to avoid dangerous concentration of forces during an attack, and PWA formations normally contain relatively large amounts of it for their size.

Representative equipment of Pelinese artillery forces includes the ZMA99 Druzhinnik self-propelled gun-howitzer, 152mm towed howitzers, the MRK-08 Sunburn self-propelled rocket artillery system, and the Z17S/L Pyrope tactical ballistic missile system. Only three dedicated artillery divisions are currently active, with most artillery forces being found as organic fire support for motor rifle and armored units.

Air defense

The Air Defense Artillery Corps governs gun, missile, and composite air defense systems operated by the PWA as defense against tactical air attack. Air defense platforms are tasked with repelling aerial threats against military forces and facilities, including tactical and surveillance aircraft, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles. ADAC acts as a tactical and operational air defense network for military forces, and follows PWA formations; most defenses of rear area sites and protection of the homeland from strategic bombing are handled by the Homeland Defense Command of the Royal Pelinese Air Force.

Common air defense systems operated by the PWA include the P89A Chalcedony infantry-portable SAM, the T-19A Windshear self-propelled cannon/SAM antiaircraft system, the Z90A Sapphire long-range SAM system, and the Type 38 combined cannon/SAM C-RAM/AA system. No air defense divisions are active; instead, air defense brigades, battalions, and companies are distributed throughout the PWA’s force structure to ensure comprehensive air defense coverage.

Army aviation

The Army Aviation Corps of the Pelinese White Army operates surveillance, artillery spotting, and strike drones, utility helicopters, heavy lift and transport helicopters, attack helicopters, and other aviation assets under the command of the PWA. The Aviation Corps provides functions ranging from air assault, troop transport, and casualty evacuation to precision airstrikes against armored threats and extensive battlefield scouting & surveillance in support of maneuver and artillery forces.

Helicopters operated by the Pelinese White Army are often conventional designs like the Ha-7 Akisame rather than the coaxial arrangements of Berkut aircraft found on warships of the Royal Pelinese Navy. No combat aviation divisions are currently in service; PWA Army Aviation Corps assets are instead dispersed throughout divisions and field armies as combat aviation brigades, which contain a mix of unmanned arial systems, utility & transport helicopters, heavy lift helicopters, and attack helicopters.

White Army Special Forces

The White Army Special Forces is an administrative branch of the Pelinese White Army that includes multiple types of nonstandard troops. Forces included in this category include the Airborne Landing Forces (VDV), the Landing Assault Forces (DShV), the Alpine Forces (AV), and the Special Purpose Forces (P-SNV or Peli-Spetsnaz). The role of the special forces is to perform warfare in unconventional environments such as mountains and extreme cold weather, execute airborne and air assault landing operations, complete infiltration, sabotage, and unconventional warfare missions, and perform other tasks not suited to regular ground forces of the Pelinese White Army.

Special forces units typically operate with specialized, higher-quality infantry equipment and weaponry suited to their missions. The most commonly deployed vehicles of the special forces, especially the VDV, are the VDM12 Ritsr airborne infantry combat vehicle and the LT-13 Kazak light tank; the LPM-1 infantry mobility vehicle is also present. Transport helicopters of the Pelinese White Army and tactical airlifters of the Royal Pelinese Air Force are often used to insert and extract special forces personnel.

Special troops

The Special Troops Corps of the Pelinese White Army encompasses a variety of roles, including combat engineers, CBRN detection, defense, & decontamination personnel, road and railway construction personnel, signal, electronic countermeasures, and signals intelligence units, and other similar combat support units. The purpose of the Special Troops is to provide the combat engineering, communications, intelligence, strategic mobility, and CBRN defense support necessary for maneuver forces and fires to effectively perform their missions and achieve operational objectives.

The equipment used by Special Troops varies greatly, but can include APC variants of the ZM97 Paladin AICV, infantry mobility vehicles such as the LPM-1, armored recovery vehicle variants of the ZM97 and T-04 Crusader, engineering vehicles & bulldozers, and various types of armored and unarmored truck. No Special Troops formations of division size exist; units of this category are assigned as brigade-level formations or smaller through all levels of the PWA military hierarchy.


Force structure

PWA maneuver forces divisions include:

  • Motor rifle division x 43: The core infantry forces of the PWA, which are fully mechanized and equipped for combined arms warfare. Maneuver forces, fires, combat support, combat service support, and army aviation elements are all organic to motor rifle divisions in variable amounts. Many of the secondary CS and CSS elements in both motor rifle divisions and armored divisions are attached on a per-mission basis and can be assigned or unassigned to fit operational requirements and expected battlefield conditions; some divisions also possess independent tank battalions.
  • Armored division x 21: Strongly resembles the MRD; the greatest divergences are the rebalancing of its maneuver forces towards more tanks and the removal of dedicated antitank elements that are made unnecessary by the tanks’ increased firepower.
  • Artillery division x 3: Each PWA army group is assigned a single artillery division, whose purpose is to provide operational level forces with overwhelming firepower in critical areas. Artillery divisions possess a wide variety of gun-howitzer and rocket artillery to facilitate effective suppression and destruction of large hostile formations.
  • Airborne division x 6: Performs expeditionary and airborne operations in support of operational goals; the Pelinese VDV reports directly to the PWA Supreme High Commands, but divisions or brigades may be attached to army groups or field armies as per operational requirements. PWA airborne divisions are fully mechanized and are able to field airborne-capable field infantry fighting vehicles, light tanks, self-propelled artillery, and other military vehicles.
  • Mountain air assault division x 4: DShV divisions provide Pelinese operational formations with a highly mobile light infantry force that possesses air assault capabilities. DShV troops also train for operation in alpine environments and are the PWA’s second choice for mountain warfare after its dedicated mountaineers.
  • Mountain division x 2: Possesses additional helicopters, engineers, communications, and other elements suitable for warfare in mountainous environments. Mountaineers also receive more rigorous training in the conduct of mountain warfare than typical PWA riflemen do and are commonly stationed in alpine regions of Pelinai.
  • Combat aviation division x 3: Provides operational level PWA formations with gunship, transport, scouting, and other army aviation elements; also operates surveillance UAVs and minimized-facility-requirement UCAVs.

Royal Pelinese Air Force

The Royal Pelinese Air Force is the aerial combat branch of the Pelinese Armed Forces as established by the reorganization of the Pelinese White Army into the PAF in 1984. The Royal Pelinese Air Force is responsible for conducting most aerial warfare under the PAF, including air superiority, tactical and strategic strike, maritime strike, tactical and strategic airlift, and homeland air defense. Base protection and anti-infiltration troops, reserve forces, and special forces are also retained as part of the Royal Pelinese Air Force’s structure.

The Royal Pelinese Air Force is divided into ten major commands since the RPAF Cyberwarfare and Space Commands were reorganized into the Royal Pelinese Space Force in February 2023: the Air Combat Command, which operates air superiority and strike fighters; the Strike Forces Command, which presides over heavy bombers and strategic missile forces; the Airlift-Airborne Command, which operates tactical and strategic airlifters to perform long-range transportation, troop deployment, and airborne operations; the Training and Readiness Command, which administers personnel training; the Homeland Defense Command, which maintains the air defense grid over Pelinese territory and performs ground-based strategic air defense tasks; the Special Forces Command, which administers RPAF special forces troops; the Force Protection Command, which maintains garrisons and anti-infiltration personnel for RPAF bases; the Procurement and Materiel Command, which develops, purchases, and maintains equipment and aircraft; and the Reserve Forces Command, which administers the RPAF Reserve Force. Numerous miscellaneous commands also exist.

Air Combat Command

The Air Combat Command of the Royal Pelinese Air Force administers units that operate the branch’s tactical combat aircraft, such as the Ae-15 Ayame multirole fighter and its variants. Aircraft from this command are tasked with achieving and maintaining air superiority during combat operations as well as working with PWA ground forces to achieve operational victory by performing tactical airstrikes and close air support missions against hostile formations and high-value targets. Strike fighters under the Air Combat Command may also support maritime patrol aircraft and vessels of the Royal Pelinese Navy in coastal security and maritime strike missions against enemy naval forces by deploying anti-ship cruise missiles, torpedoes, and other anti-ship ordnance. The Air Combat Command also operates the RPAF’s AEW&C aircraft, C2 aircraft, and aerial refueling tankers.

The most common fighter aircraft of the Air Combat Command and the Royal Pelinese Air Force is the Ae-15 Ayame, as well as its strike fighter variant. A total of approximately 2,000 multirole fighters, strike fighters, and attack aircraft operate from land airbases in Pelinai, as well as approximately 200 support aircraft; principal tactical aircraft include the Ae-15V/G Ayame, the Ae-15S Hono Ayame, and the To-13 Botan, all of which are operated in large numbers by the ACC.

Strike Forces Command

The Strike Forces Command of the Royal Pelinese Air Force is the major command responsible for providing TVDs with units that operate the long-range heavy bombers, land-based strategic missiles such as intermediate-range ballistic missiles and intercontinental ballistic missiles, and other heavy strike forces of the RPAF. The role of aircraft and other combat assets under the SFC is to execute maritime and long-range penetration strikes against tactical and strategic targets using heavy aircraft and ordnance. Along with the PWA and the RPN, this command is also responsible for protecting the credibility of Pelinai’s nuclear deterrent capability by maintaining the operational readiness of its land-based ballistic missile silos and their contents.

The primary aircraft operated by the Strike Forces Command is the Na-17 Marahu heavy bomber, of which approximately 108 are in operation. In addition to aircraft, Pelinai’s intermediate and intercontinental-range ballistic missiles and their silos also fall under the SFC’s purview; this includes approximately 200 missile silos holding the RBD-7 and its variants, as well as approximately 700 launchers for variants of the RSD-11. Unlike airbases of the Air Combat Command, SFC airbases are rarely built as underground structures due to the size of the aircraft operated.

Airlift-Airborne Command

The Airlift-Airborne Command of the Royal Pelinese Air Force is the major command responsible for administering the tactical and strategic airlifters employed by the Pelinese Armed Forces. It is tasked with using cargo transportation aircraft to perform personnel and equipment airlifts, resupply overseas forces in conjunction with the Royal Pelinese Navy, and provide the tactical airlift capability necessary to execute airborne operations.

The principal aircraft of the Airlift-Airborne Command is the KaR-11 Lebed tactical airlifter, which it operates approximately 300 of. Larger tactical airlifters and strategic airlifters contribute a further 150 aircraft and 100 aircraft, respectively, bringing the total number of aircraft under this command to approximately 500.

Procurement and Materiel Command

The Procurement and Materiel Command is the major command of the Royal Pelinese Air Force that is tasked with administering the RPAF’s maintenance and storage functions. Its purpose is to ensure the continued combat readiness and effectiveness of RPAF forces by overseeing development programs for new equipment to be deployed by the RPAF, managing procurement contracts, retaining continued access to necessary spare components for RPAF equipment, and performing maintenance & repair work on RPAF aircraft.

The P&MC does not possess any aircraft of its own, aside from pre-production prototypes of various in-development aircraft; it instead manages maintenance personnel, tooling, and industrial utility vehicles necessary to effectively and efficiently perform the storage and maintenance roles to which it has been assigned.

Training and Readiness Command

The Training and Readiness Command is the major command responsible for providing military, pilot, and technical training to personnel through RPAF flight schools, specialist training programs, and other air force military education programs, as well as for operating the RPAF’s inventory of dedicated primary and operational trainer aircraft. The role of the T&RC is to train RPAF personnel to standards set by the Chief of Air Operations and to maintain the level of competency among airmen required for the conduction of successful air combat and other military air operations against a peer-level adversary.

The most common aircraft in the service of the Training and Readiness Command is the Sochaiko So-11M Lantern turboprop primary trainer aircraft, of which roughly 480 are employed. Operational jet trainers of various types form an additional force of approximately 600 trainer aircraft, for a total operational force of approximately 1,100 aircraft.

Homeland Defense Command

The Homeland Defense Command is the RPAF major command responsible for organizing and maintaining the RPAF’s area air defense forces, including both anti-aircraft missile systems and wide-area aerial surveillance radar systems. Units under the administrative scope of this command are tasked with repelling attacks against mainland Pelinai made by tactical and strategic aircraft, ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and other aerial threats by detecting them and intercepting them through missile fire and/or the direction of Pelinese combat aircraft.

Equipment used by units of the Homeland Defense Command consists of early warning radars of both conventional and over-the-horizon types, surface-to-air missile systems, and associated support equipment for the aforementioned. Principal elements of this equipment include approximately 1,000 launchers for the Z90A Sapphire long-range air defense missile system, 274 ZP-57 57mm radar-controlled airfield defense guns, and multiple radar warning complexes such as the Aurora OTH radar system.

Special Forces Command

Force Protection Command

The Force Protection Command is the RPAF major command that organizes force protection troops, consisting of the air force ground forces units and security forces of the Pelinese Aerospace Forces Security Forces. Troops under this administrative command are responsible for base perimeter patrol and base defense against attack by hostile special forces, airborne troops, and limited conventional forces. They are deployed at installations of both the Royal Pelinese Air Force and the Royal Pelinese Space Force, the latter being included under PAsF-SF purview due to its relatively small size.

Base security squadrons of the Pelinese Aerospace Forces Security Forces utilize equipment similar in nature to that of the Pelgvardiya internal troops and light units of the Pelinese White Army. Principal items include the AVP-17 rifle and other standard Pelinese small arms, the KMZ-281 military light utility vehicle and the LPM-1 infantry mobility vehicle, as well as a small number of BTP-03 armored personnel carriers.

Reserve Forces Command

Active bases

Royal Pelinese Homeland Guard

The Royal Pelinese Homeland Guard is the law enforcement, counterterrorism, and home defense branch of the Pelinese Armed Forces, consisting of the Pelgvardiya and the Royal Pelinese Coast Guard. The RPHG is tasked with maintaining public order and internal security within Pelinai in cooperation with civilian agencies like the Federal Police Directorate (UFP), the Special Police Directorate (USP), and the Directorate of Customs, Immigration, and Border Security, as well as agencies like the Federal Directorate of Security. During times of war, RPHG troops and vessels perform rear area security and anti-infiltration patrol missions in low-threat to medium-threat combat environments.

Unlike the other branches of the Pelinese Armed Forces, the Royal Pelinese Homeland Guard is normally under the administration of the Pelinese Ministry of Internal Affairs rather than the Ministry of Defense. In wartime, the Prime Minister possesses the discretionary authority to temporarily transfer its forces in whole or in part to Ministry of Defense control.


The Pelgvardiya is the internal security and law enforcement division of the Pelinese Armed Forces. Its primary duties include counterterrorism and counterinsurgency, disaster response, suppression of severe civil disorder, guarding of sensitive locations not under the purview of other branches’ force protection troops, and the performance of gendarmerie functions. Pelgvardiya formations are normally assigned to provide rear area security during wartime, but are afforded enough equipment and training to fight as reserve maneuver units if necessary.

The amount of rural police platoons deployed by the Pelgvardiya is estimated to be roughly 7,000. An additional ten Internal Troops divisions roughly equivalent in combat capability to light motorized infantry are also active, along with the Life Guards Division, a classified number of Pelgvardiya Special Forces detachments, and various small crisis response battalions assigned to assist municipal militia departments in counterterrorism, hostage rescue, and other specialized tasks.

Royal Pelinese Coast Guard

The Royal Pelinese Coast Guard performs maritime patrol, maritime regulations & customs enforcement, border defense, and SAR duties within the territorial waters and Exclusive Economic Zone of the Kingdom of Pelinai. It operates 17 large oceanic patrol cutters between 5,000 and 9,000 tonnes displacement, 71 smaller offshore patrol vessels between 400 and 4,000 tonnes displacement, and 102 100 tonne patrol craft, as well as numerous smaller boats and multiple squadrons of maritime patrol aircraft, SAR aircraft, helicopters, and maritime surveillance drones. Command of the RPCG is transferred to the Royal Pelinese Navy during wartime, under which it performs anti-infiltration, coastal, base, & rear area defense, and other auxiliary naval duties; RPCG patrol cutters are designed to be easily retrofit into light warships and are capable of surviving in up to medium-threat military environments.

commissioned RPCG vessels use the prefix KPBO, which is short for Корабль Пелинской Береговой Охраны (“Pelinese Coast Guard Ship”).

Royal Pelinese Navy

The Royal Pelinese Navy is the naval combat and amphibious forces branch of the Pelinese Armed Forces and consists of the RPN Surface Forces, the RPN Submarine Forces, the RPN Auxiliary and Marine Sealift Forces, the Coastal Defense Forces, the Royal Pelinese Marine Corps, the RPN Special Forces, and the Royal Pelinese Navy Air Service. It contains 422 commissioned vessels, additional auxiliary and reserve vessels, 12 carrier air wings, 12 MPA squadrons, 20 coastal defense missile battalions, and approximately 27,000 marines in nine brigades. The Royal Pelinese Navy is a blue water naval force with a high degree of amphibious and underway replenishment capability abroad. The two highest operational commands in the RPN are the Mediterranean Fleet and the Eastern Fleet, which are assigned carrier, surface combatant, subsurface, aviation, amphibious, marine sealift, special, and auxiliary forces as per operational needs. The Royal Pelinese Coast Guard is a command of the Pelinese Homeland Guard.

Commissioned vessels serving in the Royal Pelinese Navy use the prefix KPF, which is short for Корабль Пелинская Флотта (“Pelinese Navy Ship”).

RPN Surface Forces

The Royal Pelinese Navy Surface Forces is the surface combatant and carrier branch of the Royal Pelinese Navy, and is responsible for the operation of Pelinese aircraft carrier, cruiser, destroyer, frigate, corvette, and missile boat forces. RPN surface combatants perform a mixture of roles; smaller vessels like missile boats and corvettes perform littoral defense and patrol duties against aircraft, ships, and submarines approaching close to shore, whereas the larger frigates, destroyers, and cruisers perform ASW, air defense, anti-surface warfare, and land attack missions at sea as independent flotillas or as part of a carrier battlegroup or similar formation. Operation of aircraft carriers themselves is also delegated to the RPN Surface Forces, while the carrier air wings are managed by the Royal Pelinese Navy Air Service.

The current size of the RPN-SF is 224 ships of all types, with more under construction or undergoing sea trials. Destroyers of the Umihana class are the most numerous large surface combatant in the RPN’s inventory, followed by the Ayame class frigates.

RPN Submarine Forces

The Royal Pelinese Navy Submarine Forces is the branch of the RPN that commands its attack submarines, guided missile submarines, and ballistic missile submarines. RPN diesel-electric attack submarines perform defensive and offensive missions in the littoral waters of the Mediterranean Sea and the Eastern Ocean, while nuclear attack submarines of the Evanescence class are used to escort missile submarines, hunt for enemy ballistic missile submarines, or interdict hostile naval forces and shipping in open waters. Guided missile and ballistic missile submarines form crucial components of the RPN’s conventional and nuclear strike capabilities, respectively.

The number of submarines of all types in service with the RPN is estimated to be 96; the precise amount of boats under construction is unknown.

Royal Pelinese Navy Air Service

The Royal Pelinese Navy Air Service (RPNAS) is the naval aviation arm of the Royal Pelinese Navy, and operates carrier air wings, naval helicopter forces, and land-based patrol forces of both maritime patrol aircraft and HALE surveillance drones. It operates approximately 900 fixed-wing aircraft and 600 rotary-wing aircraft, including navalized fighters, bombers, EW aircraft, ASW helicopters, utility helicopters, and AEW&C aircraft, transport aircraft, airborne refueling tankers, land-based MPAs, and maritime surveillance drones. The aircraft of the RPNAS operate both on aircraft carriers & other vessels, as ASW escorts, maritime & land strike aircraft, and EW/AEW&C platforms, as well as from land bases for coastal defense and ASW purposes.

The RPNAS operates none of its own ships; it instead primarily flies from the RPN’s 12 aircraft carriers and 4 landing helicopter docks, as well as land bases in Daishiroi, Nobizemura, and elsewhere. Most RPN surface vessels have at least one ASW/utility helicopter from the RPNAS.

RPN Coastal Defense Forces

The Royal Pelinese Navy Coastal Defense Forces commands the RPN’s force protection troops as well as its inventory of land-based anti-ship missiles. It performs anti-infiltration, coastal defense, anti-amphibious landing, and base protection duties in Pelinese coastal waters and within the vicinity of naval facilities. RPN-CDF defense batteries are generally concentrated around the shorelines facing the Seiko Sea, Livana, and the eastern Mediterranean Sea, though they can also be found on the eastern coast as well. Despite the increasing size and capability of the combined RPN fleet, the Coastal Defense Forces has remained an important part of the RPN’s naval strategy due to the enclosed environment of the Mediterranean Sea and the close presence of foreign naval, air, and marine garrisons on Livana.

The RPN Coastal Defense Forces operates 20 battalions of Type Z82S Caltrop coastal defense missile systems, force protection garrisons in Daishiroi and other naval facilities, and numerous small anti-saboteur craft carrying anti-frogman weaponry.

Royal Pelinese Marine Corps

The Royal Pelinese Marine Corps is the amphibious and expeditionary warfare arm of the Royal Pelinese Navy, commanding 27,000 marines as well as approximately 200 fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters. The role of the RPMC is to project Pelinese military power abroad by performing amphibious landings, air assaults, and other expeditionary operations. RPMC brigades are well-trained in amphibious and air assaults and function as one of the primary rapid deployment ground forces of the PAF along with the VDV.

The RPMC’s ground force consists of three marine divisions, each with three marine brigades and additional units under it. Amphibious landing forces are equipped with the amphibious-capable LT-13 Kazak light tank and MBM21 armored amphibious landing vehicle, allowing them to operate with higher mobility and firepower than light infantry; marines can also perform air assaults using conventional helicopters and tilt-rotor aircraft. Naval forces of the RPMC include four landing helicopter docks, eight amphibious transport docks, eight dock landing ships, 24 medium landing ships, 24 tank landing ships, and numerous smaller landing craft. In addition to performing amphibious operations, the landing helicopter docks are also capable of embarking V/STOL fighter aircraft and functioning as light aircraft carriers when necessary.

RPN Sealift Forces

The RPN Sealift Forces is the marine sealift, force prepositioning, and auxiliary support fleet branch of the Royal Pelinese Navy. It is tasked with performing missions that include sea-based resupply, uncontested landing of ground forces and underway replenishment of naval forces, and is accordingly given command of the RPN’s fast combat support ships, replenishment oilers, roll-on/roll-off reserve vessels, and other auxiliary craft. Combat support ships, replenishment oilers, and other similar craft function as resupply vessels that allow RPN ships to remain at sea for longer without needing to rearm and refuel at port, whereas reserve RO/RO vessels transport large volumes of RPMC or PWA ground forces to overseas locations where uncontested docking points are available.

The RPN Sealift Forces operates approximately 63 auxiliary vessels of all types. 24 of these vessels are in reserve and currently inactive, but can be called back into service on short notice.

RPN Special Forces

The RPN Special Forces is the combat diving branch of the Royal Pelinese Navy, primarily encompassing the Morspetsy combat diver force. Its purpose is to conduct underwater infiltration and anti-infiltration operations, sabotage, amphibious and special reconnaissance, and other unconventional warfare missions in support of regular RPN forces.

The number and organization of special forces under RPN command is classified, but is typically estimated to be between one and two thousand. Equipment confirmed to be operated by the RPN-SF varies and includes rebreathers, underwater firearms, and swimmer delivery vehicles.

Active ships

There are 383 non-auxiliary vessels in commission, including 12 aircraft carriers, 17 guided missile cruisers, 52 guided missile destroyers, 47 guided missile frigates, 54 corvettes, 42 missile cutters, 2 amphibious command ships, 4 amphibious assault ships, 8 amphibious transport docks, 8 dock landing ships, 24 tank landing ships, 24 medium landing ships, 36 nuclear attack submarines, 36 diesel-electric attack submarines, 12 nuclear ballistic missile submarines, 12 nuclear guided missile submarines, and 32 mine countermeasures ships. The total displacement of the commissioned force of the Royal Pelinese Navy, calculated using full-load displacement and submerged displacement, is approximately 3,509,000 tonnes.

Active bases

Primary naval facilities in Pelinai include:

  • Daishiroi Harbor: South-southeast of Korolyeviya. Primary base of the Eastern Fleet; stations the majority of surface and subsurface vessels assigned to the Eastern Ocean as well as multiple squadrons of maritime patrol aircraft. Possesses a military airfield and underground submarine pens in addition to normal facilities. Largest naval facility in Pelinai and current headquarters of the Eastern Fleet.
  • Zholtiya Naval Base (“Cave of Lights”): Western coast of Zholtiya Zemla, southern Pelinai. Bases primarily nuclear submarines.
  • Mizayame Naval Base: Southwestern coast of mainland Pelinai. Bases most vessels on the Mediterranean Fleet as well as maritime patrol aircraft assigned to the Mediterranean Theater of Military Operations.
  • Dainazeba Naval Base: Northern Yukisora. Docks vessels operating in the northern zone of the Eastern Ocean.
  • Nobizemura Naval Base: Southwestern coast of mainland Pelinai. Houses Shiroimizu Naval Yard, which constructs most large RPN vessels. Current headquarters of the Mediterranean Fleet.

Royal Pelinese Space Force

The Royal Pelinese Space Force is the branch of the Pelinese Armed Forces that is responsible for the operation of military forces that conduct space warfare and provide space-based intelligence and combat support, as well as units that provide both offensive and defensive cyberwarfare capability. The RPSF’s cyberwarfare elements, in combination with the PWA’s Peli-Spetsnaz special forces, the RPN’s Morspesi combat divers, and the Ministry of Defense’s Main Directorate of Military Intelligence (GVRU), form the core of the Pelinese Armed Forces’ grey-zone operational capabilities.

Active commands

Other branches

In addition to the branches that are normally part of the Pelinese Armed Forces, other uniformed services of Pelinai may be transferred to military control at the discretion of the Prime Minister during wartime; in such instances, they temporarily become designated as additional branches of the armed forces. Such services include the Royal Pelinese Civil Defense Force, normally a part of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the Royal Pelinese Uniformed Medical Service of the Ministry of Health.


All branches of the Pelinese Armed Forces have maintained heavy investment into equipment modernization and improved training since the impediments of Pelinese industrial underdevelopment began to wane in the late 1990s. A combination of some private enterprises and multiple state-administered corporations has supplied most of the weaponry and other materiel procured by the Ministry of Defense since 1995, with most purchases being from state companies.

Significant domestic manufacturers of Pelinese armaments and military supplies include:

  • Aetherdyne IDB: Manufactures tactical fighter aircraft and cruise missiles, such as the Ae-15 Ayame and Ae-16 Fuyuhana fighter aircraft and the N7L Crystal air-launched cruise missile.
  • Belareka Tactical Outfitting: Manufactures ballistic plate carriers, combat helmets, combat fatigues, gloves, webbing gear, and other tactical military apparel.
  • Berkut IDB: Specializes in the design of coaxial-rotor helicopters for naval purposes, such as the Be-19 Cornflower ASW/utility helicopter.
  • Fuyumako Heavy Engineering: Produces many common Pelinese armored vehicles, including the T-04 Crusader main battle tank and the ZM97 Paladin armored infantry combat vehicle as well as many of their variants.
  • Hanahata Concern: Manufactures many common Pelinese small arms, such as the AVP-17 automatic rifle, as well as specialized weapons systems like loitering munitions and RWS stations.
  • Haruko Project Design Bureau: Designs a variety of helicopters for civilian and military usage, such as the Ha-7 Akisame attack helicopter.
  • Kazamatsurigrad Machine Building Plant: Produces armored military trucks and light tactical armored vehicles, such as the KMZ-145 military truck, LZM-281 military light utility vehicle, and LPM-1 infantry mobility vehicle.
  • Nanohi IDB: Designs and produces heavy bonber aircraft such as the Na-17 Marahu long-range strike bomber.
  • Pelektronik: Manufactures the radars, sensors, and other military electronics used in Pelinese aircraft, naval vessels, air defense systems, and other equipment.
  • Sesako: Produces drone aircraft and loitering munitions, such as the Se-2 reconnaissance drone and the Se-14 Kaiyōtori maritime patrol & surveillance drone.
  • Shiroimizu Naval Yard: Builds Pelinese warships, especially larger ones such as the Pelograd-class and Sakura-class aircraft carriers.
  • Toyotomi Marine Engineering: Major designer of modern Pelinese corvette classes, such as the Typhoon-class corvette of the RPN and the Berkut-class patrol corvette of the RPCG.
  • Tyr IDB: Supplies large gas turbine engines for propulsion of naval vessels such as the Umihana-class destroyers and Admiral Seisuko-class cruisers.
  • VostMash: Shipyard complex responsible for manufacturing many of the RPN’s medium-size surface combatants.
  • Vostochnoye Design Bureau: Designs surface combatants and other naval vessels, such as the Umihana-class destroyer and the Ayame-class frigate.
  • Yarimaka Artillery Foundry: Supplies weapons such as the O-98 and O-98K direct-fire cannons found on Pelinese tanks and surface combatants, as well as artillery such as the AP-104 howitzer widely operated by the Pelinese White Army.
  • Yunimashi IDB: Produces turbojet and turbofan engines for aircraft, including the AF-13 turbofans used by the Ae-16 Fuyuhana.
  • Yusuko: Designs Pelinese naval aviation vessels, such as aircraft cruisers, aircraft carriers, and landing helicopter docks.


Rank structure

All ranks of the Pelinese Armed Forces fall into one of three categories: commissioned officers, warrant officers, and enlisted personnel. Commissioned officers form the military leadership of each branch of the PAF and operate under commission. Warrant officers are specialist commissioned officers with training centered around a specific field. Enlisted personnel include non-warrant officer specialists, non-commissioned officers (NCOs), tactical-level military leadership, and rank-and-file soldiers, sailors, and airmen.

Commissioned officers

Commissioned officers in the Pelinese Armed Forces serve as military staff and function as leadership. Officers most typically receive commission as junior lieutenants or equivalent ranks in other branches after completing education at an officer school or a military technical school, both of which are present in Pelinai and of which exist several for each branch of the armed forces. They can also be promoted from warrant officer and enlisted ranks by successfully performing an examination that can be taken after completing a conscription term and 6 years of voluntary service.

Commissioned officers are the second most common type of personnel in the Pelinese Armed Forces, with approximately 300,000 on active duty at any given time. Military education is integrated into the Pelinese school and university systems to ensure access to active and reserve officers as necessary, and the quality of officer leadership in Pelinai is maintained by both effective pre-commissioning education and the conducting of regular military exercises by both practical and simulated means.

Officer ranks of the Pelinese Armed Forces
Service branch OF-10 OF-9 OF-8 OF-7 OF-6 OF-5 OF-4 OF-3 OF-2 OF-1 OF-D
Pelinai (Pacifica)Pelinese White Army Marshal of the Kingdom of Pelinai Army General Lieutenant General Major General Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Major Captain Senior Lieutenant Lieutenant, Junior Lieutenant Kursant (officer cadet)
Pelinai (Pacifica)Royal Pelinese Navy Admiral of the Fleet of the Kingdom of Pelinai Admiral Vice Admiral Rear Admiral Captain of the First Rank, Captain of the Second Rank Captain of the Third Rank Captain Lieutenant Senior Lieutenant Lieutenant Junior Lieutenant, Ensign Kursant (officer cadet)
Pelinai (Pacifica)Royal Pelinese Air Force
Pelinese Homeland Guard N/A General of the National Guard of the Kingdom of Pelinai (Pelgvardiya), Admiral of the Coast Guards (RPCG) Lieutenant General of the Pelgvardiya (Pelgvardiya), Vice Admiral of the Coast Guards (RPCG) Major General of the Pelgvardiya (Pelgvardiya), Rear Admiral of the Coast Guards (RPCG) Colonel (Pelgvardiya), Captain of the First Rank, Captain of the Second Rank (RPCG) Lieutenant Colonel (Pelgvardiya), Captain of the Third Rank (RPCG) Major (Pelgvardiya), Captain Lieutenant (RPCG) Captain (Pelgvardiya), Senior Lieutenant (RPCG) Senior Lieutenant (Pelgvardiya), Lieutenant (RPCG) Lieutenant, Junior Lieutenant (Pelgvardiya), Junior lieutenant, Ensign (RPCG) Kursant (officer cadet)
Royal Pelinese Space Force

Warrant officers

Warrant officers are dedicated technical specialists of the Pelinese military officer corps and function to bridge the gap between enlisted and commissioned officer ranks. They receive a commission and are technically commissioned officers like the OF categories, but are classified separately due to their specialized roles and largely divergent functions relative to OF officers. Warrant officers are promoted from qualified applicants in the enlisted ranks, typically after completion of a two-year conscription term. Due to overlap of roles, there are no warrant officer ranks in the Royal Pelinese Air Force or Royal Pelinese Space Force.

Warrant officers are relatively rare in the Pelinese Armed Forces, representing approximately 25,000 technical personnel and pilots of the active duty force. Training for these ranks is provided through dedicated military-technical specialist education programs.

Warrant officer ranks of the Pelinese Armed Forces
Service Branch WO-5 WO-4 WO-3 WO-2 WO-1
Pelinai (Pacifica)Pelinese White Army Senior Warrant Officer Warrant Officer of the First Rank Warrant Officer of the Second Rank Warrant Officer of the Third Rank Junior Warrant Officer
Pelinai (Pacifica)Royal Pelinese Navy Senior Warrant Officer Warrant Officer of the First Rank Warrant Officer of the Second Rank Warrant Officer of the Third Rank Junior Warrant Officer
Pelinese Homeland Guard Senior Warrant Officer (Pelgvardiya only) Warrant Officer of the First Rank Warrant Officer of the Second Rank Warrant Officer of the Third Rank Junior Warrant Officer


Symbols and insignia

Pelinese military personnel uniforms, aircraft, and vehicles possess insignia for identification purposes and to follow international laws regarding appropriate delineation of civilians and combatants. Each branch of the Pelinese Armed Forces, as well as the service as a whole, uses their own flag and/or symbol: PWA vehicles and personnel have a Revolutionary Chevron, RPN vessels fly the Pelinese Naval Jack and Pelinese Flag, RPAF aircraft are painted with a Pelinese Sakura roundel, Pelgvardiya and RPCG uniforms and craft carry PHG emblems in addition to their own, and the RPSF uses its own flag at installations and on satellites. Military facilities and buildings fly the Pelinese flag as well as their branch’s flag, the flag of the Pelinese General Staff, and/or Ministry of Defense where applicable.

See also