Andrendia (Pacifica)

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Axolotl Empire of Andrendia

Impero Axolotl Di Andrendia
Coat of arms
Motto: Uniti nelle differenze
United in Differences
Location of Andrendia in Pacifica
LocationApennia, between the Apennian Alps in the West and the Eastern Ocean (Tirriatico Sea) in the East.
and largest city
Official languagesApennisea
Recognised national languagesAustral
Azaelism 45,3%

Christianity 8%

Cult of Axolotls 6,7%

Islam 4,9%

Not Religious/Atheist 35.1%

Other 3,1%
GovernmentConstitutional Monarchy
• Emperor
Andrea Oloto VII
• Prime Minister
Giacomo La Greca
National Assembly
• Unitication of the Pre-Axolian States
July 23rd 1496
• Creation of the Axolotl Empire of Andrendia
November 30th 1577
• End of the Andreian Civil War and proclamation of the Constitutional Monarchy
July 20th 1807
• Total
532,110 km2 (205,450 sq mi) (4)
• 2024 census
120,220,056 (4)
• Density
227.77/km2 (589.9/sq mi) (22)
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
$5,31 Trilion (5)
• Per capita
$44,169 (15)
very high · 14
CurrencyAndreian Brick (ABR/₿)
Time zoneUTC+2, +3
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Mains electricity230 V–50 Hz
Driving sideright
Calling code+39
World Forum CodeAD
Internet TLD.and
  1. Aranzian is co-official in Southern Andrendia/Aranzia and Platino; Herculanean is co-official in Northern Andrendia/Vulcanbonia and Diamante; Portian is co-official in Cilentranea and Perla.

Andrendia, officially the Axolotl Empire of Andrendia, is a unitary state located in North-Eastearn Bailtem bordered in the West by Kustannuksa, the Central Bailtemmic Republic and New Altnavia and in the south by Minangrayo. The Country is located mostly in Apennia, geographical region located between the Apennian Alps and the Tirriatico Sea. It owns the 4 major and many minor islands of the Apennic Archipelago. It's the fourth largest and fourth most inhabited country in the South Pacific. The largest city is the country's Capital, Andreopolis.

The country is an Unitary Constitutional Monarchy and is currently ruled by Emperor Andrea Oloto VII, with Giacomo La Greca as the Prime Minister. The Official Language is Apennise, with Austral recognized as a National Language. Aranzian, Herculanean and Portian are co-official in the Regions they're spoken in. The country has no state religion but the most common is Azaelism.

Before the proclamation of the Axolotl Empire of Andrendia in 1577, the vast majority of the current territories of the nation were part of the Axolian Empire.


Andrendia derives from the name of the second Emperor of Andrendia, Andrea Oloto I, son of the first Emperor and Prophet Franco Oloto I. He named the Empire after his newborn son. Practically, the name means "Land of Andrea".


The history of Andrendia is divided by historians in 7 Eras, 8 including Prehistory.


Civilization in Apennia started around 15,000 BC in the area around the Magazo Jungle. For thousands of years humans in the area lived in nomadic groups until around 10,000 BC they started building villages. Around this time the oldest religion in the area was founded: The Cult of Axolotls, an endemic species of Andrendia. The followers of the Cult are called the Axolians.

Ancient Era (Circa 10,000 BCE-686)

Vulcanbonian-Axolandian War

As time passed many kingdoms were founded around the rivers of Apennia, until, in 678, a large war broke out between the two largest kingdoms of the area, the Vulcanbonian Kingdom and the Axoland Kingdom. The Vulcanbonian Kingdom followed a polytheistic religion, believing in Warrior Gods living on Mount Vulcanbon, an important volcano in the area. The Axoland kingdom was a kingdom founded by the descendants of the first Axolians. The war brought into itself all of the states of the region, that were allied to one of the two ancient superpowers. At the end of the war, devastation had filled the area and the two main belligerents collapsed. We don't know much of what happened before the war, due to the large destruction caused by the war, including the total erasure of over a thousand years of records kept in the nations' libraries and archives. One other large effect of the war, other than the erasure of most past history, was the disappearance of the Vulcanbonian Cult and the total supemacy of the Cult of Axolotls in Apennia. The only nation that was unaltered in the war was the Republic of Arancio, located in the Southern Mesas.

This event marked the end of the Ancient Era and the start of the Middle Era.

Middle Era (686-1387)

Map of the Middle Era

The aftermath of the Vulcanbonian-Axolandian War

After the end of the war, for four centuries, there was a power vacuum in Apennia with no nations, other than the Republic of Arancio, that were able to exist for more than a couple of years without collapsing. In 1043, this period of chaos ended after the proclamation of the Axoli Republic, direct successor of the Axoland Kingdom. In the following years, other countries were established that were able to be stable enough to keep existing for many years.

These countries were:

  • The Great Duchy of Picentania, a country controlling the water-rich plains now known as the Great Apennian Plains.
  • The Confederation of the Alps and the Confederation of the Magazo, two confederations of smaller states located on the Alps and in the Magazo Jungle, united by the dream of becoming strong players in the future of Apennia.
  • The Cilentranean Kingdom, a monarchy established by an unknown man that proclaimed to be a descendant of the Vulcanbonian Warrior Gods.
  • The Republic of the Tirriatico, a small Republic founded by a group of merchants. Their capital of Granporto quickly became an important trading spot in Apennia, thanks to its immediate access to the Tirriatico Sea, from which the country took its name.
  • The Vulcanbonian State, founded by a descendant of the last Vulcanbonian monarch who proclaimed himself dictator of the area. The country claimed many lands that it actually didn't control, since the State's military was often forced by the Dictator to station around the capital of Vulcania, now Andria, to defend from future invasions, even if the country wasn't at war.

Meanwhile, the Republic of Arancio kept thriving. In this period, Christian missionaries arrived in the Republic and convinced the Leader of the Nation to convert its people into Christianity.

Early Axolian Era (1387-1496)

Transformation of the Axoli Republic into the Axolian Empire

In 1387, descendants of the Axoland crown took control of the Axoli government and proclaimed the transformation of the country into the Axolian Empire, with the plan of reuniting all of their ancient lands under their rule.

This event marked the start of the Early Axolian Era and of the Axolian Unification Wars.

Map of the territories that were colonized by the Tirriatican Empire in modern Andrendia

The maritime supremacy of the Tirriatican Empire

In 1403 the Republic of the Tirriatico transformed into the Tirriatican Empire and started colonizing the coasts of Apennia. Their invasion of Vulcanbonia started the slow collapse of the Vulcanbonian State

The Empire traded with nations all over Pacifica, becoming one of the biggest traders on the planet.

Axolian Era (1496-1577)

The Unification under the Axolian Empire

In 1496 the Axolian Unification Wars ended, unifying almost all of the Nations that were located in Apennia, diplomatically or militarily, under the Axolian Empire.

This event marked the start of the Axolian Era.

Early Andreian Era (1577-1798)

The Tale of Franco Oloto

In 1577, the explorer Franco Oloto, discoverer of the ancient ruins around Mount Vulcanbon, decided to explore the mysterious Azalea Island, off the shore of Vulcanbonia. The island was never actully explored, since ancient Vulcanbonian legends say the island was cursed and dangerous. The Explorer ignored the warnings and decided to explore the island. On the island he found ancient ruins from a previously unknown civilization. What actually happened on the island is unknown, but we know that after Franco Oloto returned to the mainland, after over a month on the island spent translating ancient texts, he started talking about an ancient cult. He then went to Axolia, the capital of the Axolian Empire, and started talking about this religion, saying he was its Messiah. A few started listening to him but many started attacking him and thinking he was crazy. Then something unexpected happened, a great light appeared in the sky. Franco Oloto yelled to the now large mass of people that the light was a sign of the religion's god, Azaleo, the "God of Flowering Azaleas". That mysterious event, now theorized to be an unusual weather event, was known to history as the Miracle of Axolia.

Some days later the Emperor was overthrown by the people and Franco was crowned Emperor. He then proclaimed the foundation of the Axolotl Empire of Andrendia, called like this in name of his son, Andrea Oloto, with Azaelism as its official religion.

This event marked the start of the Early Andreian Era.

Beginning of Kustannuksan-Andreian Relationships

In 1584, Kustannuksan Ambassadors crossed the Apennian Alps and reached the capital of Andreopolis. The Kustannuksan had contacts with the Pre-Axolian States and the Axolian Empire in the past, but relations were never normalized. With this diplomatic trip Andrendia and Kustannuksa became close allies. Three months later, Andreian Ambassadors arrived in the Kustannuksan Capital of Pohjoinen. In 1585 the Emperors of the two countries met agreed on treaties that are still the basis of the current Kustannuksan-Andreian Alliance.

Spreading of Azaelism across Andrendia

After the Miracle of Axolia, Azaelism became the official religion of the country and to spread it, from 1578 to 1604, the Azaleo's Squadroon, a religious group founded by Franco Oloto, started to spread Azaelism across Andrendia. The Squadroon didn't force people into believing the religion, by the order of the Emperor to respect the Axolians, but still tried to spread it as much as possible. Though, there were many episodes where members of the group committed violent attacks against Axolians and other Non-Azaelists.

In 1604, after a massacre of Axolians that refused to believe in Azaelism caused by members of the Squadroon, Empress Maria Oloto I dissolved the group, proclaiming that the religion was present enough in the Nation and that atrocities like this were inhumane and that they should stop.

Andreian Era (1798-1887)

Invasion of the Republic of Arancio

In 1798 the last Pre-Axolian State, the ancient Republic of Arancio was invaded by the Empire after the Arancian border guard accidentally attacked a carriage that was taking Andreian diplomats to the Arancian capital of Val D'Arancio. The war only lasted a month and it was a major Andreian victory. The newly annexed territories became the Autonomous Region of Arancio, that, like Vulcanbonia, received its autonomy due to its long history of independence from powers coming from the center of Apennia.

This event marked the start of the Andreian Era.

The Dark Ages of the Andreian Era

"The Dark Ages of the Andreian Era" is a term used to define the rule of Emperor Franco Oloto III. During his rule, the emperor installed many policies that limited the belief in the Cult of Axolotls, the autonomy of the regions and many of the people's freedoms.

Living in this period of history is often defined as one of the worst times to live in Andrendia.

Map of Andrendia during the Civil War (1804)

Andreian Civil War

On July 14th 1802 Andrendia saw the start of a civil war. After the many tensions between the Axolian population and the Empire, the Emperor Franco Oloto III was killed by an Axolian extremist.

The war was fought between five different factions:

  • The Axolian Faction, tired of the Emperor's policies, they wanted to take control of Andrendia and get revenge on the Azaelists.
  • The Andrea Oloto IV Supporters, who supported the government of the new emperor and wanted to bring peace back to the nation.
  • The Franco III Loyalists, the few who believed into the assassinated Emperor's ideas and wanted to install a new regime following said ideas.
  • The Arancian and Vulcanbonian Independentists, that after the removal of their autonomy wanted their Independence back.

Immediately after the assassination, Axolians started to rebel and take control of large areas of the country. Meanwhile the new government rushed to stop the rebels and took immediate control of Azalea Island, to stop the likely planned devastation of the Temple.

On December 22nd 1802 Northern and Southern Andrendia declared Independence from the Empire and started fighting against both the Empire and the Axolians.

Then, between the March of 1803 and the February of 1804, one of the most brutal events of the War happened. In Picentania, in a large pocket of land controlled by the Empire but surrounded by the Axolians, massive attacks happened, mostly killing civilians. The survivors of the attacks were then took to the biggest city near the Exclave, Collinetia, to be tortured and killed. Houndreds of innocent people were killed in the city. Collinetia would be renamed Picentia after the war in name of the civilians that lost their lives in the city.

On February 4th 1804 a massive attack from the Empire attacked the city, discovering and stopping the massacres. Axolian generals declared that this was a revenge for the attacks made by the Azaleo's Squadroon against Axolians.

On the 1st of May 1804, on the coast of Cilentranea, Emperor Andrea Oloto IV signed a peace declaration with the Franco III Loyalists, that joined the Empire and started helping it to stop the Axolian Faction and the Independentists.

During all of 1805 the Empire made countless attacks in Vulcanbonia to stop the secessionists, capturing their capital and annexing them on October 17th.

Then on January 8th 1806 a delegation from Arancio sent a request to reunite with the Empire, but keeping their autonomy. The Empire accepted the request.

On the 15th of July 1807 the Great Battle of Andreopolis was fought. The Axolians attacked Andreopolis on the first lights of the day, surprising the population. They burned the Emperor's Palace and destroyed many Azaelist Churches. Some hours later the Empire's counterattack devastated most of the Axolian army and then emperor Andrea Oloto IV killed the leader of the Axolian Faction, after he shot him in the arm.

Finally on the 20th of July 1807, the Emperor signed a peace treaty with the generals of the Axolian Faction declaring the complete reunification of Andrendia and the end of the war.

And on September 1st, Emperor Andrea Oloto IV declared that the Axolotl Empire of Andrendia would become, from that day onwards, a Constitutional Monarchy, with the reason behind the decision being that the absolutism had brought Andrendia into the Civil War and that, with more say from the popoluation, similiar events may be prevented. The new Parliament would've been elected for the first time on January 1st 1808. His second and last decision as an absolute monarch was the nullification of all policies installed by Emperor Franco Oloto III and restoring autonomy in Northern and Southern Andrendia.

Andrendia after the Civil War

On December 3rd 1839, the first railway in Andrendia, the Trenia-Andreopolis railway, was opened.

In 1860 the Great Reclamation Project started, removing the entirety of the Swamps in the Great Apennian Plains.

In 1864 Andrendia partecipated to the negotiations of the Grovne Conventions.

On July 8th 1887, the Andreian Parliament approved a law that let everyone, including women, have the right to vote in all elections.

The introduction of Universal Suffrage marks the end of the Andreian Era and the start of the New Andreian Era.

New Andreian Era (1877-Present Day)

The Start of the Great Reformer's reign

In 1921 the recently on power Emperor Franco Oloto IV, known as the Great Reformer, helped the newly formed Andreian Socialist Party concept a new economic system for the country, thanks to the socialist ideals he heard of during his youth. The Party then was able to take the reforms to the parliament and they were made law on March 9th of the same year, with great satisfaction from the Emperor. This support for the workers' cause made him really popular.

On August 23rd 1925 the Block River Dam was completed, the area that became the Block Dam Lake completely filled with water in 1949

The Great War and the Iron Century

Through the entirety of the Great War, Andrendia remained as a non-belligerent neutral power. The country entered this position due to being a Democratic Empire and having economic ties with both fronts of the war due to this. During the War, Andrendia sent aid to both sides of the war, with the idea of keeping good ties with both sides, regardless of who would’ve won the war. This plan worked until 1951, when the Minister of Defence approved Operation Doublefront (Operazione Doppiofronte), which comprises the organization of recruitment centers where volunteers could recruit themselves in various groups which would’ve gone fighting for both fronts, some with the Allies and some with the Imperialists. The small armies that formed from the Operation were sent to help the two sides, keeping in secret that Andrendia was technically fighting for both sides at the same time. In various fights though the voluntary groups ended up fighting against each other and the Operation was deemed a failure. The powers of both sides lost all trust in the Axolotl Empire of Andrendia and the Empire was sanctioned after the war and remained isolated.

During the Iron Century, Andrendia tried to mediate between most crises and wars, to gain back trust and gain new allies and trade partners, plan that ended in a success.

On September 9th 1968 the first Andreian Nuclear Bomb completed its construction and its test then followed in a unhinhabited region of the Southern Mesa the week later. Both the construction and the test of the warhead caused major public outrage. Nonetheless, the Andreian Atomic Program proceeded normally, with several new warheads being developed throughout the rest of the Cold War.

The Andreic Miracle

From 1971 to 1985 Andrendia went through is known as the Andreic Miracle, sprung by the discovery of even larger deposits of rare earths on Platino, needed for the newly born technology sector and by natural gasses and oil deposits being found in Southern Aranzia. During this period the country's GDP grew to unseen heights and the country managed to make new economic and military allies. Life in the Empire also changed with several reforms and projects directed at the country's citizens being made by the government thanks to the economic growth of the nation.

On 15 February 1973 Franco Oloto IV founded the Andreian Space Agency and some day later, after a National Referendum, Andrendia joined the CPSC.

On June 18th 1985, Emperor Franco Oloto IV died of cancer, with his successor Alfredo Oloto II taking his place. The death of the Emperor is regarded as the end of the Andreic Miracle.

Modern Day Andrendia

Throughout the late 80s and the early 90s the highways and railways of Andrendia were completely renovated and expanded, bringing the Empire closer togheter. The greatest achievement was in 1991, with the first high speed train in Andreian History being constructed. The first line to be upgraded to high speed capabilities was the one between Andreopolis and Faiano, the first railway line in the country.

On April 10th 2002 gay marriage was legalized, being the starting step to the current acceptance of LGBTQ+ people in Andrendia.


Biome map of Andrendia.

Physical Geography

Andrendia has a large variety of environments, going from arid mesas to intricated jungles to large plains to high mountain peaks.

The major mountain range of the country is the Apennian Alps. Filled of volcanic activity, the mountain range has some of the highest mountains in Bailtem, like Shimmer Peak, Mt. Brick and Mt. Block. Located on the west of the nation, these mountains always signed the borders of Apennia and its states. In the North-Eastern range of the mountain chain is located Mt. Vulcanbon, the largest active volcano in the Country, Mount Aether, famous for the clouds who constantly cover its peak and Andrea Oloto II Peak, named after the Emperor who died on it. Around the range, large maritime pine forests cover the area. In the south, we find the Arancio Mesa, an arid and resource rich area full of eroded peaks and flat hills. The rivers that form from the glaciers of the mountain chain form the Great Apennian Plains, most important part of Apennia and most populated area in Andrendia. In the past this area was full of swamps and lakes, but many reclamation projects made the area habitable. This projects lead to the construction of the Block River Dam, biggest dam of the country. The damn produces energy for all of the surrounding areas, including the capital of Andreopolis. The dam generated the Block Dam Lake, the biggest lake in Andrendia. The southern part of the Plains is occupied by the Magazo Jungle, the biggest Jungle in Andrendia and a protected area due to its biodiversity and beauty. In the east, we find the coasts, in Northern and especially in Southern Andrendia they're high and rocky, while in the center they're low and sandy. Andrendia's entire coastline leads to the Tirriatican Sea, which spans from the coasts of Apennia to the start of the Eastern Ocean.

Political Geography

First Level Subdivisions

The Country has 11 first level subdivisions: 2 Autonomous Regions, 3 Island Regions, 5 Standard Regions and the Imperial Region of Capitalia, which houses the capital of the country, Andreopolis and its metropolitan area.

All Normal and Island Regions are ruled by a Regional Council, with a Regional Council Leader as the most important political figure in each Region. In the Autonomous Regions the Council is replaced by a Regional Parliament and the Council Leader by the Regional President.

Capitalia is directly ruled by the National Parliament.

Standard Regions

Standard Regions have little autonomy and the Regional Councils can only decide about the region's infrastructures and public services.


Andro, commonly known as the Mountainous Frontier, is the Westernmost region of Andrendia. The region is almost entirely occupied by some of the highest peaks of the Apennian Alps, with only a few flat areas on the eastern part of the region. In this area are located the largest inhabited centers of the region, the capital of Azalì, known for its beautiful Azaelist Church, and the town of Picentia, named after the Picentanian Azaelists deported there during the Civil War. The third biggest town in the region, Valle Aurea is located in the hilly area of the region, on the Aureo River, main tributary of the Picentino River, that has its source on Mount Aether.


The region of Brickia is the most inhabited in the Country, thanks to its large plains and water presence. The main cities in the region are Faiano, the regional capital and largest producer of the Andreian Potato, Trenia, home of the Andreian Railways, and Eolia, famous for its large wind power industry. The region is crossed by the two major rivers of the nation: the Brick, which flows to the national capital and then into the Sea, and the Block, that stops at the Block Dam Lake, a lake located in what once was the Central Brickian Depression, turned into a lake by the Block River Dam, that supplies the region with energy. The river then flows into the Brick via artificial canals.


Cilentranea, smallest of the Standard Regions, is located on the coast between Capitalia and Picentania. The region has large sandy beaches, that attract a lot of tourists, main source of the regional wealth. The main inhabited centers are the capital of Cilentina, touristic city located on the mouth of the Picentino, and Granporto, ancient capital of the Tirriatican Empire and largest port in the country.


The region of Picentania is a mostly flat region located between Northern Andrendia and Brickia. The region is named after its main river, the Picentino. The main inhabited centers are Pontinia, regional capital and location of an ancient arch bridge, Sala, an agricultural town famous for the production of the Picentanean Cheese, and Val Fiumara, located where the Aureo River joins the Picentino. Along the northern border of the region, on the North-Eastern Range of the Apennian Alps, is located Andrea Oloto II Peak, named after the homonymous Emperor, who died on the mountain in 1711.


The Magazena Region is named after the Magazo, a river that flows into the Gulf of Axolotls, the largest gulf in the nation. The region is covered by the largest jungle in the country, the Magazo Jungle. The areas not covered by the jungle are where most of the population is located. The main inhabited centers are Pastoria, the capital of the region, founded by shepherds centuries ago, Fabraica, the industrial heart of Andrendia, located on the hills near Mount Shimmer, the highest peak in the country, and Axolotlia, main port in the Gulf of Axolotls and second largest port in the country. On the Apennian Alps, is located the dormant volcano of Sulphurous Mountain, largest sulphur deposit in the Empire.

The Topographic/Political map of Andrendia
Island Regions

The Island Regions have higher autonomy than Standard Regions, due to their small size and population and to their need of periodic sea transport from and to the mainland.


The island, located off the coast of Northern Andrendia, is home to a large diamond mine that provides great wealth to the region. There aren't large inhabited centers on the island, with only the small village of Diamantia. The main attraction of the village is the Diamond Mining Museum, where the history of the island's diamond mines is preserved.


The island Region of Perla is famous for its sparse jungle and is based economically on fishing, pearl collection and tourism. The largest inhabited center is the town of Perletria, where there is a large center for the collection of pearls and the national aquarium.


This region, located off the coast of Magazena and Southern Andrendia, is known known for its metal rich, especially in platinum, craters, created by an ancient asteroid impact. The only inhabited center on the island is the town of Platiniano, home to the Andreian Space Agency and its equipment. An astronomical observatory is also located on the island.

Autonomous Regions

The Autonomous Regions have the highest power of all Regions in Andrendia. They have been granted autonomy due to the long history of independence and due to their special needs in education and infrastructure, due to the majority of their inhabitants speaking the regional language alongside Appenise. Their Regional Parliaments can also decide some Region specific laws if they need to.

Northern Andrendia/Vulcanbonia

The Autonomous Region of Northern Andrendia, also known as Vulcanbonia, is home to the largest active volcano in the Empire, Mount Vulcanbon, famous for the ruins of the ancient Vulcanbonian capital, Volumbiæ, located around its sides. The mountain divides the region in half. In the Western part, large maritime pine forests occupy most of the environment. The eastern part, on the other hand, is very similar to Cilentranea. The main inhabited centers are Costella in the East and Andria, the regional capital, in the West, on the mouth of the Forco River. On the northernmost part of the region is located the small town of Punta Azalea. Off the shore of the town is located Azalea Island, location of the mysterious Azalea Temple and other ruins of the still unknown to this day civilization that inhabited the island. Due to the religious correlations of the island with the Azaelist religion, the island is a place of worship and pilgrimage visited by tens of thousands of people every year.

Southern Andrendia/Arancio

The Autonomous Region of Southern Andrendia, also knwon as Arancio, is home to the largest desert in the country. The region's alternative name comes from the Arancian people, who inhabit the region since prehistory, and are named in turn after the color of the large mesas located in the region's center. In the south of the region, the coast becomes extremely steep and rocky. The region's southern border cuts through the Nagoanjiang River. The Arancian range of the Apennian Alps is one of the most inhospitable, with Forlorn Peak named after the many people who died climbing it. Mount Arancio on the other hand is a sacred site to the Arancian People and many visit it every year. The main inhabited centers are Sudria, the regional capital, located in the less arid area of the country, Sporgeria, locatred on one of the steep cliffs of the region and Val D'Arancio, ancient capital of the Arancio Republic, located in the mesas. Going south from the regional capital, the climate becomes hotter and the environment transforms from a plain to a large prairie full of shrubs and cacti. Around the center of the region, the praire becomes a desert, famous for its giant Mesas. The desert is extremely resource rich, especially in oil and natural gasses, that are the main source of the region's economy.

Map of the subdivisions of Andrendia
Panorama of Andreopolis
Imperial Region of Capitalia

The Imperial Region of Capitalia is a Special Region comprising the National capital of Andreopolis and the sourrounding metropolitan area.

Second Level Subdivisions

Every First Level Subdivision in Andrendia, with the exceptions of the Imperial Region of Capitalia and the Island Regions, have Second Level Subdivisions, known as Provinces. There are a total of 20 Official Provinces in the country. The Regions without Provinces, due to also serving the roles a province would alongside their Regional ones, are counted as Special Provinces, taking the total amount of Provinces to 24.

The provinces serve to take to the Regional Councils and Regional Parliaments the local problems of the areas and to have more specific decisions over infrastructure and public services than the Regions.

List of Provinces
Region Provinces in the Region Regional Capital
Andro Province of Valle Aurea, Province of Picentia, Province of Azalì Azalì
Brickia Province of Eolia, Province of Trenia, Province of Faiano Faiano
Capitalia Special Province of Andreopolis Andreopolis
Cilentranea Province of Cilentina, Province of Granporto Cilentina
Diamante Special Province of Diamantia Diamantia
Magazena Province of Pastoria, Province of Fabraica, Province of Axolotlia Pastoria
Northern Andrendia/Vulcanbonia Province of Andria, Province of Costella, Province of Punta Azalea Andria
Perla Special Province of Perletria Perletria
Picentania Province of Fiumara, Province of Pontinia, Province of Sala Pontinia
Platino Special Province of Platiniano Platiniano
Southern Andrendia/Arancio Province of Sudria, Province of Sporgeria, Province of Val d'Arancio Sudria


The Axolotl Empire of Andrendia is an Unitary Constitutional Monarchy, with Emperor Andrea Oloto VII as its current monarch and Giacomo la Greca as its Prime Minister. The Empire has been a Constitutional Monarchy since the end of the Andreian Civil War, after Emperor Andrea Oloto IV proclaimed the end of Absolutism in the country.


Andrendia has a bicameral parliament, composed of the upper house, the Imperial Senate, that meets in Palazzo Colonnato, and the lower house, the Andreian National Assembly, that meets in Palazzo d'Equatore. The two houses have the same powers. The Prime Minister is the head of government of Andrendia and is appointed, alongside the cabinet, by the Emperor and have to pass a confidence vote in the parliament to come in office.

Foreign Relationships

Andrendia is a member of the World Forum, with Angelio Villarì as its ambassador.

The Empire has also had a long lasting alliance with the neighboring Kustannuksan Empire, especially due to the country's large Andreian minority.


The Andreian Economy is partially based around a Socialist model, with a good percentage of companies and industries being owned directly by the government but still keeping a free market system. The Nation's economy is led by tourism, mining, agriculture, production of electronics and fossil fuel extraction. The historic and natural beauties of Andrendia make tourism the biggest economic resource of the country, with millions of tourists visiting the Nation every year. Ore extraction is mostly performed in the resource rich mesas of Southern Andrendia, in the mines of Andro in the Apennian Alps and on Platino island's rare-earths mines. Diamante island is also home to a smaller mining operation that extracts the diamonds found deep under the island. The Southern Mesas are also home to large oil and gas deposits, that are extracted and converted into energy or exported through the Andreian Railway system or via sea shipping. Most of the energy in Andrendia is produced by the fossil fuels extracted in Arancio, but renewable energy and nuclear power are getting more prevalent every year, starting almost a century ago with the construction of the Block River Dam. The largest nuclear power plant in Andrendia is located in the Province of Fabraica, in Magazena.


Map of the Language Minorities in Andrendia

Andrendia has a population of 120.220.056 inhabitants unequally divided across the nation.

Andreian Population Chart
Region Population %
Brickia 25.246.212 21%
Picentanea 22.721.591 18,9%
Capitalia 18.634.109 15,5%
Magazena 15.628.607 13%
Cilentranea 12.623.106 10,5%
Northern Andrendia 10.218.705 8,5%
Andro 9.016.504 7,5%
Southern Andrendia 5.530.122 4,6%
Perla 360.660 0,3%
Platino 180.330 0,15%
Diamante 60.110 0,05%
Total 120.220.056 100%


The Official Language of Andrendia is Appenise, with Aranzian, Portian and Herculanean as National Languages. Austral is also recognized as a National Language, due to the big Austral speaking minority in the "Austral Belt", located between Capitalia, southern Brickia and eastern Magazena.


The National Religion is Azaelism. This Religion was rediscovered by the first Emperor of Andrendia, Franco Oloto I, after it being lost to time after the end of the Civilization of Azalea Island. Even if the majority of the Andreian polutation is religious, Religion isn't as prevalent in daily life as in the past. Other Religions present in the country are the endemic Cult of Axolotls, Christianity, present especially in the Aranzian inhabited areas, and Islam.

Almost 40% of the country's population is Atheist/Non-Religious.



Typical Andreian dishes are the Andreian Mashed Potatoes, made with an ancient recipe from Faiano, and the Picentanean Cheese, produced with the milk of the cows of Picentania following a production method with unknown origins.

National Symbols

The National Animal of Andrendia is the endemic Axolotl, existing in the country for millions of years and being venerated, even to this day, by the Cult of Axolotls.

The National Flower and Plant is the Azalea, specifically the Andreian Azalea, flower with extremely important religious symbolism to the Empire, due to Azaelism being its major and Official Religion. Andreian Azaleas are endemic to Point Azalea and Azalea Island, where huge bushes of them are extremely common in the small jungle that covers the two areas.

Regional Symbols

Each Region of the Empire then has a Regional Symbol, a specific symbolic element of the Region, ranging from Natural Beauties to Buildings to Food.

Andreians Abroad

Many Andreians across history emigrated the Country, especially in bordering Countries. The largest Andreian community outside of Andrendia is in Kustannuksa, with its origin in the Andreian Civil War, when many inhabitants of Andro decided to cross the Apennian Alps to safety in the neighboring country. Today, many Andreians still live in the country, with some, like Carlo Adamo De Courantis, President of the Kustannuksan Imperial Senate, getting high position in the bordering Empire's government.

Many smaller communities of Andreian immigrants exist all over Pacifica, mostly concentrated in Bailtem.


  • The current Axolotl population of Andrendia is over 1.500.000, with the most living in the lakes of the Magazo Jungle.
  • Mount Block is named after the salt crystals that are found under the mountain, found in shapes similiar to cubes and blocks.
  • In Apennise, some of the Mountains, Rivers and even one of the Regions and the Currency have different names, here's a list of the differences.
Naming Differences Between Austral and Apennise
Austral Name Apennise Name
Mt. Brick Mt. Bricco
Mt. Block Mt. Blocco
Brick River Bricco River
Block River Blocco River
Brickia Brichia
Brick (Currency) Bricco