Nasphilitae (Pacifica)

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Grand Duchy of Nasphilitae

Royal Coat of Arms of Nasphilitae
Coat of arms
Motto: "Beauty is Joy is Wisdom is Sentiment is Truth"

Location of Nasphilitae
Location of Nasphilitae in the The South Pacific
Political Map of Nasphilitae
Political Map of Nasphilitae
LocationContinent of Crabry
51°53′55″4512108665 S — 15°09′00″2298094739 W
Largest cityAgorport
Official languagesAustral
Recognised regional languagesAlman, Montacian, Friean, Cimbrian, Aegean, Kotomoto, Pelinese Hinomoto, Gara, Karnetvorian, Sedunnic
GovernmentRegional Electoral Monarchy Democracy
Dawson Ernst
Syd G. Patton
Nowell Riley Trenton
Claire Renske
LegislatureThe National Parliament
The Upper House of Localities
The Lower House of Country Collective
• Act of Settlement
• Ordinance of Unifying Colonies
December 15. 1661
• Home Rule Act & Dominion Status
November 10. 1662
• Acts of Electoral Peerage & Grand Duchy Status
May 20. 1852
• Royal Grant of Independence from the Austral Empire
December 25. 1952
• Total
75,704 km2 (29,229 sq mi) (19)
• 2024. census
• Density
234.792/km2 (608.1/sq mi) (24)
GDP (nominal)2022 estimate
• Total
∮1.465 trillion
$ 915.32 billion (26)
• Per capita
$10,820 (33)
Gini (2024.)41.27
CurrencyNasphiliti Pacifican Pound Sterling ∮ (NPP)
Time zoneUTC0 (Coordiated Universal Time UTC)
Date formatmm/dd/yyyy
Mains electricity120/240 V–50 Hz
Driving sideleft
Calling code+32
World Forum CodeNE/NPE

Nasphilitae ⟪nāsfɪlɪtɛ⟫, officially the Grand Duchy of Nasphilitae is a county in south-east Crabry. Comprised of its administrative-regional sub-units (Fifteen Thanes and Seventy-Five Earldoms, five Earldoms within each Thane), it lies on the southern portion ("Supra-South") of the South Pacific Ocean, stretching inland west until the Western Mountlands, south until the Southern Mountlands and north-east which is marked by low elevation and lack of natural barriers. It borders Esfalsa to the west, East Jakub to the south and Phanama to the north. Lack of inland rivers, physical barriers to the north and openness to the Oceanic streams contribute to a wide range of diversity and volatility in physical (meteorological, geological and biomic) phenomena. It is a sparsely inhabited country of 17.77 million citizens, with the vast majority residing on the "barriers" which include: Brownfield Coastline around its' largest city of Agorport, Southern Mountlands around New Sorthane and Western Mountlands around its' capital Suhavenster.

Nasphilitae was established by settle-colonists from the Austral Empire in the late 16th to mid 17th centuries, with knowledge of prior indigenous people remaining scarce. Indigenous interactions played an evidently influential role in shaping the initial settlers culture, as observable in todays practiced customs, rituals and myths. No definitive answer as to why the settle-colonists from the Austral Empire chose to arrive and eventually establish Nasphilitae, given the disincentive of a ~7000 km distance. Two theories with the most consensus elaborate the decision either by suggesting that Nasphilitae was granted by the Imperial Nobility to Nasphiliti settling nobility as a reward for some prior delict. The other theory suggests that Nasphilitae was a safe haven for various denominations and religions, which explain the non-noble settlers. The official and mandatory language of Nasphilitae is Austral, though most of the citizens speaks at least two additional languages fluently due to the education systems emphasis on regional cultural studies. Regulations exist regarding religious affiliation, prohibiting public confession of denomination or religion citizens adhere to, justifying it by the commonly held belief that religious freedom is best kept if it is kept private. However, the National Registry conducts information classified as "Theism" or "Agnostic Theism", with Atheism being prohibited, despite Nasphilitae being a secular country. With 96-98% of the population identifying as "Theistic", Nasphilitae is one of the most religious countries in the South Pacific. It is, counter-intuitively to previous statements, notable that Nasphilitae is simultaneously assimilate and multicultural, likely due to periods of high immigration usually during global conflicts, coupled with historically lax immigration laws. One of the reasons for high immigration is that Nasphilitae has never participated directly in an external armed conflict and has had only a single armed conflict inside the country during collapse of the Military Junta regime in 1956-1963.

The Nasphiliti political & justice system has been described as "confusing" by foreigners. Nasphilitae is a highly localised, regional, Electoral monarchy, with an Uncodified constitution. The country's Head of Government is the Head of Government and Speaker, elected every seven years, as the leader of the winning political party in the Lower House National Elections. The Head of State holds the title of Grand Duke, nominated among the Fifteen Peers (uniformly called "The Peerage") by other Peers and Earls, prior to the winning nominees being subject to National elections, after which they serve for life. Importantly, the domestic, common law does not recognise the concept of "ethnicity" nor does the National Registry conduct it. Using the RANASA Classification System of countries by criteria of power projection, Nasphilitae is classified as an "Emerging - Middle Power", likely as a result of historic Cultural-Diplomatic power. Nasphiliti economy has been defined as: "developing", "emerging", and particularly atypical "New RE-Industrialised Economy". It is characterised by: Strict division within the labour sector (Departmentalised); High inequality (more pronounced vertically-regionally than through class-horizontally); Three recognised types of Property ownership (Private, State, Public/Collective); Former monopoly on some financial services; Experience with Postindustrialism; Subsequently (as consequence thereof), experience with ISI RE-industrialisation. It is an observer of the World Forum, represented by Head Ambassador Md Adrianna Rolston, participating in four of five WF Committees (Climate and Environment, Economy, International Law, Science and Education), with high likelihood of seeking future membership in The IUFA.


Nasphilitae is a play on words comprised of jointed loanwords from Montacian and Aegean, with the suffix "-ae" inflecting plural nominative case declension. Disassembly of composites is often prescribed to mean "our/new familial/polity unified-attachment community". From this the standard term "Nasphilitae" (⟪nāsfɪlɪtɛ⟫) universal-plural demonym "Nasphiliti" (⟪nāsfɪlɪtɪ⟫) is inflected.

Composites include: nostrās (adj. "our, of our, country"), either nova or dē nowa ("new" or "anew"), phile but in reference to a specific connotation found in a dialect of Aegean (changing reference to: "unification force of divided subsets") though with left-out inflection (thus possibly meaning: "familial, attached"). Reason for lack of suffix inflection is that the term ends instead in polītīae ("polity, community"). An unelaborated anomaly is found in the beginning of Nasphilitae, explanations for this syllable development are still unaccounted for. Reasons behind the prevalence of Montacian and Aegean in the terminology lack consensus or conviction.


Nasphilitae is located entirely in the southern temperate zone, covering approximately 48°-55° South and 22°-to 26° West, anchoring the eastern coastline of the Crabry continent. Internally, it can be divided between four-to-five internal regions, by criteria of both physical geographic (biome differences, topographical differences, annual precipitation, geological, pollutant and temperature differences) and geopolitical (administrative sub-divisions, regional wealth disparity and development, population density) factors.

Map of Nasphilitae Regions By Median Income Showcasing Regional Disparity
Map of Nasphilitae Regions showcasing financial inequality among them.

Additionally, the four Urban settlements (from most to least populated): Agorport (~5 million), New Sorthane (4 352 907), Suhavenster (3.75 million), and the noble-exclusive Fort Masontown (500 000 non-permanent residents) can be classified from Metropolis Cities (in the case of Agorport), over Urban Conglomerates (New Sorthane and Suhavenster), to Town-Cities (Fort Masontown) by number of residents. Most of the 17.77 million Nasphiliti citizens live in a "J" line, stretching from the furthest north-east coast and down the rest of the coastline (pronounced in and around Agorport) , to the "South Mountlands" on the border with Jakub (mostly in and around New Sorthane and Suhavenster).

Administratively and by Vertical division of power, Nasphilitae is divided on a "duplicate tri-mensional plane". The noble tenures of Thanes (belonging to "Peers") and Earldoms (belonging de jure to "Earls") serve as the highest sub-national dimension. However, the "Earldoms" are also recognized as highly autonomous Regions, each which have their own local "Regional Assemblies" (not to be confused with Parliaments).

Each "Region" is subsequently divided into Localities with significant political power (most pronounced by the fact that each "Locality" is represented by their respectively elected delegate in the Upper House).

They serve as the second dimension of sub-national division. Finally, each of the four aforementioned Urban settlements are further internally administered by Urban Councils, who electors nominate "Executive Mayors of Urban Center (Name)". The convoluted administrative-political design of "Urban settlements" are the lowest and final dimension of the vertical plane.

Physical Geography and Biodiversity Features

Nasphilitae is located entirely in the southern temperate zone, covering 51.5355° South in latitude and 15.0900° West in longitude, lying on the continent of Crabrys eastern coastline. There exists four-six distinct areas with minor degrees of variance between each. Three key features are evident across the entire country. A strong Oceanic stream, a vital feature for primitive naval navigation, which brings with it humid air. As there are no topographic barriers in the north nor in the north-east, the airflow causes strong winds across the country during spring and autumn, with high rainfall in the temperature summer and at least two snowfalls in the winter. Monotone hydrography, since there are no significant streams or bodies of water in the interior of the country. Due to high percipitation all-year round, this feature doesn’t cause desertification, but has often created significant damages through flooding in “The Inclinelands”. Diverse biome exchanges, including (from north-south and east-west) grassland meadows & swamps, temperate broadlief & mixed forests, Pacific temperate rain forests, and Cloud forests.

Five distinct regions are observable in their specific characteristics. Old open coastline: "Outer-indented" areas in the north and south of the coastline. Distinct by geology comprising marine deposits and higher likelihood of broadlief and mixed forests. Open shoreline angle: "Inner-indented" areas in the center of the coastline, whose characteristics stretch deeper into the continental area. Distinct by geology comprising siltstone and mostly grassland meadows & swamps. Due to rich fertile soil, some explanations believe to be a result of a former inland sea which resided. "The Inclinelands": Aforementioned area stretching north-south across the country, characterised by frontal weather storms and strong winds. Mostly deforestated areas, replaced by agricultural terraces. Western Mountlands: Strongly characterised by warmer temperatures (for the area) and Pacific temperate rainforests, not present in the rest of the country. A lot of populated settlements were found "behind" or "around" these dense rainforests, which acted as a protective layer from climate of the Inclinelands. Includes three protected national parks. Southern Mountlands: Characterised by coldest temperatures in the country and Cloud forests. Least populated area (exception of New Sorthane) with the least form of anthropocentric environmental changes. Geologists date back the soil as to have been the oldest present continental area in the country, though this lacks consensus. Includes six protected national parks, with the richest retained biodiversity.

Average annual percipitation varies from 1,200 to 1,600 mm caused by aforementioned orographic effects and frontal activity. Average annual temperatures are fairly uniform within the area, especially at coastal locations where annual temperature differences between localities varying around 0°C (winter) to 25°C (summer). The Inclinelands vary around -5°C (winter) to 20°C (summer). The Western Mountrange is warmer than the Southern (-2°C and -7.5°C winter respectively) Mountranges (22°C and 17°C summer), likely cause-effecting the characteristic biome differences between the two. Oceanic stream airflow brings with it clouds and high air pressure, conflicting with the low air pressure and clouds of the Western and Southern Mountranges, covering “The Inclinelands”. This causes strong thunderstorms and unpredictable weather patterns along the middle of the country, which explains lack of population density in the area. Despite this, it has been subjected to deforestation, as it contributes the largest area for agriculture.

Administrative Divisions and Regionalism

There are two-to-three official levels of administrative divisions recognized in Nasphilitae. An exception occurs in cases where a settlement is recognized as having the status of a City. The City status is granted by procedure which mandates enactment of a Statute, which is a simple way to distinguish them by comparison. It also creates the smallest unit of administrative division, "District", which corresponds to "local administrative units" in some nomenclature standards. Although regular "Localities" could (and often do) de facto include districts within them, the only recognized Districts in Nasphilitae are City Districts, which together comprise the "Urban Council" (City Locality) level of decentralization. Recognition of Districts is observable by administrative decentralization vested through distinct Public Offices within them, namely Courts. Urban Councils are treated separate from Localities and are executive, legislative and financial decentralization units which govern City settlements. The statute includes a unicameral Assembly whose composition allows for polynominal (multi-seat) FPTP elections in "Urban municipalities" (electoral constituents), weighed by number of residents. Further weigh additional (225) mandates won on local elections as represented in the Upper House.

"Localities" are the smallest forms of administrative division outside of urban settlements. By contrast, they have administrative offices as forms of deconcentrated judiciary and executive duties, with decentralization merely in the form of fiscal finances (budget autonomy). Total number of localities is 513, meaning that the weigh of Urban municipality representation in the Upper House is always between x1.5 and x2.0, in favour of them. Secondary function of Localities is as uninominal electoral constituencies termed "municipalities". "Regions" follow the same demarcation as Earldoms (resulting number is 75). Regions are granted decentralized forms of executive and legislative powers in the form of Regional Assemblies, whose structure is unicameral with the number of seats adjusted by the total number of Localities within each Region. The composition of Regional Assemblies is determined on local elections in "municipalities", which themselves follow relative majority uninominal (single-seat) procedures.

"Thanes" are not recognized as administrative units as they do not possess legal means of exercising administrative tasks. Main function of Thanes in public administration is as statistical units. They are used to pool information gathered from the Regions/Earldoms by the automated National Registry annually.


Discovery of shipwreck ruins in the relative shallow water laying in proximity to the North-East of Nasphilitae suggests that numerous voyages were attempted prior to 1589. Further study of their design confirmed earlier speculations that they the crewmen were in some way affiliated to or originated from the Austral Empire, though the navigators' motivations remain unknown. Reasons for the errors in sailing can mostly be attributed to storming instability of maritime pathways in the Ocean south of the Supra-Capricorn, as well as primitive and/or ill-equipped navigation technology. For this reason, the North-East Earldoms still carry names which allude to "Shipwreck", most prominent being "Earldom of The Shipwreck Declination per Earl de Hanlucch".

Further in-land (dubbed "The Inlands") on the flat plains, remnants of indigenous totems survive to this day, which suggests that a still-unknown civilisation inhabited Nasphilitae prior to the first Austral settlers. Such estimations are further amplified, deeper inside the country along the South and West Mountlands, where cave systems can be found. Namely, in passable portions of these caves, drawings and burial tomes can be found with ornaments resembling those of the totems.

Settlement period (1589-1661)

Nevertheless, the first well-documented voyage, lead by Sir Edward Turner in 1589. was successful. The navigation consisted of 15 ships, 5 of which were warships lead by the flagship which Turner was steering, 7 which were merchant ships supposedly escorted by the warships, and 3 which were either civilian, noble or slave ships. From the last three ships, five of the first "Peer Dynasties" landed on Nasphilitae with Turner: Pellmore, Morrisson, Ernst, Atkinstons, and Darzen. Not much is known about Sir Edward Turner after this event. However, it is estimated that he came from a noble Austral lineage and returned to the Empire afterwards, namely as he was accredited & carried with him "The Act of Settlement (1589) of Nasphilitae". With it, he had established the first Five Peer-Colonies of Nasphilitae, loyal to the Austral Crown but which exempt "those born on the Nasphiliti soil from religious prosecution elsewhere within Imperial lands". It should be noted that despite us referring to them as "Peer Dynasties", they've originally carried the title of "Earls".

Much alike Sir Edward Turner and the first five "Peer Dynasties" which established the "Five Peer-Colonies of Nasphilitae" in 1589., it is unknown where their noble title nor tenure originates from, though the blessing given in "The Act of Settlement" by Austras Crown provided (and yet still does) enough legitimacy in the eyes of most commoners. Over the course of the next century, remaining 10 "Peer Dynasties" soon followed this settlement, in this order: Konevengel, Schlesinger, Morganfort, Stoneham, Taylor, Fieldler, Edwards, Mason, Adamson and finally on 21. of June 1658., Greenhill.

Home Rule Act and Dominion Period (1662-1777)

Upon the arrival of Earl John Greenhill (June 21.1658.), he was granted what is now "The Thane per Peer Greenhill", which surrounds present-day Fort Masontown. By profession a Notary, he had opened the first (and at the time only) Workshop for Paper, Copying and Stamps. Some time in mid 1659., he expanded his profession to Coin Minting and was chosen as the Collective Treasurer by the other 14 Earls later that same year. Next year, the Austral Empire notified that a Royal visitation was being prepared to land in the Colonies of Nasphilitae, as to assess whether it was "Adequate for an honorary Credence". Earl John Greenhill was elected among the 14 Earls to be the Representative Host of this visit. For the next 10 months, Earl John Greenhill began constructing what is now "Fort Masontown", as a Palace for guesting the Imperial Delegation.

The Imperial Visitation had landed on September 15. 1661. in Agorport. They've spent the following 3 months in the barely-constructed "Fort Masontown", hosted by John Greenhill. Negotiations and informal discussions between the Visitors and Greenhill remain still unknown. However, they appear to have been successful, as Nasphiliti Colonies have received the aforementioned "honorary Crede". Upon their leave, on December 15. 1661. in Agorport, Earl John Greenhill had presented "THE Imperial Ordinance of Nasphilitae Establishment" (Ordinance on Unifying Colonies), which had united the Fifteen Colonies into a single entity. The Ordinance had also envisioned that the Imperial Delegation select a "Peer-General", which would act as "Governor-General" of the Nasphiliti Earldoms before the Austral Crown. However, this was rejected by John Greenhill during the ceremonial declaration, giving all other Noble Earls the status of Peers.

A Council was convened between the Fifteen Peers on March 1st 1662., presided over by John Greenhill, which coined the (still used) term "Peerage Meeting". Known as "The Long Peerage Meeting", the convention lasted until November 10th., when "Peer-General" John Greenhill would adjourn it by presenting Home Rule Act of Nasphilitae (1662) preamble which contained Greenhills Five Clauses. Most important of which turned Nasphilitae into an Electoral Dominion. The Grand Peer-General was to be elected among one of the Fifteen Peers by the remaining Fourteen Peers. Secondly, it rose Nasphilitae to the status of Dominion. Lastly, it guaranteed "The freedom to conscience", which re-affirmed religious freedom in Nasphiliti soil and would later serve by the judicial practice in introduction of basic political and human rights within Nasphilitae. It remains unknown whether the status of Dominion was pre-negotiated with Imperial Delegation of the Austral Empire a year prior, though the fact that it was accepted by the Imperial Crown leaves most to rightfully speculate so.

Consolidation Period: Acts of Electoral Peerage (1777-1851)

The following include the most noteworthy elected Grand Peer-Generals from the death of John Greenhill (March 27. 1699) to the reign of "Queen" Dorothy Atkinsons, as well as note-worthy Acts passed by each.

Rulers and Acts (Nasphilitae Dominion)
  • John Greenhill (11.10.1672 -- 03.27.1699)
    • Elton Morganfort (03.30.1699 -- 12.21.1742)
      • Finished construction of Fort Masontown
      • Began expansion of Agorport deeper inland
      • Expanded Agorports docking capacity
      • Ordinance Establishing the Privy Council
      • Ordinance on Land Taxation (tied titled nobility to their land tenure)
    • Avery Konevenagel (01.03.1743 -- 07.24.1771)
      • Founding of Suhavenster
      • Act Establishing Dominions Assembly Estates
      • Ordinance of Clerical and University Autonomy
      • Act Establishing Dominions Royal Mint
      • Construction of the Royal Mint and the Royal Treasury in Agorport
    • Millferd Mason (07.27.1771. -- 09.13.1823)
      • Ordinance Regulations on RANASA and Fort Masontown
      • Ordinance on Assembly Representation
      • Ordinance Establishing the Supreme, Royal, and High Courts of the Dominion
      • Ordinance Introducing Status of Peer-selected Earls
      • Founding of New Sorthane
      • Expanding Act on Gendered Royal Titles (allowed female Peers to be elected as Grand Peer-General of the Dominion)
      • Construction of Coastline pre-factories and trade outposts
    • Watson Evans Taylor (09.17.1823 -- 12.28.1850)
      • Consolidation Act on Rationalised Assembly Representation (prohibited nobility from holding seats in the Assembly)
      • Representation of the People Act 1
      • Act of Commoner Suffrage (introduced universal, landed ballot voting for the Assembly)
      • Ordinance on Judicial Independence
      • Ordinance on Industrial Tax Exemption
      • Act on Tariff Exemptions
      • Consolidation Act Regulating Anti-Trust Laws and Chartered Companies 1

Changes and events during the Consolidation period

Nomenclature for what is considered "the Consolidation period" vary. For example, while in primary and secondary education (The Mandatorian) it ranges from 1699 to 1851; The period in higher education refers to the years between 1737―1823 or 1777―1851. The former option makes sense for simplicity, as it's a period between the death of Greenhill until the reign of Queen Dorothy Atkinsons. The latter is only slightly more specific and depends on whether the Bachelor subject major is militaristical, legal and economic oriented (in which case the 1737―1823 is used), or whether it's technical, political, and artistic oriented. Here, we'll summarise the major events using the first criteria of 1699 to 1851.

Firstly, to elaborate on why these dates are used. Two additional events precede major changes but are not within the scope of the Consolidation period, as well. "Sola Victorem" (secularisation), with "Ordinance of Nasphilitae Establishing" and "Home Rule Act". Both of these fall within the years of 1660―1662. Their determinating nature to the Consolidation period are covered below. The year 1699 is the end of Greenhills term as the Grand Peer-General from passing away, being a major figure in Nasphiliti history, it makes sense why it is often chosen.
Passing of "Ordinance on Land Taxation" by Grand Peer-General Elton Morganfort on 1737 changed the feudal system from manorialism to rentier. This meant that the Nobility must remain in the tenure they own but were guaranteed to inherit the possession if it was upkept. Furthermore, suzerainty was no longer contractual, which led to the vast majority of subjects (both lower nobility and serfs) leaving the possessions; some by choice, other were forced out, as a professional work-force of farmers was organically established. In turn, the first major wave of urbanisation occurred, together with the rise of "buccaneers".
Avery Konevenagels reforms were thus focused on satisfying the growing Bourgh and Sailor classes. The Assembly Estates first introduced a delegate corporatist system of representation and saw "The Speaker" gaining his present-day functions. The years of 1771 to 1777 are often overlooked, as most events of those years were dominated by dusking of The Buccaneer and Privateer Wars; Both Averys Royal Mint and Treasuries located in Agorport, and Masons Ordinance Regulations on RANASA and Fort Masontown, were a result of the Privateer Insurance Companies unexpectedly successful victory against the Buccaneers.
Masons erm would be very substantial overall. However, the year of 1777 is very often mentioned, as he passed both the Ordinance on Assembly Representation and the Ordinance Establishing of the tri-institutional centralised Judiciary.
Finally, the year 1823 is used due to Taylors Consolidation of the Assembly and Representation of the People Acts. The period of 1777 to 1823 is, somewhat ironically, seen as end of The Enlightenment period in Nasphilitae(strictly in the context of philosophy) and the beginning of the Romanticist period(once again, not in the context of art). Now, here are six major events which take place during this time.

Moderate and Radical Enlightenment (1688-1795)

In the historical and philosophical sense, the Enlightenment period in Nasphilitae could roughly mapped to the period of 1688―1795 though officially ending in 1823. The death of Protoiridine Certusemorand, author of "Accounts of the Behemoth Leviathan and Ziz", a work which will heavily (perhaps overly) influence domestic philosophical, legal and political thought; is the starting date.
A trio of notable figures in the domestic Enlightenment include Earl Henry Fafyre, George Wrester(also referred to as Wroster, Wrostler, and Wrestler), and S.J. Brand. All three of them established three separate schools of thought, which were covered by Elena Bartlett. She also suggested that the present-day divide in "fundamental paradigm" stems from this period, observable to her in Ayala Morans new naturalism, Candice Cohens circuit replications in economics, and Robert Stenhouses metasystematics.
This trio of writers are an observable pattern in Nasphiliti thought. The Enlightenment formally ended by the publication of Daisy Days "Andro-Machina", a proto-utopian work, followed by Julia Q. Goldmanns "Rebirthing Ziz", and Zacharys "Cult of The Monad" ― All encapsulated within "The Romanticist thought".

Buccaneer wars (1737-1771)

The Buccaneer Wars were a series of intermittent naval and raid-outpost strifes fought between the newly emerging "Buccaneers" and their subsequently developed "Privateers". They are part of the overall Piracy Period. As consequence of Morganforts Ordinance, the lower nobility was given incentive to join the "Free Pirates", Austral and Nasphiliti replicants (and sometimes directly allies) to The Pirates of the Central Islands. Since the landed Nobility was prohibited from abandoning their land tenure, the already-emerging Bourgh class and the former serfs incoming to the cities, saw an opportunity in combatting the Buccaneers for the Nobility. Privateer Insurance Companies were established; Their equipment, outposts and vessels were purchased by the growing Banker-Burg(a predecessor to exchange offices) families. Most of their recruits came from the exiled serfs forced out of their suzerains fiefs. These confrontations were sporadic but culminated in 1763 to 1771, which saw the Battle for Shipwreck Outpost on land, the open oceanic engagement of The Battle of the Ice Stream in between Keyli, Crabry and Bareland. Final battle would likely be the most decisive, called The Battle at Middlepoint (1770―1771) or exactly 17 days, was a constant engagement with re-supplies fought around the the Central Islands and ranging from the coasts of eastern Cordilia to those of west Bailtem and The Mediteranean. With victory for the PICs, the subsequent third major event accelerated.

Commercial Revolution, Free Port Cities and Private Insurance Companies (1737-1852)

The Commercial Revolution in Nasphilitae was a direct consequence of the above confrontations, as well as the proto-industrial revolution. It's a catch-all term referring to established Burgs-Currency exchange offices; Private militias and militaries; though most notably the appearance of "Free Port Cities". They were and still remain a weird extrajudicial anomaly. Used primarily as outposts for the construction of fortresses and shipyards by the PICs, they were privately purchased property, later leased to other countries. By the time the Buccaneer Wars had ended, PICs and Free Port Cities became (to some overly) influential, as they were established by Charter beforehand.
The Commercial Revolutions institutions are seen as predecessors to The AGSE establishment, Queen Dorothy Atkinsons economic reformation, the need for state militarization in 1880s-1910s, and subsequent Military Junta rule.

Proto-industrial revolution (1717-1831)

The Proto-Industrial Revolution is a short-hand reference to technical and scientific inventions of the time period. They coincide or perhaps provide for all other mentioned events. It encompasses both domestic inventions in: navigation, merchant ship construction, battleship construction, proto-engineering inventions providing for architectural styles and densely networked infrastructure, legal-political-social-economic institutions; as well as foreign inventions which were directly imported or copied over. As an example of their influence, wide-spread of printing press workshops were detrimental in the Enlightenment, the Legitimacy discourse, and Legislative reformation. Further, if it weren't for musketeer developments, the PICs spear-head break into the pirated line-ship formation at The Battle at Middlepoint wouldn't have been possible.

Legitimacy discourse (1662-1699)

Legitimacy discourse, recorded by one of the trio of the domestic Enlightenment thinkers--Earl Fafyre, was consequent to "Sola Victorem" of 1660―1662 and secularisation on a collective (country) level, as well as division between the Head of Noble Houses from being the Head of (respective) Church. The latter was not an issue only for the Morganforts and Taylors (due to retaining Boreal Catholicism). They revolved around the question: "From where comes the mandate of rulers?", if not from holiness. Naturally, what eventually came to be an answer was the following and final major event.

Legislative reformation (1741-1822)

The legislative reformation was a long, to some thinkers "the first institutionalised civil war", where different representatives of already established influential groups strifed for control. This was a clear utilisation and abuse of the above mentioned events power vacuum. If compositions of the Privy Councils, the Grand Councils, the Estates, and the Assemblies are to go by; the influential groups were: Grand Peer-General, the High Nobles favouring him and the Privy Council; The opposing High Nobles and Lower Nobles; The Speaker, the Bourghs and the craftsmen; The bishops and/or the Academia; and the sailors (Buccaneers/Privateers). The Militia would not be included in the latter until later. This reformation was ended in 1831 with Evan Taylors "Act on Commoner Suffrage" and "Ordinance on Judicial Independence".

Golden Age of Queen Dorothy Atkinsons (1851-1901)

The reign of Queen Dorothy Atkinsons (1851-1901), as evident by the title of "Queen" being honorary rather than actual, marked what the vast majority of Nasphiliti consider to be "The Golden Age". Dorothy Atkinsons managed to get nominated as a candidate by the Peers due to the Constitutional-strength "Expanding Act on Gendered Royal Titles" passed by Milferd Manson in 1799., which introduced the Lineal primogeniture in inheritance of titles to all Noble Houses. Until then, The Atkinsons, The Darzens, The Mason and The Schlesinger Houses had practiced Matrilineal primogeniture for their Thanes. This is likely due to religious differences amongst the Peer Houses. However, it's also why The Schlesingers have never been nominated as a candidate for Grand Peer-General prior nor as of today. Elections for the Grand Peer-General at the time included the procedure of nomination by other Peer Houses, with mere two candidates with the most votes proceeding. This was followed by elections in which the Earls would vote for one of two candidate Peers. Atkinsons' opponent at the time was Zachary Pellmore, having received 7-5 nominations, respectively. The 75 Earl votes were 45-25 respectively, with major opposition coming from Pellmores and Morganforts. Atkinsons would be elected on January 20, 1851 and inaugurated on January 31, 1851. Additional struggles from within the Nobility would come from land reforms passed by Queen Atkinsons, which in total were scarce, though the first one included introduction of lesser Local nobility, with the "Act of Introducing Lesser Local Noble Titles" on February 3, 1851, introducing the titles of Marquis, Baron, Madame and Sir (which still exist today). These titles were and are not hereditary. Subsequent reforms included "Expansion of Noble and Commoner Councils and Offices" on February 21, 1851, creating a period of extensive bureaucratisation which solidified authority in the hands of the Grand Peer-General, as administrative and financial tasks were delegated to other Nobles and clerks

Expanding administrative staff and specialisation of tasks relieved time for the monetisation of colonial duties to the Austral Empire. Observing a declining position of the Empire in relation to the Great Powers at the time, coupled with personal aspirations towards accelerating the domestic industrial sector, motivated Dorothy to place Irwin Mason (grand-son of Milferd Mason) as Governor of The Royal Mint in Agorport on March 17, 1851. Irwin was tasked to create a Bimetallic Reserve of Silver, which required expanding the domestic mining and metallurgy sector, which was primarily done by deregulation of worker conditions while at the same time introducing a "Period of Amnesty" ( March 30, 1851 (1851-Mar-30TMDY) -- July 21, 1851 (1851-Jul-21TMDY) ) in collection of monetary taxes for the citizens. Visiting The Imperial Core on Ancia in August 27, 1851, Atkinsons brought with her both the natural tax duties and the monetary reserve duties, elaborating that Nasphilitae could provide for more Silver if the natural duties were eliminated which would allow the mining industry to grow exponentionally. This was convincing enough to the Empire. Consequently, Nasphilitae experienced the fastest growth in production and expansion of its' domestic industrial and maritime sectors. This achievement earned her a cult following among the industrialist bourgeoisie class, which by the end of 1851. would organise their Assembly Estate into The Whig Club. The Electoral System reform of 1852. was rejected in three instances, twice in 1851. by the 1845. election composition and by the same years MPs, once in 1852. by the same year MPs elected according to the 1845. Electoral system. Elections of 1853. were held in accordance to the same (prior) system, though saw The Whig Club win 61/82 seats which is mostly attributed to being the first organised political grouping. The Act introduced a bicameral Parliament, dual election cycles of 4 & 10 years, local representation in the Upper House and thus decentralization of fiscal policies to Localities. Opposition to the reform was revolved around concerns of possible devolution and possible federalization. Most controversial legislation are the Ordinance of 1864. and Founding of the Militia in 1879. The former created an increase on taxation for all citizens simultaneously while offering tax exemptions and social benefits for citizens serving in the military. This resulted in the latter, wherein the former Militia (irregular military forces) were restructured into a proto-police force, separating the military and the militia staff and duties. The Industrialists (former Whig Club, formed 1857.) and The Unionists (formed 1864) continued to dominate the Parliament for two decades. Given their formative framework of group interest advocacy, a paradigm was set for the Military to eventually create their own political party in 1889., as industrialization benefited creation of domestic military industries.

One such representative, early industrialist Denton Pilltor, was granted lend-lease over a northern portion of the Agorports' dockyards on January 2, 1852. The binding agreement demanded of Pilltor to expand the dockyard into a commercial hub for international cargo transport, which was odd at the time since Nasphilitae was limited to trading only with the Empire and its' other territories. Near the same time, Governor Mason had received a request to employ macro-economic scholars into the Royal Mint, which would study and estimate the relative Monetary Exchange Conversion Rates between Austral Empires Currency, Sedunns Tenn, the Izaakian Shark Tooth, and the Karnetvorian xx. Utilising for this the Free Izaakian Port at (south) Agorport and the growing Sedunnic Maritime (thus conmercial) presence in anticipation for The Winter War around Crabry. Mason reported surprisingly accurate estimates by April 3, 1852, while Pilltor would be half-complete by April 19, 1852. Once again, Atkinsons would visit the Imperial core, arriving by May 13, 1852. It's unknown what exact negotiations took place, though Masons' Memoranda serves as evidence that Atkinsons had created two reports of the conversion rates. Supposedly, Atkinsons used exceedingly optimistic prognosis for the Imperial currency. The contradiction with deteriorating state of the Empire was further suggested to be diminished by Agorports expansion of its' shipyard. This resulted in establishment of the AGSE and Nasphilitaes' elevation from the status of Dominion to The Crownlanded Grand Duchy on May 20, 1852. Simultaneously, this ended the period of Mercantile policies which had restricted foreign trade policies of Nasphilitae to within the Imperial market. AGSE (Agorport Stock Exchange) rationale was for the Royal Mint to provide the Empire with Silver, while Nasphilitae could keep foreign exchange rates of other currencies as foreign reserve, provided that ensignia of profit generated from the foreign reserves does not exceed the monetary colonial duties. Due to industrialization and social reforms enacted from Ordinance of 1864. henceforth, Nasphilitae experienced a population boom in the 1850s, culminating during the decade of 1865-1875. This led to adoption of the Commoners Public Housing Policy Act of 1875., where 65% of funds gathered by policies from the Ordinance of 1864. were funneled to provide public government housing. Regarding housing itself, Dorothy was personally invested in introducing the Dorothianist style in architecture, observable in constructions erected in 1868-1882. The style drew inspiration from an earlier style which dominated some parts of the Empire in the 1500s, though was never prevalent in Nasphilitae. An atypical feature of Dorothianist style compared to its contemporaries includes ornament details which were simultaneously in mutual contrast between static-straight lined and dynamic-curve lined yet provided harmony in vastness of space between them. The style gained development in the 1880s-1900s, regarded as a prelude to Darzenianist style (1900s-1930s), a move away from intricate hyper-detail to awe by vast construction.

The Strife Period: King Carl Darzens (1901-1928)

Rise of Militarism (1928-1952)

Royal Grant of Independence from the Austral Empire (12.25.1952)

Fall of The Junta and the Technocracy of P3 Coalition (1952-1988)

Post-Industrialism and The Decline (1988-2001)

David Innsbolt "Dictatorship" (2001-2023)

"Novembrian Apathy" (2001-2004)

"Technocratic Jungle" (2005-2013)

Innsbolt-Palmer Divide and Re-industrialism (2013-2022)

"Autumn Storm", Peaceful Revolution Accords and Innsbolts Resignation (2019-2023)


Geographic position and characteristics of its' position (isolation by terrain on most sides) formed the outlining framework in Nasphilitis cultural developments throughout time. Relative to source, it's described to have emerged from "isolation" or "controlled interaction". This latter prescription is often elaborated to include both external (foreign) interaction as well as internal (in-group) dynamics. Exemplifying internal dynamics, vast-confined (within 200 meters yet at least 100 meters apart) public spaces namely marketplaces and city centers are observable, coupled with high road density which connect settlements throughout the country. Rationale for emphasizing physical connectivity is often given as a non-intrusive preventive measure against high probability of developing parochialism among its' citizens. Constructions were and are accompanied by decorative detail, some with an over-enthusiastic level of detail. The play of infrastructural engineering and participatory architecture, joined with play-writing (subsequently, theater, cinema and later poetry), serve a presentation purpose in introducing domestic cultural elements. Earliest forms of playwright are believed to be the still-ongoing traveling circuses in Nasphilitae, later on in some cases developing into "Carnival Festivals", after incorporation into a a national or local holiday celebration.

Metaphoric architecture

Romanticist liberalism (1661-1777)

Naturalist thought (1777-1851)

Dorothianist Style (1852-1901)

Darzenianist Style (1901-1928)

Art Deco & Brutalism (1923-1988)

Traveling Circuses and Carnival Festivals

Stylistics in playwright


Demographic and economic data in Nasphilitae is conducted a series of automated services, aggregated into The National Registry. Nasphilitae does not conduct ethnicity, race, nor religious affiliation(s) of its' citizens in official data; Opting to presume that all citizens are Nasphiliti by right of soil, although a naturalisation program exists as well. However, dual citizenships are not recognised. Despite this, 3/5th of the population speak at least two additional (other than Austral) languages fluently, likely as a result of the education systems emphasis on teaching foreign cultures.

Population of Nasphilitae (2013-2023)
Inflation, Unemployment and GDP % changes (2013-2023)

The Nasphiliti society is contradictory in its' statistical showcases. One example is the combination of: a high fertility rate (2.11, 2022.) , constant population growth of 1.85-2.15% (average by decade), low birth mortality rates (1 per 1750, 2023.), high percentage of urban population (89.31%, 2023.), yet a life expectancy of merely 68.88 years. An immediate assumption could be made that this is due to lack of economic opportunity, which does exist, though such an assumption would be wrong. Namely, there's been an inverse cross-correlation between declining unemployment numbers (14.91% -- 2.85%) and decrease in life expectancy (78.7 -- 68.88) between 2013-2023. Another common misconception is deficient education or participation in active work, which is an anomaly by itself. All this together means that Nasphilitae is a relatively young nation, despite its' relatively middle-to-high living standards.

As per the anomaly, expected (and mandatory) years of schooling in Nasphilitae is 14, though the mean median years of education is 17.51. This is likely due to the "Mandatorian education system" in Nasphilitae, which combined elementary, primary and secondary education into a single certified diploma; Making the basic education last until the age of 21-23. Vocational and/or University education (as it begins later) are also a contributing factor.

Low life expectancy stems from three causes. The Nasphiliti suffers greatly from tobacco (30.3% of adult population) & amphetamine (27.38% of adult population) addictions; It is estimated that 17% of all deaths are caused by heart stroke. The second is pollution, which has risen from 39% in 2013. to 66% in 2023. as the leading cause of all deaths. Finally, Nasphilitae does not have universal healthcare, which accounted to 15% in 2013. and 5% in 2023. deaths.

The National Registry:

Due to Replication Crisis in Science, statistics gathered are later usually contextualised and analysed by appropriate institutions or researchers. The following data is conducted and published annually:

  • Population (total and growth in percentage)
  • Fertility rate (annual)
  • Population Density by Region
    GDP (total, inflation deflator accounting, by domestic PPP and growth in percentage)
  • GNI (total and per capita both utilising the Atlas method)
  • Life expectancy at birth (total in years)
  • Urban and Rural population (total and by percentage relative to total population)
  • Compulsory education enrollment, literacy rate and education rate (total and by percentage relative to population)
  • Inequality (utilising the Gini index)
  • Unemployment (total, percent relative to total labour force)
  • Access to basic necessities (electricity, drinking water and broadband, all in percentage to total population)
  • Prevalence of undernourhisment and malnourishment (percentage to total population)
  • Total psychoactive consumption rates per year for all over the age of 15 (Tobacco, Amphetamines, MDMA and controlled substances like Alcohol)
  • Prevalence of tobacco and amphetamine use (by percentage of adults relative to total population)
  • Control of Corruption (estimate by citizen polling data)
  • Government Effectiveness (scoring value, measured by effective enforcement of policies)
  • Political Stability and Absence of Violence or Terrorism (cross-examination method used)
  • Rule of Law (multiple sample analysis of citizens polling data, institutional efficiency, public official accountability and absence of violent crime)

Collapsable and sortable due to size and data. Please expand for full information.

Country Name Country Code Series Name 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Nasphilitae NPE GNI, Atlas method 967698359858.47 1011930001591.26 1480511652282.1 1790381171936.18 1543310436648.27 1291161317365.35 1041621176406.03 1098969502354.88 1257151321518.23 1579146992911.67 1604343407150.73 1904343407150.73
Nasphilitae NPE GNI per capita Atlas Method 9810 10050 13660 14800 14310 15610 10930 10985 11920 12920 14951 17550
Nasphilitae NPE Inflation, GDP deflator (%) 11.7% 14.37% 13.23% 16.08% 16.57% 15.2% 19.29% 11.84% 10.41% 7.72% 6.77% 4.1%
Nasphilitae NPE Unemployment (total %) 19.91% 24.81% 21.31% 17.85% 14.42% 9.28% 8.48% 7.44% 7.09% 6.26% 5.01% 4.95%
Nasphilitae NPE Population, total 15997500 16072705 16147730 16313400 16479950 16885960 17010800 17330139 17775000 17924000 18000000 18184000
Nasphilitae NPE Population growth (%) #N/A 0.46% 1.02% 1.01% 2.40% 0.73% 1.84% 2.50% 0.83% 0.42% 1.01% 1.75%
Nasphilitae NPE Urban population 12590033 12695830 12819683 13031144 13276248 13789075 14139377 14682094 15272280 15470204 15487200
Nasphilitae NPE Urban population (%) 78.70% 78.99% 79.39% 79.88% 80.56% 81.66% 83.12% 84.72% 85.92% 86.31% 86.04%
Nasphilitae NPE Rural population 3407468 3376875 3328047 3282256 3203702 3096885 2871423 2648045 2502720 2453796 2512800
Nasphilitae NPE Rural population (% of total) 21.3% 21.01% 20.61% 20.12% 19.44% 18.34% 16.88% 15.28% 14.08% 13.69% 13.96%
Nasphilitae NPE Population, female 8165124 8203508.632 8241801.392 8327990.7 8413014.475 8623659.772 8689116.64 8859167.0568 9097245 9180672.8 9212400 9279295.2
Nasphilitae NPE Population, female (%) 51.04% 51.04% 51.04% 51.05% 51.05% 51.07% 51.08% 51.12% 51.18% 51.22% 51.18% 51.03%
Nasphilitae NPE Population, male 7832376 7869196.368 7905928.608 7985409.3 8066935.525 8262300.228 8321683.36 8470971.9432 8677755 8743327.2 8787600 8904704.8
Nasphilitae NPE Population, male (%) 48.96% 48.96% 48.96% 48.95% 48.95% 48.93% 48.92% 48.88% 48.82% 48.78% 48.82% 48.97%
Nasphilitae NPE Life expectancy at birth, years 74.74 74.8 74.68 74.41 74.14 74.02 74.2 70.13 70.21 69.88 68.41 70.02
Nasphilitae NPE Literacy rate (%) 98.56% 98.65% 98.94% 98.6% 99.12% 98.61% 99.15% 99.22% 99.37% 99.45% 99.61% 99.73%
Nasphilitae NPE Compulsory education, duration (years) 14 14 14 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
Nasphilitae NPE Gini index 61.7 58.7 54.32 51.7 49.2 46.7 46.1 45.4 44.7 44.2 43.75 43.61
Nasphilitae NPE Prevalence of current tobacco use (%) 25.38% 26.77% 27.2% 27.4% 27.7% 28.1% 28.4% 29.1% 29.6% 29.9% 30.3% 30.5%
Nasphilitae NPE Prevalence of amphetamine use (%) 43.46% 44.39% 57.43% 59.54% 53.03% 56.66% 69.63% 71.49% 75.63% 75.97% 76.49%
Nasphilitae NPE Prevalence of amphetamine addiction (%) 0.3% 0.3% 0.4% 0.45% 0.5% 0.72% 1.03% 1.35% 1.75% 2.32% 2.94%
Nasphilitae NPE Rate of malnourishment 4% 4% 3.9% 3.8% 3.8% 3.4% 2.8% 2.5% 2.5% 2.6% 2.6% 2.6%
Nasphilitae NPE Access to electricity (%) 99.15% 99.17% 99% 99.5% 100% 99.5% 99.6% 99.4% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Nasphilitae NPE Drinking water services (%) 96.94% 97.31% 97.68% 98.04% 98.4% 98.76% 99.12% 99.37v 99.54% 99.71% 100% 100%
Nasphilitae NPE Rule of Law: (change) -0.55 0.41 1.45 0.08 2.27 0.64 -0.66 0.06 -0.03 0.07 1.61 2.72
Nasphilitae NPE Political Stability: (change) -0.71 5.385 -2.8 -1.63 3.81 2.67 -11.84 -1.79 -0.69 2.69 3.77 2.81
Nasphilitae NPE Control of Corruption (change) -2.59 -7.84 0.89 3.85 3.95 3.51 -1.92 -0.92 1.02 1.81 1.98 2.82
Nasphilitae NPE Government Effectiveness (change) -13.3 -17.13 3.12 7.03 4.17 4.09 -11.31 -4.27 -0.34 0.28 3.11 5.2

Internationalisation of the World Forum Law:

Nasphilitae had internationalised World Forum legislation over the course of January to February of 2024. The Codifying Internationalisation of International Law & Customs Act of 2024. adapts all existing WF Resolutions and extensively codifies non-WF International customary law as well. By "internationalisation" it is meant that these rules have been included within the domestic legal system, granting them the same strength and status as domestic legislation.

The Act was passed prior to Nasphilitae submitting to join the World Forum as an Observer state. Interestingly, the Act includes a provision in which any violation of either World Forum (imperative or not) legislation or general customary International law is met with automatic sanctions. These sanctions are "universal" in scope -- meaning they apply to: foreign state, business/private or physical/individual entities; as well as domestic public officials, private or physical entities.

Cultural Exchange Institutes (Active and Planned):

Part of The Joint Service (, a State-Public initiative which serves to automate "ordinary bilateral relations" between civilians and institutions of Nasphilitae with other countries. These include Student Exchange Programs, Cross-Cultural Institutes, availability of investment in the AGSE through bond stakes. Although military cooperation is listed as an available service, it's not automated.

Current cross-cultural agreements include:

  •  Sedunn • Cross-Cultural Institute • Sedunnic Overseas Maritime Community Nasphilitae in Agorport • Nasphiliti Maritime and Aerial Development Exchange in Troma • Chairwoman Ynn Tarienn
  •  Eflad • Cross-Cultural Institute • Efladian Culture Exchange in Suhavenster • Nasphiliti Comparative Political Exchange in Münnen • Dr. Anna Sörensen and John Watson
  •  Kliegme • Cross-Cultural Institute • Huidiek Institute of Culture in New Sorthane • Nasphiliti Comparative Crabrian Systems in Yatagaras • Dr. Yuri Min and Andrew Wightt

Current student exchange programs include:

Socio-economic Demographic Data (2022-2024):

(WIP:By end of year).

Major Urban Centers:



New Sorthane:

Fort Masontown:

Politics and Legal System

Nasphilitae is a democratic, republican, electoral monarchy, with regional, parliamentary elements. The legislative power is vested in the The National Parliament, comprised of The Lower House of Country Collective and the The Upper House of Localities. It is based on the fusion of powers instead of branch separation of powers principle. However, it utilizes separation of duties in granting absolute Judiciary Sovereignty and Judicial, Legislative and Crown review, in aims of counter-balancing the Dual mandate issue of Parliamentarism. Additionally, Nasphilitae utilizes Parliamentary privilege legal immunity instead of the Parliamentary immunity of legislative privilege, meaning that Public Officials are not immune to prosecution for criminal cases but only civil ones, enjoyed only on the grounds of the National Parliament and when acting in the office of a Public Official. The National Parliament exercises legislative power through The bicameral Lower and Upper Houses. The National Parliament of Nasphilitae is committee-oriented, rather than debate-oriented. However, the following two cabinets are limited to 10 total main ones and hold no authority over "HM Cabinets", which are selected by the Head of State.

Diagram showing the current election process in Nasphilitae.
Electoral process in Nasphilitae as of 2024., rough Diagram.

The "Head of Government" (formal name: Speaker) chooses his "cabinet", called "Executive Offices", together representing the executive separated duty of Nasphilitae. The Head of HM Shadow Cabinet chooses his "cabinet" (which mirrors those of the Executive Offices), called "Head Committees" together representing the legislative control over the executive duty. Finally, ""The Plenary Committee"" is comprised of MPs in the Upper House, which have been left without membership in either the Executive Offices nor the Head Committees nor their sub-organisational bodies. The Plenary Committee is tasked with judicial-legislative review of' all Public Offices (term encompassing wider employment than executive offices; exception to public offices are those of the Judiciary branch) in Nasphilitae, utilising the Parliamentary privilege to inquire and prosecute other Public Officers. The Plenary Committee works in the interest of the Nasphilitae Public Safety and Collective Interests.

This system has been termed by Robert Stenhouse as "majoritarian proportionalism" and "a web of matrices checking and balancing one another". Nasphilitae uses mostly a mixture of Common Law and Customs Law legal systems. Importantly, due to the Home Rule Act of 1661 automatically prohibiting all which isn't explicitly legal, The Nasphilitae philosophy of politics and justice rely on negative rights presumptions and positive rights aspirations. The Nasphiliti institutions mimic the Nasphiliti culture of "Natural-Ral Law" traditions in legal and political philosophy. Judicial interpretation over time has developed the following hierarchy: Inherited customs precede Inherited codified laws of constitutional strength precede Judicial interpretation developed over time precede rulings of the Supreme Court preceding Parliamentary-lead inquiries and prosecutions, preceding "High Noble" (formally Royal) Court rulings, which take precedence over Acts passed by the Parliament and under which "Customary Acts" (meaning administrative and civil decisions made by lower courts & executive bodies).

Current System

The Lower House MPs (225) are elected every five years on a national level using a two-round voting system. The First Round uses a Droop Quota proportional representation for 1/3 the total seats. The Second Round is held five days after the first. Candidate ballot in the second round is comprised of the two parties which had the most votes in the first round. The second round uses a relative majority, winner-takes-all voting system. Leader of the winning party in the Second Round is the Speaker and Head of Government, while his second-round opposing candidate is the Head of HM's Shadow Cabinet. MPs of the Lower House represent the Will and protect the interests of Nasphilitae Collective (including the state, citizens, and private entities).

Lower House (after second round results) of Nasphilitae following 2024 elections.
Lower House (includes 2nd round) 2024.

The Upper House MPs (631) are elected every seven years on local-municipal level (administrative unit of Localities) using a relative majority first-past-the-post system. Each voting constituency winning ballot sends a delegation to the Upper House. The MPs of the Upper House represent the Will and protect the interests of their local constituency and (also often, although not legally obligated) Region/Earldom. An exclusion to this are MPs of the Upper House which are also members of The Plenary Committee.

Upper House of Nasphilitae following 2024 elections.
Upper House after 2024 elections.

The Head of State holds the title of Grand Duk of Nasphilitae, they are elected for a life-term. The procedure is as follows; three candidates are are elected among the Fifteen Peers by their 75 Earls. Then, multiple rounds of National votes may be held, until the single candidate receives absolute majority (only in this context, more than 50%+1 of the vote). The Grand Duke works in the State and Public interests of Nasphilitae. The Grand Duke is authorised with selecting Heads of HM Cabinets. The Cabinets cover the sectors of: International Relations (currently, Earl Quinlann Emmerson) within the HM Cabinet for External Affairs; Grand General of the Royal Armed Forces (currently, General-Peer David Atkinsons); and Lead Director for the Agency for Identification and Documentation (currently, Peeress Madison Edwards).

Past Systems

Nasphilitae introduced universal suffrage in 1845 with the Act of Commoner Suffrage. From 1845-1852, it was a unicameral Assembly without fixed terms or procedures, practicing proportional representation, with a total of 82 seats. From 1852-1901., it was a two house Parliament where the Upper House seats were allocated to municipal delegates, with dual election cycles of four and ten years, using a mixed voting system (Lower House proportionalism, Upper House majoritarianism). From 1901-1928., the Upper House had been re-adjusted as to include Corporatist representation instead, which mainly favoured the working class and union members. The P3 Coalition period of 1962-1988 re-introduced unicameralism, finally expanding the total number of seats to 405 chosen on a four-year term, though saw only the P3 Coalition form government majorities. From 1988-2001., the opposing Reform Party introduced SNTV for electing the Head of Government and increased (gradually) the total number of seats to 750, with no fixed terms. In 2001., the Innsbolt-Palmer Coalition had managed to defeat both The P3 Coalition and the Reform Party, prohibiting them from running for Parliament seats in 2004.

Prominent Ideologies


Former ideology prominent during the reign of King Carl Darzens (1901-1928). Overseeing the introduction of a new Electoral system in 1901., which displayed Corporatist elements. Favoured by the working class of Nasphilitae at the time as it provided labour unions and their members direct representation and influence in the Parliament. Darzens continued his predecessors' "golden age" with Nasphilitae seeing the (until-then) sharpest rise in living standards. Despite most efforts being revolved around enacting social reforms as to encourage reformism and quell the growing militancy among impoverished citizens, the reign of Darzens is often called "The Strife" as political freedoms consequent of the new Electoral System sharply increased citizens involvement in politics. The lack of apathy and high participation seen during Darzens reign has yet to be recreated. "Darzenianism" favoured an atypical combination of Royalism and Socialism, leading some to later dub Darzens as "The red tory" and his followers Red tories.


Former ideology prominent during the reign of Queen Dorothy Atkinsons (1851-1901). Atkinsons rationalised (monetised) colonial duties which Nasphilitae, as a colonial dominion, had to deliver to The Austral Empire. This ended the overbearing natural tax for factories and workshops and led to the development of financial service institutions, as well as a blooming domestic shipbuilding-maritime sector. Additionally, in 1852., Atkinsons managed to negotiate the elevation from the Dominion of Nasphilitae to that of a Crownlanded Grand Duchy of Nasphilitae. In practice, this ended mercantile policies from the Empire, which until then limited trade of the Dominion to only itself. The rapid expansion of development in Nasphilitae was mainly thanks to the now unrestrained industry and commerce sectors. As such, the growing new owner bourgeoisie class organised themselves into the Parliament (until 1899 elections, called the Assembly) as The Whigs. Favouring limited economic intervention from the state, they would develop the domestic equivalent of Paleoliberalism, into what would later become referred to as "Dorothianism" until the founding of the P3 Coalition.

The Electoral System of 1852 had surprisingly staunch opposition and was barely passed. It introduced a two house Assembly, initiated local representation in the Upper House, codified elements of decentralisation and deconentralised finances to local municipalities. The latter served as primary reason for criticism, as it created growing fears of future devolution policies and federalisation. Additionally and rather oddly, it had a two-term election cycle, in which elections would be held in ten and four years. Atkinsons explained this reasoning near the end of her reign and life, "Four-year terms to test, filter and teach; Ten-year terms as reward or punishment of the previous", though it wasn't guaranteed that the same candidates would win the same Assembly seats consecutively.

P3 Coalition

The P3 Coalition takes its' name from a compromise made between former Darzenians (by then, organised into "Praxis ideology") and Dorothians (organised into "Praxeology ideology"), spearheaded by philosophy scholars who called themselves Pragmatists. It was found in 1955. after the Parliamentary elections of 1953. were rigged by The Military Junta, which fueled dissent among the Praxis and the Praxeologists, providing them with lack of attention towards democratic procedures during elections. Pragmatism itself emerged as an attempt to reconcile philosophical approach favoured by surrounding countries with those brought during initial settlement from Austra. Instead of addressing key issues differentiating the two, Pragmatists sought to expand their result-based naturalistic evaluation of arguments and thought processes. This rejection of giving primacy to either data oriented empirical or logical operated paradigms was not welcomed by either the Praxis nor the Praxeologists. Consequently, the elections of 1956. were once again tampered. However, enough seats were won for the Nobility to pass Ordinance of Peerage Monopoly on Arms in 1958., which would prove fundamental in ending rule of the Military Junta. Formalising the alliance through Noble Ordinance demanding the Coalition be made, this time including all members of both Praxis and Praxeology groups, the P3 (Praxis Praxeology Pragmatism) Coalition won in the Elections of 1962, formally ending The Junta Rule period.

However, the P3 Coalition Ordinance hadn't been disbanded until 2024., which gradually increased citizens apathy from 1962 to 1988 elections. Over its' 26 year continual electoral victories, the P3 Coalition was inert (due to lack of any consensus on most policies) and mostly pursuing technocratic measures (the term has a negative context in Nasphilitae) which the opposing "Reform Party" saw as endangering democratic and republican principles of Nasphilitae. While that was true, the "Reform Party" would campaign on introducing Single Non Transferable Vote for the Head of Government. For context, the electoral system between 1962. and 1988. had been proportionalist and unicameral. Victory of the Reform Party in 1988. began Period dubbed the Lost Decade, which would last until (no consensus) either 1998., 2001. or 2004. The year of 1998. was when Speaker of the Parliament and future right-hand man of Innsbolt, Palmer, would be selected into that position and meet Innsbolt. The year of 2001. was when Innsbolt and Palmer would win majority against both the "Reform Party" and "The P3 Coalition". Finally, the year 2004. was when The Reform Party and The P3 Coalition would be prohibited from running for seats in the National Parliament (although they were not prohibited until 2011 and 2013, respectively). Declining living standards and over-regulations passed by the Reform Party between 1988. until 2001., coupled with even lower participation rate caused by SNTV voting system, are today the two agreed-upon reasons which allowed for Innsbolt-Palmer (after 2013., only Innsbolt) to win and institute the "Dictatorship", mostly known for lack of media freedoms and policies of "Import-Substituted Re-Industrialisation".

Praxis Wing



Praxeology Wing


Reformed Dorothians




Four legislative regulations, two essays, and three HM Cabinet documents are foundational to the currently ongoing transitionary period of macroeconomics in Nasphilitae. This periods evaluation is divisive, as it is true that Nasphilitae living standards were at their lowest during The Lost Decade under "Reform Party" Post-industrialism (1988―2002). According to RANDICE and Innsbolt himself, stagnation from 2002―2013 continued mostly as a result of Palmers more status quo approach to Innsbolts reformation.
This observable in both Bartletts recovered National Registry data (see the demographic section) and in cliometric work by mostly Candice and to a certain extent Kamala Cohens. However, its become evident that the second period of the lowest living standards Nasphilitae went through was during the political transition from 2019―2020, though it seems to have been recovering rapidly. Notably, the economic transition is perceived domestically as more crucial than the prior political one, according to Stenhouse, at least.

Labour Productivity In Nasphilitae
Labour Productivity In Nasphilitae

Aforementioned four legislative Acts enacted during 2024 include: "The Simulacra Package", "Collective constitutional Charter for establishing the Joint Service", "Act of public works and construction offerings", and "Act on workplace organisation". The Joint Service is a ccTLD government website which automates mundane processes, in an effort to both increase transparency and decrease inefficient allocation of administrators. It automates establishment of cross-cultural institutes, portfolio investments(until August), AGSE stock market listings, student exchange programs, consulate-level foreign interaction, and is in the process of providing the NIC.
The Nasphiliti Industrial Criteria, envisioned in both the Simulacra Package and on the Joint Service website, is a listing of all "lucrative entities" in Nasphilitae; ranked by their asset standing. A crucial context to understand the reasoning behind this is in Cohens and Morans essays. An extensive cross-analysis is performed in reaching the conclusion of Nasphilitaes ongoing macroeconomic crisis being the result of Cash Flow Liquid Circulation.
This is a historical precedent, at least domestically, as it appears that-- while fixed, human and reproductive capital is constantly increasing, no benefits are seen due to lack of attached financial assets to the capital. This is what the Simulacra Package attempts to address, by issuing "Sovereign Government Funds" (which is a direct implementation of an idea set by Candice), wherein the purchase of shares at one point in time by one entity is "guaranteed" returns of at least x2.5 the value invested.
It also introduces what Moran had referred to as "simulated confidence", Candice as "a time-based CDO-CSO hazard", while Stenhouse termed it "Volatile Confident Volatility" and "Ontological security applied in finance". The Act in question offers incentives to secondary (loan) banks and reinsurance entities (stock certificate issuers) to keep interest rates lower than 5% fo Residual, BBB, and A risk creditors, while offering equal to or less than 2% interest rates to AA, Junior AAA and senior AAA risk creditors. Additionally, it removed any debt ceiling which the Central Bank or the Treasury of Nasphilitae must follow.

History and Cliometrics of Nasphiliti Economy

Cliometrics of Nasphilitae by Sector

Nasphiliti economy has historically been driven by three major sectors:

- Agricultural-Distribution Chain Monopoly of the Nasphiliti Nobility

- Financial-Trade-Docking-Shipping Services

- Workshop-Mechanisation-Industrialisation-Reindustrialisation Factories.

As Candice & Kamala Cohen have noted in their works, the "Golden Age" of Nasphilitae during the reign of Queen Dorothy Atkinsons comes from one crucial policy enacted by her: "Monetisation-Fiscalisation" of colonial duties. With it, Nasphilitae has been lifted of mercantilism and was granted right to free trade with other countries in exchange for annual payment to the Austral Empire.

Observable contributions, albeit minor, have continuously been in the sectors of:

- Ship/Mechanical/Product Maintenance Services

- Processing raw materials into intermediary industrial goods

- Woodworking-Carpentry-Construction chained sectors.

Recent developments include:

Research & Cryptography, which aided the development of an early Technology sector, particularly within Computational-Security analysis (such as Social Network Analysis) and Networking protocols.

Most recently, as a result of "Import Substitution Re-Industrialisation" policies:

Heavy Industrial sectors (namely, industrial design of intermediary mechanical equipment and its production) have developed;

Together with Biotechnology (namely, in production of Biofuel and Pharmaceuticals). These two new sectors are likely key contributors to the ongoing pollution crisis.

Kamala Cohen (elder sister of Candice) has identified seven key periods in Political Economy of Nasphilitae by policies:

Seven Periods
Sector Focus Relative Period
Agriculture, Workshop & Navigation 1661-1750s
Construction & Shipping Services 1750s-1851
Military-Industrial Complex & Financial Services 1851-1950s
Technology & Cryptography 1950s-1988
Post-Industrialism 1988-2001
Import Substituted Re-Industrialisation 2001-2019

Infrastructural Public Work Program (2024-2025):

However, the Simulacra package envisions these provisions lasting no longer than August, December, and April (2025, when the first regular elections are scheduled). The Simulacra Package re-opened the AGSE Listings, though limiting share-holding to the portfolio level of 20% total. AGSE was likely re-launched as forming the NIC listing would've taken the Joint Service additional months of data collection to launch. An example of the portfolio investment and this entire arrangement is the "Secondary instrumental regulation" of "Act of public works and construction offerings". It details the process of state-public-private joint endeavours in the field of specific infrastructural projects (rail, pave, port and air revitalisations), which was open to foreign entities.

APSE Company Listings upon First being Re-opened (FebW2).

Major Companies

Lucrative entities in Nasphilitae follow a different categorisation schema than seen elsewhere. It follows eight criteria for classification(likely why the NIC still hasn't formed), which are:

  1. By creaton:


  1. By liability:

•Limited by shares•Limited by responsiblity•Limited by SGNs•Unlimited (De facto standard)

  1. By ownership:

•Private•Public-Worker cooperative•State

  1. By external control:


  1. By internal control:

•Holding ubsidiary•Associate-Affiliate•Central

  1. By number of employees
  2. By estimated total value of all capital.

The current AGSE lists: "ENGeN" (Instrumentation mechanical corporation); "MXCHA" (R&D and Industrial Design); "AmpoChem (Inc.)" (Biochemical); "Kons (Inc.)" (Construction and infrastrucure); "Granhalia" (Biofuel); and "PrototAutomaton" (R&D, intermediary machine part production, and automation).


The Education system in Nasphilitae is divided into four major groups:

The Mandatorian

  • The Mandatorian: Equivalent to elementary, primary, secondary and post-secondary schooling in other countries; Lasting 16 years (age 5-21). Note that completing The Mandatorian is a required for any future enrollment or employment. The Mandatorian System is divided into three "levels" within itself, based on age of the pupils and grades.
    • Basic Level (Age 5-11): Characterised by Minimally monitored pedagogy-tutorship approach, best described by the tutors principle of "Discipline without Punishment or Rewards" (DPR Principle). School days: 175/365. Hours per Day: 10 hours. Tutor-Pupil Number: 1-35. Subjects: Arithmetic (1-3), Art (1), Austral, Geometry (1-4), Logic (1), First Foreign Language, Physical Education.
    • Middevel (Age 11-16): A noticeable, stark difference is the abrupt transition into Standardised tutorship and Punitive pedagogy approaches. To couple the contrast, the amount of time expected to be invested is nearly inverse, despite the increase in subjects.. School days: 110/365. Hours per Day: 5 hours. Professor-Pupil Number: 13-25. Subjects: Algebra (1-2), Art (2-4), Austral (Linguistics), Computer Science (1-3), Chemistry (General, Inorganic), Geometry (5-8), History (Domestic), Logic (2), First Foreign Language, Second Foreign Language, Physical Education, Pre-Calculus (1-3), Regional/Strategic Studies (1).
    • Advanced (Age 17-21): Re-introduced the Minimally monitored approach in pedagogy, while mandating a mixture of Inquiry -- Network Peer tutorship. School days: 150/365. Hours per Day: 12 hours. Professor-Pupil Number: 9-50. Subjects: Art & Austral (Literature), Calculus & Computer Science (4), Chemistry (Organic), History (Foreign), Logic (Non-boolean), First Foreign Language, Second Foreign Language, Regional Intercultural Studies (2-5).

Post-Mandatorian: University

  • The University:Level BA: Equivalent to Bachelor and/or Graduate Degree in other countries; Lasting four years (age 21-25). Note that BA education in Nasphilitae is tuition-free, with each half-semester requiring participation in at least one internship program by each student. However, the barrier for entrance (evident by high criteria for passing the entrance exam), as well as the curriculum are considered one of the most difficult in The South Pacific. Despite this, the Universities of Suhavenster, New Sorthane and Agorport have a 4:5 enrollment:graduation rate. Unlike The Mandatorian System, Universities enjoy a large degree of autonomy, exemplified by each their respective "Statute of the University".
    • The University:Level MA: Equivalent to Masters/Magistrate in other countries. It is mandated that all MA programs in Nasphilitae last for two calendar years; With the barrier of entry requiring a minimum of 8.75/10 overall BA score, coupled with the as-hard-as-BA entrance exam.

Post-Mandatorian: Vocational

  • Technicum: Equivalent to "Trade/Vocational" education in other countries; Age above 21 with a completed Mandatorian System. Technicums enjoy the greatest level of autonomy, as the education is usually provided privately, by a Master of some Trade.


  • RANASA: Limited to Nobility and the (exceptionally) talented civilians. Begins at age 3. The National Education System does not regulate RANASA programs nor protocols. It is regarded as a private educational facility, the only one legal within Nasphilitae. Located in Fort Masontown.

Open Public Access Library and IaN Project

NCSAC Classification System

Universities of Nasphilitae

International Relations

International Relations of Nasphilitae are conducted by the Head of HM Cabinet for External Affairs, the Grand Duke and Head of State of Nasphilitae, by Institutions of the Join Service, the Head Embassy of Nasphilitae to the World Forum and extraordinarily, by The Lead Director of the AID. However, all matters of International Relations are accountable only to The Grand Duke and Head of State, which is held responsible for all foreign events and relations. The Head of State is tasked with formal hosting and visitations to other countries and their respective Head of States or Head of Governments.

Divisions in formal accountability and operational conduct are the result of departmentalisation-specialisation. Namely, the Diplomatic corpus is comprised of experts which have finished the RANASA training and education for the tasks of Grand-Consuls and Head Ambassadors. The Head of HM Cabinet for External Affairs is delegated with the task of assembling and sorting the Diplomatic corpus, as well as being in constant communication with them. The Head Embassy of Nasphilitae to the World Forum is exempt from this, as they are held directly accountable to the The Grand Duke and Head of State instead. The Lead Director of the AID is responsible for all foreign activities which AID personnel may be tasked with. Conduction of foreign activities by the AID requires the approval of the Head of State as well.

Lastly, Institutions of the Join Service enjoy the highest autonomy in their aspects. They are responsible for Cross-Cultural Institutes, Student Exchange Programmes, the Agorport Stock Exchange and Formal Military Cooperation Agreements. The Joint Service shares the tasks of conducting external economic affairs such as trade, investments and monetary exchange with the Head of State, the Head of Government and the Head of HM's Shadow Government.

All International Relations of Nasphilitae are exercised with the goals outlined in Collective Security Documents, which include short-term (5 years), median-term (15-25 years) and long-term (50+ years) plans. Certain aspects of the CSD's may be updated annually, specifically reports on progress towards these goals and analysis of past years' world events. The primary motivation of CSD goals is the National Interest of Nasphilitae, which is to say, to increase the power projection (divided into military power, economic power and cultural power) and prestige of Nasphilitae. This is done as to materialise a state of international global affairs which is beneficial for Nasphilitae.

History of International Relations:

Dominion Status (1662-1852):

Interaction with Karnetvorian and Almannic groups:

Interaction with Montacian, Garan and Sedunnic groups:

Relations with Austra (1852-1952):

Relations during the Great War

Relations with Imperials during the Great War:

Karnetvor and Almannophone countries:

Relations with Allies during the Great War:




Relations during The Iron Century


Kliegmian Civil War:


Bloc Alignment:

U.S.I. and Ryccia

Besern and Frost

Present Day Relations

Relations with Austra after 1952:

Joint Service

RANASA Classification System of Great and Regional Powers:

Nasphilitae relations in the Crabry Region

Collective Security Documents:

"Naturalist-Constructionist" School of International Relations:

"Active Approach" and Multilateral Strategy:

"Mediator Approach" and Bilateral Strategy:

"Cultural Dimension" Emphasis:

AID-Centric Interpretation:

World Forum-Centric Interpretation:

Cultural-Centric Interpretation:

Robert Stenhouses "Informational-Diplomatic Internal Conflict" Hypothesis:

Armed Forces of Nasphilitae

The Armed forces of Nasphilitae (officially: Royal Armed Forces of the Grand Duchy of Nasphilitae) are the unified military forces of Nasphilitae, including land, sea, and air commands referred to as the Royal Ground Army, Royal Naval and Maritime Forces, and the Royal Airforces. Common pseudonyms and acronyms include: "The Military", "RGA", "Royal Navy", and "The RAF"; respectively. The Military also operates several other commands, including the recently developed Rapid Reaction Forces (RRF), Disaster Relief Deployment Forces (DRDF), "The Militia Forces" which at present refer to the Military Police and Border Guard, and The Specialised Police Unit within Law enforcement. The Military operates alongside other institutions, including the AID Department Eight responsible for MILINT, the Nasphiliti Joint Service Head Command, and the Diplomatic Corpus Special Operations Command. Strictly speaking of The Military; Personnel may belong to the Permanent Noble Forces, the Regular Noble Conscription Forces, the Regular Civilian RRF and DRDF Forces, The Militia, the Special Police Unit, or the National Emergency Reserve Forces. Under the Ordinance on Peerage Monoopoly of Arms of 1958., the Royal Armed Forces are an entity separate and distinct from other The HM Cabinets in particular the current Public Office of "Grand General of the Royal Armed Forces of Nasphilitae", as well as from either The Joint Service or the CSDs (the national government institutions responsible for the administration, automation, formulation, and formation of defence and foreign policies), which also exists as the civilian support system for the forces.

The Supreme Command (domestic equivalent to commander-in-chief) of the Royal Armed Forces is traditionally vested in the monarch, HSH, the Grand Duke and Head of State. The current title is held by Dawson Ernst, who is exempt from the customary rule due to his Service in the Military, from which he also holds the professional-operational position of Chief of command over the Royal Airforces. Alongside the mentioned offices, Council of the Royal Armed Forces also consists of: Grand General and Chief of Command of the Royal Naval and Maritime Forces (currently General-Peer David Atkinsons; The Speaker, Head of Government, and Chief of Command of the Royal Ground Army (currently Syd G Patton; and Lead Director of the AID Directorate (currently Peeress Madison Edwards. The Council manages operations of the Royal Armed Forces.

As of 2023., enacted budget for 2024., Nasphilitaes military expenditure accounts for 2% of the countrys GDP expenditure budget, which is $20,340,504,787 or $20.3 billion — placing it amongst one of the lowest military expenditure countries in The South Pacific. However, when accounting for The Ordinance and Nobilitys personal investment into their equipment and training, the total budget is estimated to be around $32.71 billion. This phenomenon has been referred to as "Military budget masking". The Royal Armed Forces are a professional, exclusionary and (with purposely high standards for eligibility) volunteer force. It consists of 5,000 permanent Noble personnel, additional 12,000 of the regular Noble conscription personnel, 35,000 regular civilian personnel in the RRF and DRDF, 3,500 Militia MP and Borderguard personnel, and 2,500 Specialised Police Unit personnel. The National Emergency Reserve Forces include all able-bodied citizens of Nasphilitae age 21-65, which are obliged to draft mobilization when a State of Collective Emergency is declared. Special Units within the Permanent Noble Forces and the Regular Noble Conscription Forces are estimated to number between 750-1250, one such unit (Special Operation Paratrooper Shock Batallion 991) was created by Dawson Ernst, during his conscription, in 2019. The total number of civilians employed in the Diplomatic Corpus Special Operations Command and AID Department Eight MILINT Operations Unit remain unknown. Madame Adrianna Rolston Head Ambassador to the World Forum has publicly declared to have been employed in both the DCSOC for HUMINT, transferred after being employed in AID Unit Nine for SIGINT. Although the employment is known, the exact division of tasks (SIGINT, HUMINT, MILINT) among different institutions in Nasphilitae is largely speculative.

Airforce-Centered & Superior Firepower Doctrine

Recent developments and future challenges

Rapid Reaction Forces:

Disaster Relief Deployment Forces:

Intelligence Services, Cryptography and Espionage

Due to a peculiar macroeconomic policies in the past and political economic system in the present, coupled with limited participation in the Royal Armed Forces of Nasphilitae by Ordinance on Peer Monopoly of Arms, Nasphilitae relied on Intelligence Agencies & Informational Security historically. as its main focus of the three pillars of power. Historical circumstances which invisibly guided Nasphilitae this policy include: Access to early industrialisation; Settler-colonial human capital; Distance from the Austral Empire (granting it de facto self-rule) and rationalisation of colonial duties; Skepticism towards both Empiricism of Austra and Logic reliance of other civilisations; "Observation-isolationism" - as in studying other countries from a distance, mercantile diligence; Robust education system; Early access to both political and workers rights; and the P3 Coalitions technological pedestal -- All invisibly lead Nasphilitae to early developments in Cryptography.

Historically, this has been a double-edged sword. Two events showcasing abuse of Cryptography include the Defunct Department Nine of AID and its experiments, as well as the inexistence of clearly defined boundaries which AID is responsible for.

Positively, it has brought the digital revolution early into Nasphilitae, having developed one of the first intranet networking systems and computational technologies. Still positively, the general conspiracy theories surrounding AID cause malicious foreign actors to view Nasphilitae as "too much investment for not enough gain" in attempting to conquer or coerce it.

Agency for Identification and Documentation

Department Nine (Defunct)

Department Eight

Department Ten

See Also