.as (Pacifica)

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(27 years ago)
TLD typeCountry code top-level domain
RegistryAnserisan Internet Registration Administration
Administracio d'Enregistremento do Interneto Anserisana
SponsorGovernment of Anserisa
Intended useEntities connected with  Anserisa
Actual usePopular in Anserisa, where .as is advantageous when selling to an Anserisan audience in Aureusoes.
StructureDepartment of Culture and Communications
DocumentsAnserisan Internet Registration Administration Executive Act[1]

.as is the internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Anserisa. The domain name registry that operates it is the Anserisan Internet Registration Administration (Anserisan: Administracio do Enregistremento do Interneto Anserisana) (AEIA).

Registrants can register domains at the second level (e.g., example.as). Registrants can also register domains at the third level in one of the three geographic third level domains defined by the registry.

Anserisan Presence Requirements

Registrants of .as domains must meet the Anserisan Presence Requirements as defined by the AEIA. Examples of valid entities include:

  • an Anserisan citizen or permanent resident, of the age of majority;
  • a legally recognized Anserisan organisation;
  • a foreign resident of Anserisa that holds a registered Anserisan trademark;
  • an executor, administrator or other legal representative of a person or organisation that meets the requirements;
  • an governmental organisation;

Third level domains

The AEIA recognizes third level names for entities operating solely within one of the three Anserisan Islands. Nationally operating companies should have a .as domain, while companies operating only on one island should require the letters of the island to be added before the .as. This practice is not the most popular, except for local communities and organisations which operate exclusively on one island, cities are the most populous users of the third level domains in Anserisa.

Domains of the Anserisan Islands

Governmental domain

The third level domain name .ga.as (Government of Anserisa) is to be used exclusively by governmental organisations that are approved by the Department of Culture and Communications.

See also

  1. Anserisan Internet Registration Administration Act : ACR-1998-37 (1998). Office of the Legislative Documents, Brantavilla.