Anserisan Election of 2020 (Pacifica)

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Anserisan Election of 2020

← 2018 (Ordinary election) 1 June 2020 (2020-06-01) 2022 (Ordinary election) →

35 Representatives
15 Councillors
  First party Second party Third party
  File:Landrum, Thérasia.jpg File:Gochium, Formoso.jpg
Leader Romana Madisum Thérasia Landrum Formoso Gochium
Party Socialist Republican Conservative
Leader since 29 March 2013 (2013-03-29) 2016 (2016) 2018 (2018)
Leader's seat Regina Céruléa-Aquila Branta-Centro
Seats before
20 / 35
10 / 35
5 / 35
Seats after
22 / 35
10 / 35
3 / 35
Seat change Increase 2 Steady 0 Decrease 2

  Fourth party Fifth party Sixth party
  File:Christianum, Albo.jpg File:Ménouarium, Claudio.jpg
Leader Magnuso Iousium Albo Christianum Claudio Ménouarium
Party Socialist Republican Conservative
Leader since 2008 (2008) 2014 (2014) 8 May 2020 (2020-05-08)
Leader's seat Rubecula Branta Candidate for Branta
Seats before
8 / 15
4 / 15
3 / 15
Seats after
8 / 15
4 / 15
3 / 15
Seat change Steady 0 Steady 0 Steady 0

The Anserisan Election of 2020 was the 36th General election and the 104th Ordinary election of the Republic of Anserisa. Campaign officially began on 2 May 2020, as mandated by the Constitution.[1] Political parties had until 15 May 2020 to submit the party lists of candidates. Three political parties were facing off, the incumbent Socialist Union, the Republican Alliance and the Conservative Coalition

Election day occurred on 1 June 2020. The Socialist Union won the General Election and retained its control of the Congress of the Republic with 2 more seats in the National Convention and no seat change in the Council of Regions.

Composition of the Congress

At the end of the term, the Congress was composed of the following.

Council of Regions

Island Socialist Republican Conservative
Branta Roméo Quensum
Assunça Costum
Reynaldo Cabrum
Albo Christianum Cato Brucium
Haliétusa Camilla Bonapartum
Baptisto Bertrum
Émiliana Clémençum
Prospero Plessium
Léo Juppum
Rubecula Magnuso Iousium
Sévérino Sidénamium
Dominico Ésenhorium
Filomena Passum Eustaquio Noronhum
  Socialist Union: 8 seats
  Republican Alliance: 4 seats

National Convention

Name Electoral District Island Political affiliation
Avito Annebum Alisa Branta Socialist
Désidérata Hollandum Auréliano-Régulum Branta Republican
Donato Pellium Bartramia Branta Socialist
Formoso Gochium Branta-Centro Branta Conservative
Maximino Vincentum Branta-Occidento Branta Republican
Hortensia Pelhum Brantavilla-Aquilono Branta Republican
Leopoldo Silvum Bubo Branta Socialist
Cétana Lobum Calpurnio-Fabricium Branta Socialist
Émiliano Fishum Cardellina Branta Conservative
Béatrixa Bennetum Chevrona Branta Republican
Énnio Moussum Comto-Benigno III Branta Socialist
Livia Possum Eudocimusa Branta Republican
Calisto Gouvium Geneva-Potissima Branta Socialist
Balbo Stouatum Gubernata Branta Conservative
Blasio Haldimandum Libério Branta Republican
Spurio Mitchum Nova Brantavilla Branta Republican
Diaduméniano Majum Ortalisa Branta Socialist
Aleixo Temerium Pétérodroma Branta Socialist
Soraia Estevum Princio-Augustino Branta Republican
Isaura Bolgérium Princio-Stéphano I Branta Socialist
Cypriano Macum Sometria Branta Socialist
Thérasia Landrum Céruléa-Aquila Haliétusa Republican
Balbino Mitchum Comto-Marcello I Haliétusa Socialist
Aurélia Oumétium Concordia-Aquilono Haliétusa Socialist
Nazareno Deschanum Costa da Concordia Haliétusa Conservative
Iunia Villanovium Melégrisa Haliétusa Socialist
Alicia Castellum Pontibem Haliétusa Socialist
Éligia Madisum Statera-Verbéra Haliétusa Socialist
Appio Polquium Comto-Bonifacio VI Rubecula Socialist
Gratiano Troumanium Liviano-Arisum Rubecula Conservative
Vergilio Philippum Portumo Rubecula Socialist
Agrippo Rossium Pristina-Vergobreta Rubecula Socialist
Romana Madisum Regina Rubecula Socialist
Amando Baldum Vexilla Rubecula Socialist
Amando Ouachingtum Vexilla-Opuso Rubecula Republican
  Socialist Union: 20 seats
  Republican Alliance: 10 seats

Leadership Nominations

The leadership nominations officially happened on 12 April. It is the event when political parties announces their nominations for leadership. Even though it is often known in advance, it is still a major event and the unofficial start of the electoral campaign.

Socialist Union

The Socialist Union was the first political party to announce its leadership. On 4 April 2020, the Socialist Union they announced that Romana Madisum and Magnuso Iousium, respectively incumbents General Representative and Principal Councillor would be the candidates for the 2020 election.[2]

Republican Alliance

The Republican Alliance was the last political party to announce its leadership just the day before the nominations event. It was announced that incumbent leaders of the Republican Alliance, Thérasia Landrum in the National Convention and Albo Christianum in the Council of Regions would be the Republican Alliance leaders in the upcoming election.[3]

Conservative Coalition

The Conservative Coalition was the second party to announce their leadership for the 2020 elections with the announcement that former Vice-President candidate in 2014 for the Conservative Coalition would be the leader of the conservatives in the Council of Regions after the resigning of former Councillor Cato Brucium. This meant the Conservative Coalition had the youngest leadership with both leaders appointed in 2018 and 2020.[4]


The campaigns officially started on 2 May, parties had until 15 May to submit their candidates' lists. On 30 May, for Democratic Equality Day political parties were offered an equal free time for their campaign.

Socialist Union : Continuo lo travaillo

Slogan of the Socialist Union

The Socialist Union was the first political party to launch its campaign with the slogan Let's continue the work and a political event in Brantavilla which saw around 90 000 people meeting up in Princio-Stéphano I park. Actual President Columbo Septimum was present to give his full support to the leaders of the Socialist Union.[5] On 6 May 2020, the Socialist Union announced investments of 1.5 billion aureusos over the next mandate for public transit investments,[6] and on 13 May 2020, announced investments of 1 to 2 billion for the Anserisan Space Administration.[7]

Summary of the promises of the Socialist Union

  • 1.5 billion aureusos for public transit investments.
  • 1 to 2 billion aureusos for the AEA
  • Undisclosed amount for the upgrade of the Anserisan Armed Forces

Republican Alliance : Una Republica victoriosa

Slogan of the Republican Alliance

The Republican Alliance launched its campaign on 4 May 2020 with the surprise announcement of the candidacy of Maria-Marcella Régulum, a direct descendant of second President of Anserisa, Auréliano Régulum and the presence of former President, Horacio Secundinium at the rally, which occurred in Brantavilla in the Auréliano-Régulum electoral district.[8] Republican Alliance proposed the extensive A victorious tourism (Uno tourismo victorioso) which supported business proposals such as the luxury resort proposed by businessman Frédérico Jospinium.[9] The Republican Alliance also promised to build a new campus for the University of Anserisa in downtown Brantavilla.[10]

Summary of the promises of the Republican Alliance

  • Support of the luxury resort of businessman Frédérco Jospinium.
  • Investments of 500 million aureusos in welfare.
  • Undisclosed investments to build a new campus for the University of Anserisa.

Conservative Coalition : La forçem dem regionalem

Slogan of the Conservative Coalition

The Conservative Coalition had a slower start having made their first big announcement on 6 May 2020, with their announcement to grow the military by 3% if elected. They also announced that former Commissioner Zéphyrino Massium would be a candidate for Councillor in Haliétusa, replacing departing Councillor Léo Juppum.[11] The Conservative Coalition also announced their intention to privatize the Port of Vexilla.[12]

Summary of the promises of the Conservative Coalition

  • Growing the military budget by 224 380 000 aureusos, approximately 1% of the GDP.
  • Privatization of the Port of Vexilla.

Isidoro Percevum, independent candidate

The independent candidate was a self-proclaimed libertarian with many views joining the Conservative Coalition but was rejected for his candidacy in the Costa da Concordia electoral district, already represented by Conservative Representative, Nazareno Deschanum. The candidate was invited to the ALA National Debate on 20 May and some of his views included the closing of the borders to prevent diseases and unlawful immigration, to give 1000$ per child per family in a way to boost up the birth rate and to reduced the taxes by more than 75% with everything becoming privatized. Percevum had to suspend his campaign on 27 May 2020 after serious allegations were made about him using his personal fortune to fund his campaign in violation of the Anserisan Electoral Act.[13] On 30 May, an official report from the Anserisan Electoral Investigations Administration confirmed the allegations of electoral fraud and Percevum's candidacy was officially revoked.[14]


Lo Diurno Anserisano Debate

The Lo Diurno Anserisano debate of the Councillors leaders occurred on 11 May 2020 and featured on the theme of the international affairs with the three leaders taking part in this debate.[15]

ALA National Debate

The ALA National Debate happened on 20 May.[16] It featured questions on education, environment, immigration and economy. Independent candidate Isidoro Percevum was invited to the debate.

Election results

2020 Electoral Map of Anserisa

Election day occurred on 1 June, with the Socialist Union gaining two more seats in the Convention and leading once again with the same number of Councillors in the Council of Regions.

Council of Regions

Island Socialist Republican Conservative
Branta Roméo Quensum
Assunça Costum
Reynaldo Cabrum
Albo Christianum Claudio Ménouarium
Haliétusa Camilla Bonapartum
Baptisto Bertrum
Émiliana Clémençum
Prospero Plessium
Zéphyrino Massium
Rubecula Magnuso Iousium
Heloisa Macaum
Dominico Ésenhorium
Filomena Passum Eustaquio Noronhum

Names in bold are newly elected members

  Socialist Union: 8 seats
  Republican Alliance: 4 seats

National Convention

Name Electoral District Island Political affiliation
Avito Annebum Alisa Branta Socialist
Désidérata Hollandum Auréliano-Régulum Branta Republican
Donato Pellium Bartramia Branta Socialist
Formoso Gochium Branta-Centro Branta Conservative
Césaro Fernandum Branta-Occidento Branta Republican
Hortensia Pelhum Brantavilla-Aquilono Branta Republican
Leopoldo Silvum Bubo Branta Socialist
Cétana Lobum Calpurnio-Fabricium Branta Socialist
Maria-Marcella Régulum Cardellina Branta Republican
Béatrixa Bennetum Chevrona Branta Republican
Énnio Moussum Comto-Benigno III Branta Socialist
Livia Possum Eudocimusa Branta Republican
Calisto Gouvium Geneva-Potissima Branta Socialist
Lorena Abreum Gubernata Branta Socialist
Blasio Haldimandum Libério Branta Republican
Cassandra Vasconcelum Nova Brantavilla Branta Socialist
Madalena Tamagninium Ortalisa Branta Socialist
Aleixo Temerium Pétérodroma Branta Socialist
Soraia Estevum Princio-Augustino Branta Republican
Isaura Bolgérium Princio-Stéphano I Branta Socialist
Cypriano Macum Sometria Branta Socialist
Thérasia Landrum Céruléa-Aquila Haliétusa Republican
Balbino Mitchum Comto-Marcello I Haliétusa Socialist
Aurélia Oumétium Concordia-Aquilono Haliétusa Socialist
Nazareno Deschanum Costa da Concordia Haliétusa Conservative
Iunia Villanovium Melégrisa Haliétusa Socialist
Alicia Castellum Pontibem Haliétusa Socialist
Éligia Madisum Statera-Verbéra Haliétusa Socialist
Appio Polquium Comto-Bonifacio VI Rubecula Socialist
Gratiano Troumanium Liviano-Arisum Rubecula Conservative
Vergilio Philippum Portumo Rubecula Socialist
Agrippo Rossium Pristina-Vergobreta Rubecula Socialist
Romana Madisum Regina Rubecula Socialist
Amando Baldum Vexilla Rubecula Socialist
Amando Ouachingtum Vexilla-Opuso Rubecula Republican

Names in bold are newly elected members

  Socialist Union: 22 seats
  Republican Alliance: 10 seats

Composition of the Congress

The Congress had little change with only two more seats for the Socialist Union and two less for the Conservative Coalition.

  Socialist Union: 30 seats
  Republican Alliance: 14 seats

See also

  1. Constitution of Anserisa (1815). Office of the Legislative Documents of Anserisa, Brantavilla.
  2. Announcement from the Socialist Union of Anserisa (4 April 2020). Flash News of the South Pacific.
  3. Announcement from the Republican Alliance of Anserisa (11 April 2020). Flash News of the South Pacific.
  4. Annoucement from the Conservative Coalition of Anserisa (8 April 2020). Flash News of the South Pacific.
  5. First event for the Socialist Union (2020). Lo Diurno Anserisano, Brantavilla.
  6. Former Commissioner of Health candidate for the Conservative Coalition (2020). Lo Diurno Anserisano, Brantavilla.
  7. Socialist Union promises to bring the AEA back to glory (2020). Lo Diurno Anserisano, Brantavilla.
  8. A descendant of Auréliano Régulum, candidate for the Republican Alliance (2020). Lo Diurno Anserisano, Brantavilla.
  9. Former Commissioner of Health candidate for the Conservative Coalition (2020). Lo Diurno Anserisano, Brantavilla.
  10. Second start of the campaign, no surprise candidates in the end (2020). Lo Diurno Anserisano, Brantavilla.
  11. Former Commissioner of Health candidate for the Conservative Coalition (2020). Lo Diurno Anserisano, Brantavilla.
  12. Second start of the campaign, no surprise candidates in the end (2020). Lo Diurno Anserisano, Brantavilla.
  13. Isidoro Percevum suspends his campaign over fraud allegations (2020). Lo Diurno Anserisano, Brantavilla.
  14. Isidoro Percevum's candidacy officially revoked over electoral fraud (2020). Lo Diurno Anserisano, Brantavilla.
  15. First Councillors leaders debate (2020). Lo Diurno Anserisano, Brantavilla.
  16. ALA National Debate, a brief report (2020). Lo Diurno Anserisano, Brantavilla.